6/23/2019  Sunday Call 


 In Those Higher Vibrations, You Will Manifest Those Things That You Want



KaRa (Pleiadian Emissary)  and One Who Serves (Ascended Master collective) channeled by James McConnell 


Shoshanna (Joanna's Higher Self)


These messages were given during our weekly Sunday  Prepare For Change group based in Payson, AZ  on June 23, 2019. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)


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KaRa  (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am KaRa.  


It is always a pleasure to be with all of you, to be able to share, communicate in this way, this way that will become much more known to you over the short period of times that are ahead in this old paradigm.  For the new paradigm has begun. 


Even though you may not yet be aware fully of how things have changed and shifted dramatically, we, from our vantage point, can see the changes that are happening.  We can see them.  But you can feel them.  You can sense them.  They are happening quite rapidly now. 


Certainly, your discussion earlier of ‘Believing is Seeing’ is all about this.  Believe that the energies are coming into the planet.  Believe that these waves have been coming in.  Believe that The Event is and will happen.  Believe in your ability to manifest that which you want in your lives.  Believe, believe, believe, and you will see over, and over, and over again.  And the more that you believe, then the more that you see, the more you will continue to have these experiences as you had been sharing earlier. 


For it is all about now manifesting in the higher realms, in the higher vibrations.  But in order to do that, in order to bring more immediate manifestations, you need to be in those higher vibrations.  You need to feel the life all around you and within you, the consciousness of The One.  And as you feel that, as you experience that, as you be that, you will manifest much, much quicker in your lives. 


As you are in those higher vibrations, you will manifest those things that you want, not those things that you do not want, not those things that continue to be a development of your programming.  Because you have all been programmed over, and over, and over for many lifetimes.  But it was purposeful that you did so when you came here originally so that you could be a part of this evolution, so that you could understand this evolution, and be able to, as One, bring this evolution into a higher level of consciousness.  And that is what you are all doing. 


And as you continue to believe that you can manifest what you want, then you can be in those higher vibrations that we have been speaking of where you can then be in a place literally where you can be contacted by us.  For that is what we, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Antarians, etc., etc. all of us have been working to prepare you for.  To prepare you, not only for first contact (for that is already in process), but to prepare you for a full contact. 


Full contact, meaning that we can be there with you, or you here with us, if that is what you desire.  And many of you on this call, many of you in this group, many of you, and many of the other groups across the planet desire this greatly. 


Because you are reaching out once again to those that you have left so long ago, those families that you were a part of, and that they are a part of you.  I speak now of your multi-dimensional selves as well as all of those that you left behind a long, long time ago.  But as time is relative, after the reunions, after the delegations have come to the planet and you have come to the delegations and have actually become a part of those delegations, after all of this, you will be reunited with those families, those ones that are connected so strongly with each and every one of you.  That is what is ahead for all of you. 


And all of us that are watching over this entire process, some simply watching, some participating at great levels, some even on the surface, there, working together with those of your resistance force, are your Alliance.  Many of us are working closely to bring all of these changes about that have been spoken of, all of the many processes that are in the works with your financial processes, your governmental processes, all of those various areas that you have heard of, but that you know only still are happening behind the scenes in the background. 


For those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear, the information is there.  The truth is there.  All you need to do is reach out for that truth and it will be revealed to you.  And that truth will be revealed to a great many more across the planet, as it must be so.  For the truth cannot be held back for much longer. 


And know that you, as the Lightworkers and Warriors, you are the truth.  You are the way, truth, the life, and the light.  You are that.  Be that now.  Be that shining light that reaches out beyond your three-dimensional awareness, reaches out to all of those who are ready to reach back to you, who are clamoring for the light.  Even though many of them do not even know what the light is yet, but they shall.  For the light will reveal all that was held in the shadows.  It is destined.  You are destined. You are destined to be that light that reveals the shadows. 


I am KaRa, and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue to reach up to the skies:  for as you do so, you will find us. 




ONE WHO SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, ,padme, hum;  om, mani padme hum;  hum, hum.   Greetings to you!   One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna also standing by ready to go, ready to do our thing, you might say. 


We are so ready to continue on with this process of ‘Believing is Seeing.’  It is so important that you continue to move in that direction.  Because your whole life, all of your lives, will change as a result of this. 


