luke was once an acc friend and i fully hope to reclaim that mantle, after this former friend has fully traversed the trials of life, spirit has furnished for him.......i agree that luke seeks to expunge the controvercial title of 'liberal.' but then, the energy signature must be exterpated, through cessation of political critique directed......basically, stop moaning about trump and nationalism.....they wax lyrical.................;-0
No, not globalists, no NWO and not liberal. There is another way of being other than the matrix of left/right, wall/no wall, etc. It is vey simple,,,we simply want the best for everone.
The wall is a bad idea for many would be a catastrophe for the wildlife along the border, many US citizens would have their land forcefully taken for cheap, but mostly because it would not work because the US has a huge ocean border near mexico...they could come in rubber boats. Another reason is because 1/3 of the mexicans come into the USA by plane now.
So, how do we solve the problem of many mexicans coming into the US; simple if we use a bit of Unity thinking and doing what is best for everyone. If the economy in Mexico was good and the standard of living raised and there were jobs then the people from mexico would rather stay in their country. Like the canadians...they don´t rush to the USA because their life is good at home....probably better than in the USA for they have free medical for Canada is a socialist country and listed in the top 10 happiest countries ..
How can we help make mexico better place to live.....simply by stopping to keep it poor. By stopping to flood Mexico with cheap subsidized US corn and veg and putting all the mexican farmers out of business. We also intentionally flooded mexico with guns (Fast and Furious) and created a very violent and dangerous place there. The whole war on drugs created gangs, cartels ..who were really working for the CIA. Then we support the corrupt political leaders there. Then we have the US corporations who build factories there and pay the workers $1 an hour. It is a long list, the way we keep mexico poor. If we would simply stop doing these things then the economy in mexico would improve and the mexican people would not run away......most people always prefer to live in their own country......who wants to be a refugee.
Like they say in south america....´´poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the USA.´´
It is the same way around the world; if we stop bombing countries and stop controlling other governments and influencing their politics to put in the leaders we want; then the world would be a much better place to live and we would not have all these refugees. Another benefit for the USA is that we would have an extra $500 billion each year to spend on the USA and the people.
~Beautifully laid out, Feather... Humanity is wrestling with harnessing the courage to re'vision' & remember our true potential as protectors & co-creators of this experience we call Life, as biophysical extensions of the planet herself. Not frightened children caught in the fear based projections of building walls & borders around each other... & ultimately, ourselves. Becoming willing participants in fracturing our wholeness, including our unique expression of Mind, Body & Spirit. It is no coincidence that the 'trump'eting of 'build a wall!' has been amplified so loudly in the current timeline. I can think of no greater symbol of our collective psychic wound, a parasitic implant that we're ultimately trying to heal... which isn't easy, as the pull to retreat back to what's become familiar (endless war, othering our fellows, nationalism, racial superiority, the list is endless) is a constant MSN backbeat, seducing masses of people through fear & the illusion of separation. It would seem that we stand at a crucial crossroads where bypassing the shadows of the status quo is essential to our survival... while that too is ultimately maya, it resonates more for me than traveling down karmic paths we've already traversed in lifetimes going back to the ancient world. ~InLight555
Lukke: Yu say that the Trumsters "haven't gt a breeze abut the meaning f life" yes, we D have a breeze abut the meaning f life - we believe in COUNTRIES NT GLOBALISM.
....................absolutely Luke,................ its a joy to read your responces . full sentences and food for thought energies , unlike the other bunch ..................simple minded , unwilling and blinded by separation .
Nice one, Michael, I appreciate that and indeed likewise my brother. It's a privilage to learn from the valuable insights you share and also, it's a relief to see your no–nonsense approach in these forums which is a vital method of self expression when it comes to those whose sheer ignorance calls for "tough love" measures, because ultimately our intentions are to help them in the long run. Some people don't deserve our "spirituality" per say, principally those who are wedged so far up their own arses that they get tangled up in their root chakra, like someone stuck in a sraight jacket, or even more appropriate, stuck in a sleeping bag and committed to staying stuck in it, occasionally fighting to get out of it but whose total refusal to unfasten the zipper marks them out as stubborn and idiotic, foolish and obviously wearing blinders, despite the fact they've been shown on countless occasions how easy it is to set themselves free. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that brings them "security", making an enemy of their own "future" by refusing to acknowledge both the existence of their true nature in the present moment and denying their own mistakes, shirking their own responsibilities to avoid dealing with reality while lambasting us for their own shortcomings, simply because we push their buttons.
