The following article by Dani Veracity was transcribed verbatim from:
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 by: Dani Veracity, citizen journalist
"If cancer specialists were to admit publicly that chemotherapy is of limited usefulness and is often dangerous, the public might demand a radical change in direction—possibly toward unorthodox and nontoxic methods, and toward cancer prevention. ...The use of chemotherapy is even advocated by those members of the establishment who realize how ineffective and dangerous it can be." - Ralph W. Moss, author, The Cancer Industry
Imagine that you own a house that is absolutely perfect and beautiful with all the necessities, except that it has some rodents inside. When you call the exterminators, they tell you that they won't be able to target just the rodents, as these rodents are of an especially stealthy breed. They tell you they're just going to set off a series of explosions in your house that may kill the rodents. They warn you, "Oh yeah, it may destroy some of your house in the process, but, hey, you want those rodents out of your house, right?" There's probably no way you would allow that; instead, you would do some research and find other, more specific and less generally destructive ways of getting rid of the rodents.
The allegorical exterminators' logic makes no sense; yet, it's the same logic that doctors who prescribe chemotherapy follow. Like the exterminators' explosions, chemotherapy doesn't exclusively target cancer cells; it also harms your good cells, destroying some of your body – your "house" – in the process. As a result, many chemotherapy patients lose their hair, develop immune deficiencies, lose weight and vomit. Chemotherapy poisons your body as a whole in an attempt to kill the cancer cells before the "treatment" brings your body to an unrecoverable state.
As Gary Null and James Feast write, "(After chemotherapy,) the hope is the cancer is going to be totally dead and you are only half dead and recover." Unfortunately, some people are more than "half dead" after chemotherapy and remain damaged for the rest of their lives, no matter how long or how short that life may be. They never realize that according to many alternative health practitioners, there are safer ways of combating many types of cancer.
Former chemotherapy patient Anne explains in Michio Kushi's and Alex Jack's book, The Cancer Prevention Diet: "My mind rebelled at the thought of another six months of that poison. On several occasions, the doctor couldn't perform chemotherapy treatments on me because my white blood cell count was dangerously low. I promised my body I would not undergo any further chemotherapy treatments."
Anne's account reflects the feelings of all too many cancer patients who have suffered through months of often debilitating chemotherapy. The side effects that chemotherapy patients feel and others see – the extreme nausea and vomiting, the hair loss, the weight loss – are indicative of the intense havoc that chemotherapy is causing within the body. According to the Life Extension Foundation, chemotherapy drugs are "cytotoxic," meaning that "they kill cells that are extremely active." Cancer cells are, of course, extremely active. However, so are the cells of the hair and the immune system, for example, which accounts for chemotherapy's destructive side effects.
As if these side effects are not enough, cancer therapy commonly includes surgery and radiation, both of which have their own dangers and side effects. As Professor Null writes in his Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, "The mainstream medical establishment often prescribes mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy to treat cancer, an approach that has been described as a slash-and-burn strategy." The treatment for breast cancer is unfortunately often the general rule among cancer treatment – cut off the affected organ, poison the body with chemotherapy and then harm the body even more with radiation.
In Get Healthy Now, Professor Null describes one woman's experience with mainstream medicine's approach to breast cancer treatment: "Three days later, she had her breast lopped off. That was followed up with lots of chemotherapy. Her hair fell out and she vomited 24 hours a day. She couldn't keep any food down. Then they did radiation and her skin burnt up and two of her ribs broke." He concludes, "Most people don't know how dangerous radiation is. I had seen enough. I wouldn't touch any of that medicine with a 10-foot pole." Surgical removal of the cancerous body part also has its own aftereffects, of course, requiring not only the normal recovery after any surgery, but also coping with the psychological effects of having a body part removed.
As cancer patients suffer from the side effects of chemotherapy and other methods of mainstream cancer treatment, the fact remains that according to many medical practitioners, these treatments are unnecessary and sometimes do more harm than good. In response to chemotherapy's many side effects, Dr. Atkins says in Burton Goldberg's Alternative Medicine, "Only in situations in which chemotherapy is proven to be effective and curative would I recommend it. In general, this might be testicular cancer."
Many people also think that surgery can sometimes do more harm than good: Biopsy, for example, may in fact spread cancer cells, according to Professor Null. Furthermore, the most extreme example of unnecessary cancer therapy – treatment for false positive cancer diagnoses – is more common than we'd like to believe, according to Critical Condition authors Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele.