Believe it, and you will see it.  Believe it, and you will manifest it.  It cannot not be so. 


But also remember that you can manifest what you don’t want as well.  So work on this.  Work on your thoughts and the words that follow your thoughts. 


Do not think in your terms of being sick or ill, or having any kind of maladies of any kind.  Do not say things as “I am sick and tired of this.”  Do not say, “you are driving me crazy.”  Do not say these things any longer, or you will manifest that which you believe, which is also part of your programing.  It is time to move beyond your programming now and create new programs within your life. 


Think of yourselves as computers and the hard drive.  The hard drive that you have come into this life with is full of many things that you may not want in your lives.  Erase the hard drive and replace it with those manifestations that you do want in your life.  It sounds simple, we know, and from your point of view it is not quite so simple to put into action.  But, in reality, it is quite simple.  You just must believe it, and it will be so. 


Do you have questions now for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?


Anyone have questions?  You can now unmute your phones.


Guest:   Hello One Who Serves.  This isn’t a very well-formed question, but the birthing of souls has come to my attention a few times.  But I know that some souls are birthed out of the Central Sun, as Alcyone.  But then I’ve also heard that some souls are not birthed in that process, they are birthed in another way, and like the Earth human souls maybe had a different birth process.  Can you just talk a little about that? 


OWS:   What you are speaking about is a very vast topic, here, and it cannot be explained in a very short time process, here.  But understand that there are billions, trillions, and more of this of souls, and they have many different birth processes, as you are calling it, many different ways that they have manifested over the long, long periods of time, of consciousness, here. 


To begin to understand, you have to go all the way back to the beginnings of creation itself and how those original souls were created, and how those original souls then created more souls from them.  More experiences that they could each have.  And then those souls then created more beyond that, and more and more, until that you have the trillions and trillions of souls that are in existence.  And yes, more are created. 


Just as you, as an ascended being, when you have created or finished your ascension process, you will also then be able to go through this creation process and put down a portion of yourself, just as Sananda put down a portion of himself as Yeshua, and many others have done as well.  And this is somewhat of an answer for your question, although it is much, more involved than this.


Shoshanna, do you wish to add anything, here?


Shoshanna:   We do not have any specific information to add.  What we are curious about, is why is the question asked? 


Guest:   Well, I guess what I am interested more is Earth human souls specifically.  One Who Serves may have kind-of answered my question when he said that ascended souls could create more souls.  But I am wondering, I guess, if nonascended souls could create souls as well.


Shoshanna:   Do you wish to create a soul?


Guest:   No.  I am curious about, I guess it kind of goes back to possibly like the pneumatic human beings, and psychic human beings, and standard human beings.  For instance, our soul group that was birthed out of Halcyon and are, I believe, pneumatic, and then are we walking also around with human beings who somehow have a different birth process, a soul birth process, where they are the psychic race.  That’s more of what I am wondering.


Shoshanna:   There is a variety, here.  There are many skills.  There are many gifts that each soul possesses.  And each soul can evolve to the point where they possess those gifts.  So if you are born with a gift, it is because you have accumulated that gift over eons of time and are presented with that gift to uplift and serve mankind and the universes itself.  So it is a very, very complex subject. 


What we would say is there is no real preparation or distinction.  It is an accumulation of gifts that are learned over eons of time, if that helps.


Guest:   Yeah, I do understand that, as far as being as kind of a spiritual advancement type of a situation, I do understand that.  Ok, that doesn’t really specifically answer my question about the majority of humanity, I guess.


Shoshanna:   We do not answer this because it is not relevant.  It is not relevant to your life today.  What is more relevant to the human’s life today is to learn to be the creator that they were meant to be, and learn to ascend.  That is what is important here. 


OWS:   Yes.  And we would add here that in the ascension process, these types of answers that you are seeking will come as a result of going through your ascension.  All things will be added unto you.


Guest:   Okay, very good.  Thank you both.


Shoshanna:   Yes.  All things.   Namaste, Dear Sister.


Guest:   Yes, namaste.


OWS:   Would there be another question?


Guest:   I have a question. 


OWS:   Yes.  Hi One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  My question is about water.  We use water in our meditations.  Water sings to us.  Our human bodies are made up mostly of water.  Can you tell us something that we have not heard about the water collective, and its significance? 


