
  • the moon is artificial,

    some say,

    some can believe,

    some may not.

    same applies with the information within this vid.

    either way, it's ok ;))
  • this a truth that a group of beings are bringing forth, through this person.

    it's just that simple.

    if you don't resonate with it, it's ok.
  • so this video explains how that translates into the un-natural sacred geometric harmonic pattern that our solar system is currently in.
  • I will not be going into melt down over this , but as with all other information out there including revelation does anyone really have a clue as channeled messages always have the human element, science believe they have the answers , and all in between , the truth is we don't really know because we have never done this before, the best we can hope for is that our higher selves will keep us on the right path and we will all make it , even if we die its no big deal as we go on.

    One thing I do believe is we will go through the pole shift as one of my guides told me this years ago before anything came out about it, and I trust him and if the maps I have seen are correct Britain ceases to exist, I am not bothered , drowning I am told is ok.
  • i miss Bill :(
    • I lean toward your perspectives on this Alchemist, many of my thoughts exactly and better said than I could have. I did watch the whole thing, although it was longggg and arduous...I hate to be a copy cat but Alchemist, you nailed some of my thoughts perfectly.

      I do not think this is necessarily an entirely fear based message though, more scientific in nature. There is a lot of truth in the science of things in this video and she is just pointing out truths in her way of saying things. I go with my intuition and inner thing I can do. With everyone saying they have the right and true answer, it is so easy to get stuck in the quagmire. I am formulating my beliefs as I go and they change daily I am afraid. Still I go with my guy feeling mostly....

      Thank you Star Base for posting this. It helped me very much, but not necessarily by agreeing with it all. But I did benefit and learn from this video. Great perspectives can be gained.
    • you can always see Bill here:

      The Project Avalon Community Forum
      Project Avalon Community Forum
    • i'm looking at it, from a different perspective,

      extract the fear based that you may feel from it,

      and understand the actual state that our particular galaxy and solar system is in.

      our solar system is not functioning as it should be in it's intended state, and this we know, and it's ok to be informed of that.

      planet earth does have a wobble to it, this is correct, and she does point this out, so there is a truth.

      same with uranus, there is another truth.

      same with the astroid belt (that was once a planet), there is another truth.

      she points out that our galaxy is centered around a black hole, there's another truth. (as far as we know it)

      so to look at all the facts as we know them in our own galaxy, this can help us understand why things are the way they are here, (what affects the planet, sun, solar system and galaxy, affects us)

      and she's attempting to explain how that factors into the original intended mechanics of ascension.

      i don't think that is fear based.

      if your car isn't working right, you take it in and they tell you what's wrong with it.

      where is the fear in that ?

      does that news touch your heart center when your informed of what's wrong with your vehicle ?

      she's really speaking about the mechanics of how everything "should function"

      were living in a solar system that has a cyclical cycle to it, where every so often major cataclysms occur that devastate life on the planet here, and there is evidence of this on the planet.

      this is what occurred during the Atlantian times, fall of Atlantis.

      it's beneficial to know what caused that event.

      there are beings that know the entire history of our Solar System, how it works, what has planetarily occurred through that history, etc.


      as far as the "doing it wrong" part

      i think all she was saying is not to get locked into any one particular belief system or "god" or book of a particular god, such as the "bible", the "koran" etc. as these books have been tampered with and manipulated up through the ages, which is true.
      • i agree with StarBase on this....
        ..i didnt know her....
        too much info got me confused at first...but i saw the whole interview...and i plan to see it again...
        at first i was very skeptic about her...but after a second though, i tend to think that maybe she is right on....
        there are many things that we are not aware at all...
        it is not fear based is just info....and just because many of the things she says are not pleasing to the ear, it doesnt mean that she dont know what she taking about....
        ..yes she talk about negative entities even beyond 4th density....and even some light beings being negative too.....its not pleasing to hear this.....but so what???

        ....i will look for further info from her..for sure...
        • i watched it twice as well.
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