What The Flux!!Imagine an artificial object huge enough to be 'visible' from over 1,000 light years away! As silly as it seems, that is a Dyson Sphere. An energy gluton civilization is thought to be able to build a sphere around their own sun so they may tap all the energy radiating from their sun. Such a sphere has a radius as large as the distance from the earth to the sun! I find it unbeleivable that someone can concoct such an idea.Now, a star has been observed that can get dim by 20%. No one can explain how such a dimming can come about. It has been observed that the star has been steadily dimming for the past 100 years. It seems that the only sensible explanation is that a Dyson sphere is being steadily constracted around the star!But the SETI has gone ahead to do what makes me doubt the competence of these guys. Sure if people have payed for such bozos to search for ETs for them, it might as well take thaosands of years for science to discover ETs even if they are right on our noses! They have tried to test if an intelligent radio and laser signal is comming from the place! Then these searchers of Unidentified Far Objects, in an attempt to prove ETs also insists that an ET explanation for a phenomenon should be a last explanation to resort to! why? This to me sounds like saying that only a lack of explanation is an ET explanation! With such an attitude, I can promise that it will take millions of years to discover ETs!Now the reason why it is ludicruos to search for signals from the strange star is that it demands that at around 1482 years ago, the ETs happened to have beemed a signal to arive at this place just at the right time when the silly humans are discovering the star and getting puzzled and wondering if ETs are bulding Dyson swams there! This would make the ETs such an unbeleivable prophets. Infact if SETI had found the intelligent signal, it should have caused a mixture of joy and terror to this planet cause the only sensible explanation would be that the ETs must be steadily beaming signals to this particular place, meaning THEY KNOW WE ARE HERE, which can be dangerous given a civilization with such an imence ability. Infact, it would be possible that they are already heading here with von Neumann probes!

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  • we understand very little of what is happening in this universe...our perspective is very limited..

    • That is why we keep discovering things that 'should not be there'!
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