If, as many people believe, mainstream cancer treatment is sometimes ineffective and always harmful to the body as a whole, then what is the alternative? Goldberg writes that Ukrain, which is made from the alkaloids of the greater celandine plant and the pharmaceutical Thiotepa, "can do everything chemotherapy does but without the side effects, so it renders chemotherapy largely unnecessary." The beauty of Ukrain is that it, unlike chemotherapy drugs, it only targets the cancer cells and not your healthy ones. Furthermore, good nutrition – vitamins, minerals, fiber, fresh fruit and vegetables, juices and medicinal herbs – can do wonders against cancer. Of course, you need to discuss a treatment plan that is right for your type of cancer and your body with a medical professional, preferably a naturopath. But before you say yes to chemotherapy, remember what it does to your body and consider all available treatments.
The experts speak on chemotherapy:
"Chemotherapy poisons your body as a whole in an attempt to kill cancer cells"
As Duesberg explains, AZT had been designed to work as would any other chemotherapeutic drug. "chemotherapy," he says, "is a rational but desperate treatment for cancer." The toxic drug given in the process will kill any and all growing cells in the patient. After a short round of chemo, "the hope is the cancer is going to be totally dead, and you are only half dead and recover." Duesberg points out that the dangerous violence of the method, which is slaughtering cells wholesale, not targeting only cancer cells, is evident in the side effects. "You lose your hair, you lose weight, you get pneumonia, you get immune deficiency, because it's severe cellular intoxication. You kill a lot of good cells, too."
Aids A Second Opinion by Gary Null PhD with James Feast, page 429
"How chemotherapy harms your body"
In September 1986, Anne decided to stop chemotherapy despite the opposition of her oncologist. "My mind rebelled at the thought of another six months of that poison," she observes. "On several occasions the doctor couldn't perform chemotherapy treatments on me because my white blood cell count was dangerously low. I promised my body I would not undergo any further chemotherapy treatments."
The Center Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi & Alex Jack, page 131
Other treatments, with significant side effects, are being investigated for more serious forms of the disease. Immunosuppressive drugs that have been used for cancer chemotherapy and organ transplants may reduce the autoimmune response. These drugs are cytotoxic; that is, they kill cells that are extremely active, which in autoimmune disease are white blood cells.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 1373
Nausea is usually a passing symptom that will almost always go away by itself. In most cases, I recommend natural remedies for nausea because they are often as effective as some of the prescription antiemetic drugs, but they do not cause unnecessary side effects. The only exception to this rule, however, is in the case of cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy; the kind of intense nausea they may experience can be so severe that stronger measures may be needed.
Secret Remedies by Earl Mindell RPh PhD, page 204
"The tri-fold approach to mainstream cancer therapy"
The mainstream medical establishment often prescribes mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy to treat breast cancer, an approach that has been described as a slash-and-burn strategy. This approach may be in for a reappraisal with the recent insight by the medical world that breast cancer is actually three different diseases, with indistinct boundaries, rather than one. In other words, only some breast cancers fit the image of a disease that is fast-growing and fast-spreading. Two other categories of this condition exist, the slowest-growing of which may never spread or be life-threatening at all. With this realization comes the idea that giving everyone with breast cancer chemotherapy may be unnecessary. Considering the harmful effects of chemotherapy, the belated nature of this realization is disturbing, to say the least.
Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 72
Dr. Atkins regards chemotherapy as otherwise dangerous and best avoided in treating the majority of cancers. Only in situations in which chemotherapy is proven to be effective and curative would I recommend it, he says. In general, this might be testicular cancer …
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 595
Three days later, she had her breast lopped off. That was followed up with lots of chemotherapy. Her hair fell out and she vomited 24 hours a day. She couldn't keep any food down. Then they did radiation and her skin burnt up and two of her ribs broke. Most people don't know how dangerous radiation is. I had seen enough. I wouldn't touch any of that medicine with a 10-foot pole.
Get Healthy Now by Gary Null, page 762
I try never to use radiation treatment -- which is even more dangerous than most forms of chemotherapy -- without also using hyperthermia, says Dr. Atkins. Thanks to hyperthermia, we can shrink tumors with far less radiation to get the same therapeutic outcome, and our patients' immune systems and overall health are faring much better as a result.