Little do they realize the reason why they feel antagonized when they get presented with higher truth, it's because they've got deeply rooted issues involving denial going on within themselves and for them, reality simply isn't part of the equation, thus they are in a recurrent loop of self-imposed enslavement. Reality bites, but for some people, the walls they build around themselves are literally impenetrable, such is the extent of their fear. Awakening to deeper truth is not always a pleasent experience, it can bring up all kinds of unresolved issues, they are unaware of the often unpleasant fact of authentic awakening, and so they cannot be troubled by it, therefore for them, ignorance is bliss. However, it's our singleness of purpose in order to get to the "heart" of the person, that they may in turn open their heart, that continues to drive us on with full determination. There are some members in this webiste who are so deeply entranced and hypnotised by the conditioning in their minds, that they cannot see beyond the first layer of their skin, currently unable to comprehend multiidemsional reality and unwilling to learn, they consider us as "insane" for merely providing the keys to unlocking their full potential, and that only proves the level of ignorance we are dealing with in here. They deserve to be called ignorant because they are ignorant, as ignorance is unconsiousness and these people are not just asleep, they're f@cking comatosed by the looks of it, no doubt about it. Reality is sacred to the living and a threat to the dead, and the walking dead are amonge us, in the form of the docile, zombified, ACC Trump devoted 'ignoramuses'!
"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
"When we hear about Epstein we think of politicians and celebs who were involved with him, but it does make sense that individuals on Wall Street would also be involved as talked about here. The Deep State swamp is definitely all over the place.…"
"General Flynn comes on to the Benny show to talk about James Comey's corruption. James Comey could be the key that leads to the even bigger names being exposed."
"Yes, an interesting vid on physiognomies, Roberto........I will also suggest that the reference to the clay feet of the statue, is as follows..Daniel's dream and prophecy...
The golden head was Babylon, the silver arms and chest were Persia, the…"
"Actually, the thought of ape-man Zelensky meeting the King, makes my flesh crawl...He hasn't changed that shirt he wears, for the last Month, by the looks of things...What a pong he will bring to the palace..💩 Yuk...!!
Moreover, this street thug is…"
drexxyboy playing nice , how special....................
luke was once an acc friend and i fully hope to reclaim that mantle, after this former friend has fully traversed the trials of life, spirit has furnished for him.......i agree that luke seeks to expunge the controvercial title of 'liberal.' but then, the energy signature must be exterpated, through cessation of political critique directed......basically, stop moaning about trump and nationalism.....they wax lyrical.................;-0
No, not globalists, no NWO and not liberal. There is another way of being other than the matrix of left/right, wall/no wall, etc. It is vey simple,,,we simply want the best for everone.
The wall is a bad idea for many would be a catastrophe for the wildlife along the border, many US citizens would have their land forcefully taken for cheap, but mostly because it would not work because the US has a huge ocean border near mexico...they could come in rubber boats. Another reason is because 1/3 of the mexicans come into the USA by plane now.
So, how do we solve the problem of many mexicans coming into the US; simple if we use a bit of Unity thinking and doing what is best for everyone. If the economy in Mexico was good and the standard of living raised and there were jobs then the people from mexico would rather stay in their country. Like the canadians...they don´t rush to the USA because their life is good at home....probably better than in the USA for they have free medical for Canada is a socialist country and listed in the top 10 happiest countries ..
How can we help make mexico better place to live.....simply by stopping to keep it poor. By stopping to flood Mexico with cheap subsidized US corn and veg and putting all the mexican farmers out of business. We also intentionally flooded mexico with guns (Fast and Furious) and created a very violent and dangerous place there. The whole war on drugs created gangs, cartels ..who were really working for the CIA. Then we support the corrupt political leaders there. Then we have the US corporations who build factories there and pay the workers $1 an hour. It is a long list, the way we keep mexico poor. If we would simply stop doing these things then the economy in mexico would improve and the mexican people would not run away......most people always prefer to live in their own country......who wants to be a refugee.
