With all the events going on and confusion levels rising and falling like rollercoaster rides, Here we are being subjected to more confusion with a few stories in the mix. Firstly Kauilapele says he is fed up with Drake and his Gun touting antics and will not be reporting on his discussions anymore as if I can read between the lines, he gets no energy from it anymore, as if Kauilapele has run out of steam on Drake for his bias on gun law and his abrupt stance and time wasting on the issue, when there are more pressing issues. Secondly SaLuSa in agreement with and The Paleadian High Council say 4th August, be ready for the Olympic display of craft and that they have Successfully negotiated with higher powers on Earth for this event to take place as the cabal and the Royalty refuse to do as they are ordered to do and step down from power. Siting that the Olympics High profile is the target to use for a wide global live Audience for disclosure, plus making bold statements, Such as "If you do not stand down we will appear in front of you and on your media etc. Their main aim is that there is no more time to wait as the damage here on Earth is so much so, that time for ascension and disclosure is now must go ahead as of that date 4th Aug. Then we have Cobra today which flies in the face of such comments and suggests nothing will happen on 4th Aug and that we will have to wait until end october instead and for reasons detailed below. What are we to make of all of this too'ing and fro'ing? It is not what we need to hear nor does it make sense of any of our sources which brings ALL SOURCES into question. It appears that channeling messages from outer earth ancestry offer more Karma than the current system of deceit and downright war and murder we endure every day plus all the Poisining, Robbery and Torture of ALL OUR CITIZENS, So please read with care and we shall have to make a collective decision as to what does and does not resonate with us to proceed with any confidence at all. After all I do agree with KP about Drake as I do not get any inner strength from Drake these days after he lost credibility last month after his false flag alert of the Green Light. So do we also have to put SaLuSa and Palaedian HC and Cobra on our 'Not to be trusted' list? Go past Cobra;s post and get a handle on the final summary and comments as we upgrade here:


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  • I saw this in a dream last week.  They have been contacting me in dream state for almost 2 months now.  All the bits and peices to the puzzle are falling in place with me now.

  • I've been doing alot of thinking about all of this.It has all the earmarks of the dark trying to break up the lightworkers and give us doubts.  I realized it's part of the plan and we have a momentum going right now and I think it just should make us and Drake and everybody who wants freedom just kick it up a couple more notches and show the dark that they can't break us down. And we aren't going away.  With Love Honestangel2012

  • "What are we to make of all of this too'ing and fro'ing? It is not what we need to hear nor does it make sense of any of our sources which brings ALL SOURCES into question. It appears that channeling messages from outer earth ancestry offer more Karma than the current system of deceit and downright war and murder we endure every day plus all the Poisining, Robbery and Torture of ALL OUR CITIZENS"

    Very well put Lightworkersxm. There's absolutely nothing to lose no longer following this soap opera that feeds off of our energy. If anything ever happens, like, for real, we'll hear about it soon enough.

  • I wanted to write something similar today, when I discovered this post. Perhaps this situation with channellers will finally clarify things for us, as to who is telling the truth. Mercury is also still retrograde, I think till the 8th of August, which adds to the confusion, but I have a feeling that we will soon know "where we stand and who to trust".

    My advice to everyone, if you don't mind, is to keep calm, spread the light and love, and be confident that everything will turn out well. I think that is our mission too.

    Disclosure will happen, one way or another, and in many ways it is already happening.

    Please, put yourself in positive mind frame, don't worry as that will make things worse, and enjoy every single new day. I decided to distance myself from announcements and to act as observer of events. That way I also gather strength for future periods, when it could be needed.

    My dear friends, be strong and confident, and stay in light. Love to all of you

  • I posted this earlier and thought it beneficial to post here confirming what others have said.

    Friends of the light~

    Doing clearing work speeds up time and supports the ascension scenario which is much of what I came to do. Of course at some point, we'll create a critical mass and heaven and earth will come together. In the meantime I realize the darkside has agendas--making last minute attempts to confuse the masses.

    My responsibility is to hold the energy for the divine plan and to keep my consciousness there. If we do that, we can still view what is happening around us as we stay emotionally unattached to what is happening. Then we still support the higher realms.