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 609
If prostate cancer develops, mainstream medicine typically offers prostatectomy, or removal of the prostate, chemotherapy, and radiation. All are ineffective and often dangerous. Surgery, like biopsy, can actual spread cancer cells, and often decreases sexual potency and urinary control. PACT, a prostate support group, advocates hormonal blockers to induce cancer shrinkage, which may hold the disease at bay for several years, followed by a prostatectomy or cryosurgery (freezing of the prostate). The most common hormonal blockers are Lupron and Fludamide. As prostate cancer is generally slow growing, patients, especially those in the early stages, have time to try less harmful methods of treatment.
Complete Encyclopedia Of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 308
Rufer and her husband sued Abbott Laboratories, UWMC, and the cancer specialist who treated her. UWMC and the doctor argued that they had relied on the Abbott test results. Abbott denied all responsibility, even though the literature distributed with its tests made no mention of the potential for false positives. What's more, according to a court opinion, it turned out that Abbott also had access to reports that false positive results on its assay led to unnecessary cancer treatment before 1998. It received over forty complaints of false positives, including multiple complaints of unnecessary chemotherapy and surgery before Jennifer Rufer's first treatment in April 1998.
Critical condition by Donald L Barlett and James B Steele, page 63
To reduce the need for steroids, immunosuppressants such as azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine (also used in the treatment of some cancers), or cyclosporine may be substituted. Various chemotherapy agents and organ transplant antirejection drugs are also used. Again, these medications have their own problematic or dangerous side effects. Therefore, thoughtful consideration of a treatment plan coordinated by the patient's physician is required.
Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 614
The diagnosis of bilateral lung cancer was confirmed by x-rays, a CAT scan, and a lung biopsy. Like Dr. Meshad, the physician at the center recommended against chemotherapy. Ruth's prognosis was not good: the cancer was aggressive and her history of liver disease made the use of chemotherapy dangerous.
Sharks Still Don't Get Cancer By Dr I William Lane, page 155
"Alternatives to chemotherapy and other forms of mainstream cancer treatment"
In other words, alternative therapies may pose a serious threat when a patient, if swayed toward alternatives, loses the opportunity to receive the (extremely) effective orthodox treatment? Run that by me again. Time and time again it has been confirmed that the proven medical treatments are not only ineffective but dangerous. The vast majority of patients with cancer live longer and better if left without the orthodox treatments. Oncologists will not accept these treatments for themselves. No scientific research is needed to prove that fresh vegetables, fruit, juices, medicinal herbs, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. are not harmful to the body. It would be nice if there were proof that surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy were not harmful.
Health In The 21st Century by Fransisco Contreras MD, page 224
Finally, if cancer specialists were to admit publicly that chemotherapy is of limited usefulness and is often dangerous, the public might demand a radical change in direction—possibly toward unorthodox and nontoxic methods, and toward cancer prevention. By constantly touting the promise of anticancer drugs, orthodox practitioners ward off this challenge to their expertise and scientists parry the threat radically new concepts represent to their long years of research. The use of chemotherapy is even advocated by those members of the establishment who realize how ineffective and dangerous it can be.
The Cancer Industry by Ralph W Moss, page 84
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(Source: 'The Untold Truth About Cancer' by Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD
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Nexus Magazine ( December 2009-January 2010, pp. 38-39)
"The head of chemical warfare during the Korean War, Cornelius Rhoads was deeply committed to chemotherapy and the huge grants it brought from the pharmaceutical industry.
"It is poorly recognised that the chemotherapy or "chemo" used against cancer began as a weapon of mass destruction par excellence. When the Axis folded at the end of World War II, nitrogen mustard, declassified, first came under real medical scrutiny for cancer treatment.
"It was initially evaluated for lymphosarcoma in mice, but human studies soon followed as more and more variants of nitrogen mustard were concocted and tried.
"Other related classes of chemotherapeutic agents followed, and so did their repercussions. Most had the potential to cause a second, entirely different, cancer. Even tamoxifen, first synthesised in 1962, when used for the treatment of breast cancer was associated with a twofold to threefold increased risk of cancers of the uterus lining (endometrial cancers), some of which were high grade with a poor forecast."
