Really meat should be totally banned from Planet Earth

Really alcohol should be totally banned from Planet Earth

Really Tobacco should be totally banned from Planet Earth

Really Drugs should be totally banned from Planet Earth

After reading about the killers you would have to be an idiot to consume any of the killers ..a right Zombie 

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  • Interesting comments, Drekx. I’m curious which cultures/countries have the most healthy food traditions.

    I saw several New Agey videos made in Hawaii, with pretty girls that do yoga and promote much vegs and fruits. They look fresh and healthy but their diet is mostly vegetarian.

    I also came across a couple from Europe that lived in Indonesia, they were ‘fruitarians’. That’s probably a very sugary diet.

    Now I’m more aware of how the media and social media are influencing us, I’m a more wary when a particular lifestyle is promoted.
    • Glad you found it of use, friend....And there are lifestyle propagandists out there, who seek to sell a diet, of choice....Frutarian, vegetarian, vegan, national, carnivore, keto, etc....
      Personal choice can be shared....But it only becomes of concern when a particular bias is enforced against those who do not follow the diet, the lifestyle...Then it becomes a religion...Not good..

      Each should be free to choose.....In my case I found out about the medical and nutritional truism, that there are no essential carbs and then gravitated to the exponents of that truth/theory, such as Dr Berg, whom I found to be an excellent teacher and inspiration, for my lifestyle changes...Importantly, it worked....So I have chosen the ketogenic diet...I do promote it, but am fully aware that many prefer their own choices....That is totally OK with me...

      Indeed, there are some who cannot consume vast amounts of salad, as it effects their gut and they get bloating....So they instead prefer meat and fish, the carnivore diet...That is totally understandable, also....

      Indeed, quality grass-fed meat, contains all the vitamins and minerals obtained from veg...Many are the active form of vitamins, so vit A retinol, or vit K2, etc....
      I feel that an omniverous diet offers so much choice...for me, it works....👍

      And if there are "fruitarians" out there, good luck to them.....😁 I love berries, myself, but no longer eat sweet fruit, such as bananas, apples, pears....I have no problems with such sweet fruit abstinence, but would never order another to likewise, mirror my choices...

      I would suggest that no country has a completely perfect diet, offered as per a national dish and people such as ourselves, are free to pick and select the "best bits" from each (east and west/south and north) and ignore the "worst bits." ;-)

      And again, my food choice on a given day is based on motive...Most days, would be based upon good nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Some days, not too frequently, it would be based upon social occasion. So, for example we go to a pub restaurant, have a meal that might include potatoes, which I normally avoid...Like a steak with potatoes and sauce..
      With a pint of lager, which again, I do not normally have....

      I find that this practice does not throw me off ketosis...Fat burning resumes rapidly, beacause I have a fast metabolism...Some cannot switch like this....It ruins their ketosis...I can, so it's a personal choice, based on what works...
      If a fellow ketogenicist chose not to do this, that would be understood, fully....Each has a choice...
  • I do not approve of this so-called "western diet," which originated in America's fast food industry, back in the 1950s...Basically it is junk food and should be avoided...However, some eastern cultures are of the opinion that their national dishes are wholesome and pure...That is not strictly true...The Indian sub-continent is a good example of an unhealthy eastern diet....And if you include the arsenic in rice, well it proves my point...Diabetes is high in that vegetarian nation...They may avoid meat and especially the sacred cow, but that does not make them healthy, by and large...
    There is also a cultural factor here....In India, is has traditionally been a sign of wealth and position, to possess a fat belly....A gut that protrudes and folds over trousers...This is centuries old.....We can't blame the Americans for this...
    In India, you will not that many policemen are fat.....We could say this of America, also, but India really does have a problem with fat people.....The "eastern diet" is to blame...
    India policemen told to slim down or lose job
    An Indian police chief says the number of obese officers in the force is increasing.
  • India and Pakistan rank high on the list of diabetic numbers, as percentage of population...The US is top, of course and in a class of it's own...China has the most diabetics and India is third....
    This absurd notion that American junk food equals the "western diet," is baloney....But this so-called "diet" explains much ill health....And a good reason for China's increase in diabetes, as they adopted the "western diet."
    However, countries like India, with it's many vegetarians, is very high on the list...The traditional India diet includes far too much rice and sweet condiments. Sugar levels are way to high....This is not western, but eastern...
    Which Countries Have The Highest Rates Of Diabetes? -
    According to the International Journal Of Health Sciences, diabetes is a major public health problem that is approaching epidemic proportions globall…
  • Facts:

    - “Alcohol is an organic compound in which a hydroxyl group is bound to a carbon atom.” (Wikipedia)

    - Meat: We are partly made of it.