OWS:   Are you speaking about the consciousness of water as a collective?


Guest:   Yes.


OWS:   That is something that also will come as a result of your moving into these higher vibrations and experiencing it directly.  It is one thing to hear it from us, or to even experience it within your meditation.  It is another thing to actually literally go down to the water’s edge and feel the consciousness of the water, experience the water itself, experience the elemental forces within the water, and the resulting consciousness that is there, and is reaching out to you if you are open to it.  That, in itself, will explain a great deal to you if you would do it.  It does not have to be the ocean.  It can be a stream, a river, anything of this nature.  But go beyond the three-dimensional awareness of the water, and go into the water itself, the consciousness of the water.  And when you do this, you will remember that you have done it many times before in your past lifetimes. 


Guest:   Yes.  I understand it.  It just seems like such a significant part of Source, as water, such an important element, and I wonder if it is in other universes.  It just seems like there is so much more of it.  Yes, I will continue to explore.  Thank you so much, and I love you.


OWS:   Yes.  Shoshanna, anything?


Shoshanna:   Yes, we have something to add.  May we add our perspective, Dear Sister, to this question? 


Guest:   Yes, yes please. 


Shoshanna:   Water is the essence of life force.  All that feel water feel their own life force dwell in them water.  Water reminds them of life force, and reminds them of who they really are as the life force.  There is the significance of water. 


Water has its own consciousness.  But the consciousness of water is life itself, and that is why life develops in water.  The baby develops in this medium called water.  All things develop inside of water, as water lends life force to that which develops with _____.  That is very significant.  But what we would tell you is that the consciousness of water in its pure form is magnificent itself.  However, humans can lend their consciousness to water which could create something quite different.  Humans often do create a negative force within that water because of their mindset and their consciousness.  If you have a clear, beautiful, spiritual consciousness, you can lend that to the worst of water and it will join with you in uplifting itself to create purity.  Does this make sense to you?

Guest:   Yes, and beautifully said.  Thank you, Dear Sister.


Shoshanna:   Thank you.   Namaste.


Guest:   Namaste. 


Guest:   I would like to ask a question. 


OWS:   You are a little bit, (what is your term?) broken up, here. 


Guest:   Can you hear me better now?


OWS:   Yes, a little bit better.  Go ahead with your question.


Guest:   Thank you.  I am so grateful for the information that you just revealed, Shoshanna and One Who Serves, because in this meditation I was guided to go to a very specific high point to oversee the ocean.  I was going there and I was feeling the water.  I was supposed to go there and talk to the water.  And then when I did that, I just diluted in the water.  I don’t remember if I talked to the water or not.  I am not very clear, and that is my question.  Does it have to do with the creative process? That is my question.  Thank you.  Or the manifestation process.  I am not sure.  I just diluted in the water, and …


Shoshanna:   Please restate your question, Sister, as it is really unclear as to what information you are seeking.  So please restate your question, please.


Guest:   When we unify ourselves with the water, can we use the energy of the water to create ourselves? 


Shoshanna:   Yes, yes.  Clearly yes.


OWS:   Yes.


Shoshanna:  It is done every moment with every creature on the planet.


Guest:  Can you elaborate on that and help me understand? 


Shoshanna:   We will tell you, Dear Sister, to meditate on this, as what we gave in the previous answer to the previous question contains all the information you will need to understand that water’s consciousness is the creative process itself.  This is all you need to know.  The consciousness of water is the creative process of all things on this planet that are third-dimensional entities. 


Guest:   Wow.  I see. 


Guest:   So when you use water, it takes upon itself the consciousness of the one using it. 


Guest:   Oh.


Shoshanna:   So it is really important that you are careful with it.  


OWS:   Think, if you would, also in terms of your experiences, your various movies, all of those things that depict that idea of magic, wizardry, all of those things, and what do they most often utilize?  They utilize the forces, the elemental forces:  the earth, the wind, the fire, the water.   Very important, because they are able to connect with the consciousnesses within those elementals.  Much can come as a result of understanding how the elemental forces work with man’s consciousness. 


Guest:   Yes, I see.  Wow. 


Shoshanna:   So you must know, as all that are listening to this call must have come to this conclusion by now, that you are all wizards. 


OWS:   Yes.