I would never subject myself to any of this treatment. It just doesn't make sense to me. I read an article on David Icke's site the other day which suggested that cancer is actually a fungus, which seems to thrive in acidic body conditions, when the immune system is depressed. There are treatments out there that seek to restore the acid/alkaline balance in the body and get the immune system functioning properly again. Ultimately, it seems to me that it is the body that needs to be restored to health, and anything that actually weakens and damages the body is obviously (to me) not a good idea!!!
I also read a book called the Cancer Conspiracy, which suggested that removing/disturbing tumours could actually do more harm than good by releasing toxins held in the tumour.
I've contemplated the cause of cancer many times, and am of the opinion that since cancer "eats" at the this not caused from our thoughts, which become emotions (energy in motion) and then the negative thoughts/emotions "gnaw" at the body? Makes sense to me.
Why are so many celebrities dying after chemotherapy?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of
(NaturalNews) Patrick Swayze's death came as a shock to many people. But not to his own cancer doctor: They know that the five-year survival rates of people being treated with chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer are virtually zero. And Swayze was only the latest in a long list of celebrities dying after being treated with chemotherapy and other toxic forms of western medicine:
Farrah Fawcett died following chemotherapy used to treat anal cancer and liver cancer. (
Famed newscaster Peter Jennings died from chemotherapy treatments for lung cancer.
Former White House press secretary Tony Snow died after receiving chemotherapy for colon cancer. (
Celebrities still battling cancer
Desperate Housewives actress Kathry Joosten is currently battling lung cancer. It's not clear whether she has undergone chemotherapy yet, or plans to, but she did have cancer surgery in 2001 which obviously didn't "cure" the cancer because it has now returned.
Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs looks deathly ill after undergoing not only chemotherapy but also a complicated cancer surgery that removed a part of his pancreas and digestive tract. (
Sheryl Crow is battling breast cancer, but she famously decided to support her immune system with natural medicine by turning to a Traditional Chinese Medicine wellness center called Tao of Wellness ( No doubt her outcome will be vastly improved by this integrative approach. Unfortunately, her hubby Lance Armstrong is more into the conventional drugs-and-chemo approach, and most people probably don't realize the two things that saved Armstrong's life were intense exercise and regular exposure to sunshine during his cycling training (creating vitamin D, a powerful anti-cancer nutrient). (And wearing those little yellow Livestrong bracelets only tags you as being completely brainwashed about cancer and the cancer industry.)
Other celebrities engaging in cancer battles (or who already experienced them) include Sonique, Kylie and Anastacia.
Deadly pharmaceuticals
Beyond those celebrities being harmed or killed by chemotherapy, many are also killed by conventional pharmaceuticals:
Michael Jackson died from an overdose of doctor-prescribed pharmaceuticals.
Tim Russert's death is linked to heart medication (
Bernie Mac died from immune suppression caused by pharmaceuticals (
And Heath Ledger was killed by an overdose of pharmaceuticals prescribed by his doctors (
The cancer industry wants your money
The reason so many celebrities are harmed or killed by the cancer industry is quite simple: The cancer industry is a for-profit business. It makes money by treating cancer, not by curing or preventing cancer.
In fact, there's a huge difference between what the public see with cancer clinics vs. what really happens. The public image of the cancer industry is bright and cheery. "We save lives," they insist, and they claim to offer "support" for cancer survivors (which are more correctly called "chemotherapy survivors").
But behind closed doors, the real picture of the cancer industry is far more insidious. Cancer centers produce primarily two things: 1) Profits, and 2) Body bags (with cancer victims inside).
Cancer is a booming business. There's a ton of money to be made in screening for cancer, then causing cancer with the screening equipment, then diagnosing cancer and treating cancer. The purpose of conventional cancer treatments is not to eliminate the patient's disease, but rather to keep the patient alive long enough to receive a never-ending regimen of expensive, high-profit cancer treatments.
The cancer industry (the conventional cancer clinics, non-profits, drug companies, National Cancer Institute, etc.) flat-out refuses to recommend anti-cancer nutrients (like vitamin D) that could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year. They refuse to speak out against cancer-causing processed meats and carcinogenic chemicals in cosmetics personal care products. They cleverly avoid talking about the environmental causes of cancer, preferring to limit their criticism to only tobacco.
Meanwhile, they churn their gargantuan profit machines through a sea of cancer victims, plucking profits from the near-dead bodies of those they claim to treat. And when parents of teens refuse to subject their children to the chemotherapy poisons forced upon patients, Child Protective Services gets called, and the State kidnaps the children and forces them to be injected with chemotherapy. (
The cancer industry, by any honest assessment, is a sham. Pure quackery.