    As we all pray for the return of the the Enoch's, the Melchizadeks, ancient prophets, galactics, ascended  and Christed beings, we'll all speed up time--connecting heaven to earth. Of course Jesus doesn't need a space ship, but doesn't mean he won't use one. He comes in a physical body descending into the lower realms, he dwells with us as one of us. Higher beings do use space craft. I've seen them. Ships from the higher dimensions are ships that are bioplasma which operate through heart/mind control and are not mechanical hard surface ships like in 3D. Arrests are happening, but obviously all is not cleared yet in the physical. While viewing the Olympic display, my granddaughter came in to watch. I found myself thinking that the darkside needed to be completely cleared before we could completely trust who's doing what.

    As I made that observation, I received a confirmation from my granddaughter Shylah on how to view this. Many were predicting a false flag at the Olympics opening and what I saw was a space craft on that youtube I sent yesterday which other countries have pictures of as well, but initially viewing the space craft it appeared to be in between the bioplasma ones and the mechanical ones so I was having a hard time discerning. (Later I could see it was bioplasma.)

    I had been in creation--setting the intent and holding the energy for contact the week of the full moon when all of this unfolded. I felt divine intervention at the full moon was definitely a strong probable time--for at least the first wavers who have been preparing. At first it was really strong, but later I was having a hard time holding the energy of it (which later I discovered I had some infiltration interfering with and causing me to doubt.) So as Shylah, my 8 year old granddaughter who sees through the veil, watched the the youtube she said, "Oh! Those are the good aliens." I said, "How do you know?" And she said, "Because the bad ones aren't real."

    Even though she's experienced the darkside and the light--in other words, the darkside used to be a reality to her, but lately she wants to be with me and is only wanting to know truth--having been shown crystal cities so things have shifted for her. I was quite surprised to see that now in her reality, they don't even exist. So guess what? They don't exist. That's how universal laws work. It's possible she isn't even so called "right" but that's not the point. The point or the ultimate "truth" is whatever is in our reality is what we'll experience, and she would give no other answer because that's her reality and her experience--that's called "binding Satan." Does that make sense?? Those who perceive only that which is good is what they'll experience--and that is the only "true" reality--for everything else is of the illusion--so in other words, the false flag isn't real--at least for those who don't view it as real. LOL

    So stay emotionally unattached without judgment. As we view what is happening, instead of getting "into the drama," pray for others and the world, keeping love in our hearts and we'll transcend the illusion of 3D.  What is currently happening is bringing awareness of us all to lovingly discipline ourselves to view only that which is "truth" -- the only "true" reality. 

    I've also learned in my clearing work to bless the darkside or they infiltrate because they know the work I'm doing. When we keep love in our hearts no matter what is happening, nothing can harm us. It's when we go into fear or anger, we are influenced by negativity. Now is the time to ask to receive the spiritual support needed to keep our eye single to God's glory so we feel love inside ourselves which transcends the illusion of our 3D world. That's how we'll bless ourselves and others!! Light & Love~Janice

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/how-to-transcend-our-...
    • JC: no offense to your grand-daughter Shylah but my 5 year old Labrador Nestor barked angrily at the ship during the ceremony. I first thought it was due to the fireworks since some dogs hate them so I muted the TV. And he kept at it ONLY when the ship was in the frame. To make it clear, it wasn't a "hey, let me leap into your lap, dude" kind of bark. It was the "don't get any closer to my bone, as***hole" variety. Dogs know.

      • Or maybe your friend Nestor was able to see the dark symbolism and when he could see the light ship he was making it known to the dark that the light was here. As JC said, it's what your truth is. Or in this case, what Nestor's truth is.  :)

        • Excep that no matter how hard you try to "truth" your belief into being, it doesnt change the fact that the light in the sky may or may not be alien craft, and IF it is it doesnt mean they are nice, they could be mean.  The "truth" is it is what it is, and no amount of wishing or belief is going to change whatever it is, into whatever you want it to be.

  • Tighten your seats, I just got a feeling it is going to be purely chaotic, very confusing times for many people between now until December.. Please live from within your HEART, not outside of it.   Your mind is resistance of your truth and your heart is not.  Go with flow and keep living within you instead of outside where the world is.  Outside of heart is not of the truth but within heart is!  I learned my lessons after I realized that I let myself get so frustrated and confused with all the channeling so I worked on myself for past days.  And with it, I finally let all of it go and I focus living truthful way where I also remembered that the reality is what you make out of it.  YOU CREATES YOUR REALITY everyday with your thought, your emotions, and what you do with your days.  It is WASTE to keep 'living in future' when you have NOW (present) moment to live on where everything is creating your future.  If you are not living in your NOW moment, you are missing so much living in your NOW moment.

    • well said, very very well said :) 

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