Guest:   Yes, we are!  And we can manipulate the forces of the four elements in order to create.  Is that my message?


Shoshanna:   You do not manipulate them, you create with them.


Guest:   Right! 


OWS:   A co-creative process.


Guest:   Wow.  By using their consciousness energy, we can create! 


Shoshanna:   It is a co-creative process.   You must meditate on this, Dear Sister, and consume the information that will come to you in your meditation, and use it!


Guest:   Wow.  Thank you so much. 


Shoshanna:   Namaste.


OWS:   We would say, here, that your questions have become quite deep over the years, here, from when we originally began this process of answering these questions, to what the questions are being asked these days.  Much, much higher in vibration, we would say. 


Would there be any other questions here, now?


Guest:   Yes.  Greetings, One Who Serves.  I have a friend who lives at our house.  She is being attacked at night by an astral entity.  A few nights ago she woke up and a crab-like entity came from the ceiling in the corner and latched onto her hand, and kind of burned her.  But she somehow got it off her.  It left a literal mark, which I saw.  She is wondering what is going on with her, and why is she so vulnerable to these astral attacks.  I was just wondering if you would comment.  I suggested that she get a reading from you to work it out.


OWS:   That is possible, but we would also say here that these types of experiences are, we would say, dwindling over times before.  In order words, these types of experiences happened much more greatly in the times past.  They are not happening as much now because of moving into the higher vibrations.  You see, these types of manifestations, these types of entities, whatever you wish to call them, attachments, they cannot be in the higher vibrations.  So if you continue to hold your vibrations high, then these types of things cannot interfere.  They cannot come into your experience with you. 


But, if one does not have the higher vibrations within them at the time, they are prone to--not possession, we will not speak in terms of possession directly, but in terms of ‘intrusion’ is a better word, here.  Intruder can come in and influence that particular person, you see.  So that is what can happen if they are not in the highest vibration. 


So we would say to one who is having this experience to work harder at being in the higher vibrations more and more often.  In other words, be more joyful, be more grateful in your life.  Find the beauty all around you.  Do not focus on the ugliness around you.  Focus on the beauty that is there.  It is there if you look for it.  That is what we would say here.




Shoshanna:   Yes, we have something to add, Brother.  May we add our perspective to your question?


Guest:   Oh absolutely, Shoshanna, absolutely. 


Shoshanna:   Our Brother, who is a protector, who wishes to protect and to guide all those that come into his path.  We would tell you this:  this one that you speak of has a fear pattern, and you know of what we speak.  She has a fear pattern.  And, when a human being has a fear pattern within their conscious mind, they attract things that are fearful.  So we would say, added to that which One Who Serves has so eloquently said, that this one must raise her vibration past this fear pattern, examine it, and see that her fear is opening a portal to these intruders.  Fear is always the reason that these intruders can intrude.  Does this make sense to you?


Guest:  Oh absolutely.  That was wonderful, yeah.  Absolutely.  Totally.


Shoshanna:   Namaste.


Guest:   Thank you for that.  She will love it.  Thanks.


Shoshanna:   Namaste.


OWS:   Any further questions, here?


Guest:   Yes, One Who Serves and Shoshanna.  We got an email from those who call themselves “The 144,000 Meditation Group.”  They were talking about that there was some dark cabal war going on right outside the atmosphere here, and that the Light Forces were fighting with the dark forces.  One thing that made me question the whole thing was that they said don’t go out in the sun more than 20 minutes because the cabal has put something into the sunlight, I don’t know what.  I’m not quite buying that, but I wanted to get your thought.  Is there any problem with us going out in the sun?  And how valid is this about this war going on out there in our system?


OWS:   Does the term, “poppycock” mean anything to you?


Guest:  [Laughter]  Yes!


OWS:   See, these types of things are examples of those that are attempting to dissuade those of you, the Light Workers and Warriors from reaching out, as KaRa has said, with the light.  This is at a time they may think that they are doing the right thing, or that they are of the light themselves, but they are deluded in some ways by what the James has called earlier the ‘glamor stage’ where they believe they have arrived, and they have not arrived.  They are attempting to be something that they are not at this point yet. 