That's why two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling says, "Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them."
Dr. Julian Whitaker, founder of the Whitaker Wellness Institute ( also wrote about the cancer industry, saying:
Without exception, all the oncologists I talked to about Dr Burzynski were scornful and hostile. Twenty- five years of practicing unconventional medicine did not prepare me for what I discovered. Delving into attitudes, actions, and beliefs of modern oncologists was like opening a box of cereal and finding it full of worms. They just don't care… The question I kept asking was why, and the answer to that question gradually began to creep out: Dr Burzynski's discovery threatens one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the history of mankind, the cancer treatment industry.
All those radiation machines and doctors who run them
All those chemotherapy drugs and the doctors who prescribe them
All those so called studies that just juggle the doses of chemo & radiation
All those surgeons who have been flailing at cancer for over a 100 years...
Also it is not just about money, it is about strongly held beliefs, beliefs that have meshed with the personality of virtually everyone in the cancer treatment industry, especially the physicians. In short, these beliefs are that cancer can only be treated with therapies that mutilate, poison, or burn the patient, in the hope that they "kill" the cancer…..Therefore, each patient who is miraculously cured by Burzynski's nontoxic therapy is not viewed as a breakthrough, or even as something good, but rather as a dangerous messenger of heresy, a terrible threat to their beliefs.
The vested interests
The vested interests in cancer don't want the general public to hear about cancer cures and natural remedies. That cuts into their profits. They would far prefer that patients remain illiterate victims who have no knowledge of anything beyond surgery, chemotherapy and pharmaceuticals.
Anything that offers freedom to cancer patients -- freedom of choice, freedom of medicine, freedom to choose their healing modality -- is a threat to the powerful vested interests. And it is those vested interested that are driving first-world nations into disease and bankruptcy, by the way. Rather than allowing natural cancer cures and prevention strategies to see the light of day, they attack and discredit natural anti-cancer products and therapies, much like a Chicago mob boss snuffs out his competition to keep control of the streets.
One day, when America's economy finally collapses under the weight of irreversible debt, remember this: The cancer industry was one of the major players that drove this nation into bankruptcy. A population suffering from high rates of cancer isn't very productive. Lives are lost and economic productivity plunges. Money that could have been spent on schools and technology research is, instead, spent on conventional cancer quackery known as "chemotherapy." It wastes money, it wastes lives, and it challenges the boundaries of sanity.
This goes for any nation: If you have a profitable cancer industry, you have no long-term economic future, because the cancer industry will always find clever new ways to cause cancer (mammography) and rake in the profits by keeping the population diseased. The only way for any nation to have a real future is to take the profit out of sickness and disease through a radical restructuring of the entire medical system.
And remember this: If you're an evil bastard, and you want to make a lot of money (trillions) off of other peoples' suffering, simply latch on to a deadly disease, sign sponsorship deals with the drug companies, tell the public you're "looking for a cure" and then use the money you raise from donation events to actually cause the disease in the population at large.
This is most easily accomplished by incorporating some sort of disease-causing element into your "screening" process so that when people get your "free screening," they are simultaneously being diseased and are likely to become a future customer. In the cancer business, this is accomplished through mammography which emits radiation, causing breast cancer.
It's a great little scam for those who are willing to exchange ethics for profits.
Did you know that YOU inspired me to start this discussion???... When I read your recent reply to the 'Relationships' discussion by Little Feather, I decided that getting your attention to read this vital info on the fatal effects of chemotherapy would be my first and foremost priority for today.
Marique, remember that you are here now on earth to accomplish a very important mission. Unnecessary suffering and/or untimely destruction of your physical body due to other people's (e.g. Big Pharma) total disrespect for human lives -- leaving behind your earth mission unfinished -- is just UNacceptable!!!...
I remember what you said a few months ago: that you would never allow anyone to tamper with your body (I used my own words here) ever again. Marique, nothing and no one can take your power away from you, unless you allow them to do so!
Possible side effects of Methotrexate can include anemia, neutropenia, increased risk of bruising, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, dermatitis and diarrhea. A small percentage of patients develop hepatitis, and there is an increased risk of pulmonary fibrosis where dry cough can be an important sign.
