Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
submitted by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
Knowing through Conscious stimulated Senses
When we read a book for the first time we create a picture inside our minds of the story. This picture stimulates the senses and creates an understanding. If we read the story again and again, we develop a better overall picture of the story with a much better understanding.
All stories enrich and feed the mind which open up a portal of acquired knowledge, in this case from the book. When we read other books we acquire further new knowledge and insights.
One of the necessary building blocks of life is learning. We can spend almost a quarter of our life time in acquiring basic school education. From this we can better understand the engagements and challenges of life.
When we learn a subject in school, we develop an insight and understanding that builds on experience. When we continue to answer questions on the same subject, we get better and better and further our development.
Knowing in any subject, skill or experience is a building block in life. Whether it’s in this material planet or in the spiritual realm; it feeds our understanding. When we read more about the same subject, we get better all the time. As we have developed an understanding that enriches the mind and creates thoughts that are at higher levels than the previous thoughts. It increases the understanding as we KNOW the subject.
Any knowledge is stored in the mind and the Creator rewards us with the understanding to get us even further in whatever we are doing. When we keep on learning, He keeps rewarding us with better insights.
These insights lead to new portals in the fabric of space, which lead to an outcome. When this is not followed up, the space opened, closes; in some occasions it cannot open up again, we call this opportunities. However, some opportunities can be harmful.
Any higher knowledge is always followed up with further insights and understanding that is imprinted in the mind. A never ending cycle of KNOWING is created and imprinted over time. When this builds up we begin to absorb this into the cells of the brain and develop the communication aspects of this knowledge. In other words we begin to describe or explain what we have learnt. We can only do this when we learn a certain percentage of the topic.
When the communication opens up, the flow starts the engine inside the mind that keeps running until we stop talking. This knowledge is permanently stored in the mind ready to use at any time. Further progress leads to better communication and KNOWING of the subject.
So keep on reading the knowledge that interest and develops understanding that you can explain to others.
Your mother who has developed knowledge over time.
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Wes :)