    - Tobacco grows naturally. “And is the common name of several plants in the genus Nicotiana of the family Solanaceae.” (Wikipedia)
    • Of course my previous comment doesn’t have anything to do with consuming alcohol, meat or tobacco.

      But banning what is natural and organic doesn’t make much sense to me.

      Awareness, understanding and personal ethics make the difference. That’s why there are many type of eaters, from junkfood addicts to people who enjoy some fine dining.
      • Yes I agree that banning natural and organic produce, is wrong...Neither alcohol, nor tobacco, should be banned, in spite of the fact that I personally, never smoked and once drank, but now rarely drink alcohol...Only on special family occasions...

        I do believe that smoking in restaurants should remain banned, albeit some have smoking sections....In the UK they have a total ban on smoking in restaurants and pubs and I approve, as it can seriously prevent others, who don't smoke, from enjoying a good meal....
        However, those who smoke should not suffer from a total ban....I know they find it hard to kick the habit....But that is a personal thing...

        I also believe that people should have the freewill choice to eat junk food, if they wish...It really comes down to education.....Motive for eating, is another....Is it for health, nutrition, or is it a social vehicle, only....?? It could be for comfort...Yes, some eat for comfort....Then it is a psychology issue...

        Each must be allowed to experience what is "bad for them" and make their own choices, either to cease the practice, or to continue it....
  • Why conflate meat eating with totally unrelated addictions...?? The body needs essential fatty acids and amino acids...The body does not need carbs, alcohol, nor drugs..So why conflate...?? And why condemn MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, as KILLERS...?? You have no right to "totally ban" anything, from planet Earth...
    Do you actually believe that this is constructive..?? To ban all meat eaters, especially....Maybe certain drugs should be banned, but meat is necessary for health....(Why the WEF wants to ban farming.)

    Moreover.....Veganism and vegetarianism should be a life choice, not a "holy edict." Did Yahweh forbid the OT Israelites to eat meat..?? Of course not..The Hebrews had herds of cattle and goats....There is no clear-cut condemnation of meat eating, by all people who contact ETs, either...The Sirians have never told me to stop eating meat. They want healthy contactees, not weak ones...They have condemned excess alcohol....And big pharma drugs...Excess sugar...But not meat...Nor fish...

    If you want to ban an actual toxin from food, such as arsenic, maybe you could ban the sale of rice..?? Rice grown in countries such as India, is loaded with arsenic...AN ACTUAL POISON...

    Vegetarians often eat too many carbs and sugary condiments/sweets, so are often suffering from diabetes, or pre-diabetes....The number of south Asian Indians, with this condition, is higher than many other nations..And if you actually believe that Ascended Masters don't include quality amino acids and fatty acids (essential) in their diets, you are hopelessly mistaken...

    Sirians and others use replicators, which possess animal protein templates....So they do not need to slay for meat, because of their technological achievements....

    The Sirians, who are on the cosmic degrees, therefore beyond ascension, eat a type of gelatinous "soup," which I have sampled and noted it to be TASTLESS....It is also transparent...Imagine a jelly which you can see-through, minus any colours...Like ice...but wobbly and viscous...

    This "Lertiff" was mentioned in Greek mythology as "food of the Gods," or Ambrosia....It is perfect nutrition and contains just about every trace mineral and vitamin, the body needs for perfect health...No toxins at all, quality fats, essential amino acids and fatty acids, as well.....There are no essential carbohydrates, so these are excluded from Lertiff.....
    Of course, this complete meal is also supplemented with grown vegetables and fruits....The fruits having a much lower sugar content than many on Earth...They have hydroponic gardens on board the motherships..

    Maybe you should halt all rice eating....?? Raise that topic instead of meat..
    Arsenic In Rice: How Concerned Should You Be?
    One of the world’s most toxic poisons is in a staple food eaten around the world. Find out what you need to know about arsenic in rice.
  • For a start these killers need to be banned from all superstores…then other places till they are phased out of planet earth
  • In evolved planets none of these killers exist …only in lower hellish planets
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