The higher doses of methotrexate often used in cancer chemotherapy can cause toxic effects to the rapidly-dividing cells of bone marrow and gastrointestinal mucosa. The resulting myelosuppression and mucositis are often prevented (termed Leucovorin "rescue"- as this is the folic acid based drug used).
Methotrexate is a highly teratogenic drug and categorized in Pregnancy Category X by the FDA. Women must not take the drug during pregnancy, if there is a risk of becoming pregnant, or if they are breastfeeding. Men who are trying to get their partner pregnant must also not take the drug. To engage in any of these activities (after discontinuing the drug), women must wait until the end of a full ovulation cycle and men must wait three months.
There is a risk of a severe adverse reaction if penicillin is prescribed alongside methotrexate. There have also been some reports of central nervous system reactions to methotrexate especially when given via the intrathecal route which include myelopathies and leucoencephalopathies.
Generally, the more "non-specific" action a pharmacological substance has, the more possible side effects can be expected. Methotrexate has like all "cell toxic" substances a broad array of possible adverse effects. Care shall always be taken to read the manufacturer's original instructions for the preparation in question.
Here is a more thorough list of potential side effects for Methotrexate:
[edit] Most frequent
Ulcerative stomatitis, leukopenia, nausea, abdominal distress.
[edit] Other frequent
Hair loss, malaise, undue fatigue, chills and fever, dizziness and lowered resistance to infection.
[edit] Other rarer reactions
(related to or attributed to Methotrexate) nodulosis, vasculitis, arthralgia/myalgia, loss of libido/impotence, diabetes, osteoporosis, osteonecrosis, sudden death, reversible lymphomas, tumor lysis syndrome, soft tissue necrosis, anaphylactoid reactions.
By organ system:
[edit] Alimentary system
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; Gingivitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, hematemesis, melena, gastrointestinal ulceration/bleeding, enteritis, pancreatitis.
[edit] Blood/lymphatic system
Anemia, aplastic anemia, pancytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy and lymphoproliferative disorders. Hypogammaglobulinemia.
[edit] Cardiovascular system
Pericarditis, pericardial effusion, hypotension, thromboembolic events (cerebral thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis, retinal vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and pulmonary embolus.
[edit] Central nervous system
Headaches, drowsiness, blurred vision, transient blindness, speech impairment including dysarthria and aphasia, hemiparesis, paresis and convulsions. Occasional reports of transient subtle cognitive dysfunction, mood alteration (depression), unusual cranial sensations, leukoencephalopathy, encephalopathy.
[edit] Hepatobiliary system
Hepatotoxicity, acute hepatitis, chronic fibrosis/cirrhosis, decrease in serum albumin, liver enzyme elevations.
[edit] Immune system (infections)
Fatal opportunistic infections (Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, pneumonia, sepsis, nocardiosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, Herpes zoster, Herpes simplex hepatitis and disseminated Herpes simplex).
[edit] Musculoskeletal system
Stress fracture.
[edit] Ophthalmic
Conjunctivitis, serious visual changes (without known cause).
[edit] Respiratory system
Respiratory fibrosis, respiratory failure, interstitial pneumonitis, and chronic interstitial obstructive pulmonary disease. Dry cough possibly being a symptom of these aforementioned conditions.
[edit] Dermatologic
Acne, rashes (Erythematous rashes), pruritus, urticaria, photosensitivity, pigmentary changes, alopecia, ecchymosis, telangiectasia, furunculosis, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, skin necrosis, skin ulceration and exfoliative dermatitis.
[edit] Urogenital system
Severe nephropathy or renal failure, azotemia, cystitis, hematuria; defective oogenesis or spermatogenesis, transient oligospermia, menstrual dysfunction, vaginal discharge, and gynecomastia; infertility, abortion, fetal defects.[6]
So I hope this info helps anyone else who may be getting pressured into taking chemo. Really paints a hideous picture. I figure any drug that is used to induce miscarriage and kill fetuses can not be a GOOD thing, which is one of its more insidious uses....gotta tell ya something.
As I said to Marigue in a PM......allopathic physicians are not in business to HEAL, they only treat symptoms. If they actually healed people they would be out of business, wouldn't they?
Big Pharma is a big business in the US. I have felt for some time now that there is a connection among Big Pharma, the medical profession AND insurance. Somehow I feel they all work hand in glove to support their Love of the Money God.