Like they say in south america....´´poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the USA.´´
It is the same way around the world; if we stop bombing countries and stop controlling other governments and influencing their politics to put in the leaders we want; then the world would be a much better place to live and we would not have all these refugees. Another benefit for the USA is that we would have an extra $500 billion each year to spend on the USA and the people.
~Beautifully laid out, Feather... Humanity is wrestling with harnessing the courage to re'vision' & remember our true potential as protectors & co-creators of this experience we call Life, as biophysical extensions of the planet herself. Not frightened children caught in the fear based projections of building walls & borders around each other... & ultimately, ourselves. Becoming willing participants in fracturing our wholeness, including our unique expression of Mind, Body & Spirit. It is no coincidence that the 'trump'eting of 'build a wall!' has been amplified so loudly in the current timeline. I can think of no greater symbol of our collective psychic wound, a parasitic implant that we're ultimately trying to heal... which isn't easy, as the pull to retreat back to what's become familiar (endless war, othering our fellows, nationalism, racial superiority, the list is endless) is a constant MSN backbeat, seducing masses of people through fear & the illusion of separation. It would seem that we stand at a crucial crossroads where bypassing the shadows of the status quo is essential to our survival... while that too is ultimately maya, it resonates more for me than traveling down karmic paths we've already traversed in lifetimes going back to the ancient world. ~InLight555
AsWithin... SoWithout
Lukke: Yu say that the Trumsters "haven't gt a breeze abut the meaning f life" yes, we D have a breeze abut the meaning f life - we believe in COUNTRIES NT GLOBALISM.
Amerika sure is a strange place.................
....................absolutely Luke,................ its a joy to read your responces . full sentences and food for thought energies , unlike the other bunch ..................simple minded , unwilling and blinded by separation .
Michael: And yu are CONNECTED by the ne World order.
..aren't you the brigthest bulb in the chandelier ................miss !
Nice one, Michael, I appreciate that and indeed likewise my brother. It's a privilage to learn from the valuable insights you share and also, it's a relief to see your no–nonsense approach in these forums which is a vital method of self expression when it comes to those whose sheer ignorance calls for "tough love" measures, because ultimately our intentions are to help them in the long run. Some people don't deserve our "spirituality" per say, principally those who are wedged so far up their own arses that they get tangled up in their root chakra, like someone stuck in a sraight jacket, or even more appropriate, stuck in a sleeping bag and committed to staying stuck in it, occasionally fighting to get out of it but whose total refusal to unfasten the zipper marks them out as stubborn and idiotic, foolish and obviously wearing blinders, despite the fact they've been shown on countless occasions how easy it is to set themselves free. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that brings them "security", making an enemy of their own "future" by refusing to acknowledge both the existence of their true nature in the present moment and denying their own mistakes, shirking their own responsibilities to avoid dealing with reality while lambasting us for their own shortcomings, simply because we push their buttons.
Little do they realize the reason why they feel antagonized when they get presented with higher truth, it's because they've got deeply rooted issues involving denial going on within themselves and for them, reality simply isn't part of the equation, thus they are in a recurrent loop of self-imposed enslavement. Reality bites, but for some people, the walls they build around themselves are literally impenetrable, such is the extent of their fear. Awakening to deeper truth is not always a pleasent experience, it can bring up all kinds of unresolved issues, they are unaware of the often unpleasant fact of authentic awakening, and so they cannot be troubled by it, therefore for them, ignorance is bliss. However, it's our singleness of purpose in order to get to the "heart" of the person, that they may in turn open their heart, that continues to drive us on with full determination. There are some members in this webiste who are so deeply entranced and hypnotised by the conditioning in their minds, that they cannot see beyond the first layer of their skin, currently unable to comprehend multiidemsional reality and unwilling to learn, they consider us as "insane" for merely providing the keys to unlocking their full potential, and that only proves the level of ignorance we are dealing with in here. They deserve to be called ignorant because they are ignorant, as ignorance is unconsiousness and these people are not just asleep, they're f@cking comatosed by the looks of it, no doubt about it. Reality is sacred to the living and a threat to the dead, and the walking dead are amonge us, in the form of the docile, zombified, ACC Trump devoted 'ignoramuses'!