But whenever you hear someone say “do not go out into the sun because it is bad for you,” yes it would be bad for you if you sat in the hot sun at midday in Phoenix, Arizona in the summer and it was 110 degrees, and you sat there and were there for 20 minutes, a half hour, an hour, that would be quite bad for you.  But that is the extreme, here. 


It is wonderful for you to be in the sun every single day.  Feel the sun’s energy.  It does not need to be for long—minutes, five, ten minutes, even more if you can.  It is very helpful for you, not only for the vitamin that comes from this, but for the pranic energy that enters the back of your neck as a result of being in the sun’s rays. 


The sun is bringing ascension to you—do you understand this?  This is why they, the dark forces, have done all they can to keep you from the sun, to keep you from being out in the sun—to put sunscreen on all of you.  Because they don’t want the sun’s rays to come in.  Because if the sun’s rays come in to your bodies with pranic energy, that is bringing you to your ascension.  And they do not want you to ascend.  They want to keep the status quo where they can be in control.  They do not want you to be in control of yourselves.  Take your power back and do what you know to do. 


This one who has asked this question, you already knew the answer to that.  You know that the sun is very helpful for you.  Utilize the energies of the sun as exactly what it is meant to be.  It is meant to nourish you and take you into the higher vibrational dimensions.  Okay?


Shoshanna, anything to add here?


Shoshanna:   Did this one wish to add a comment, we hear a comment to be added?


Guest:  Well, it gets confusing when it seems like it is a resource that you trust and they say something like that.  And then you go, “ok, was I wrong all along to trust that recourse?” 

   Dear Sister, may we add our perspective to your question?


Guest:   Definitely. 


Shoshanna:   Here is what we would say:  consciousness is vast with many corners, twists, and turns.  There are many perspectives among you in this realm, and all perspectives are valid.  It is up to you to partake of that perspective as you wish. 


If you wish for a higher level of consciousness then we would tell you not to read those things, not to participate in those stories, because in telling the story it creates the reality.  So, as this group tells its story of the dark cabal, and the wars, and the fights, and the sun, and the evil, and whatever, they create the story for human beings to follow, and enlarge the story in the process of creation. 


You can create anything you would like.  What do you wish to create?  If you wish to create joy, love, compassion, understanding, light, then you cannot read those stories.   Namaste.


OWS:   Very good. 


Would there be any further questions here, now, before we release channel? 


Shoshanna:   We hear one.


Guest:   I was wondering why President Trump eased up on the GMO regulations.  What was that all about?  We can’t understand that. 


OWS:   That is, what you would call, a ‘smoke screen.’  It is not in reality what he is going.  He is doing it to assuage the ones who are attempting to control the narrative, here.  And he is doing his part to play both sides at times. 


But he is very shrewd, this one, because he has the backing, or the overlighting, we will say, of the Saint Germain.  And much is happening as a result of this overlighting.  So even though it appears at times that this one is moving in a direction that is opposite to what you would think a Lightworker would go in, it is certainly not the case here. 


Guest:   Alright, thank you.


OWS:   Would there be any further questions, here?  We do need to release channel, here.  Anything further?  Then we are ready to release. 


Before we do, Shoshanna, do you have anything to wish to share as a final message, here?


Shoshanna:   We would share that based on the conversation today, believe what you wish to manifest.  That includes all the things you read, all the things you hear, all the things that this one did and that one did, and that group did, etc., what your president is doing, what your congress is doing, what the world is doing. 


What we would tell you is clearly and completely focus your consciousness on what you wish to have in your life, what you wish to manifest, and that will come true for you, because each individual is a reality unto itself and can create its life in whatever fashion it wishes to create.  That is how powerful you all are.  Please understand this, that nothing matters except what you believe.   Namaste.


OWS:   Wonderful, Dear Shoshanna. 


Guest:   So be it.


OWS:   And, we would end here with, your discussion earlier of ‘Believing is Seeing,’ you are going to move toward that exact understanding more directly at the next Advance (formerly called retreats).  We are building toward that next Advance.  And the next one is going to include, as the James has already given in the meditation time, the advent, or the re-introduction, we will say, of the Star Chakra, and the connection that that has to manifestation.  So this entire program, this entire theme for this next Advance, will be ‘Manifestation.”


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the one.


Guests:   Peace be with you.  Shanti.  Thank you!  Shanti.




Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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"Believing is seeing!"


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