A powerful wave is washing through to remind us, to usher us to relieve ourselves of any burdens that are ready to be transmuted into a clear new being.
It's been a week since I've written and so much has happened and continues to happen that I will expand upon more in the LIVE today, see time and links below to join!
The previous email one week ago was about The Great Cleansing that is now underway.
Over these years we have been on the path of great transformation to meet this moment.
This moment is very interesting in how the timelines are playing out.
In meditation on Tuesday last week I was with the Sun Council that connects directly with the Great Central Sun, Source, and they said they were taking a step back from humanity along with the Inner Earth and Galactic Councils.
I asked why.The message was humanity is at a great choice point and the majority are still choosing death and the waters will be coming. Hmmmm, that was interesting to receive.
And I understood.
The next day, out of the blue, the weather cooled and it sprinkled all day, quite unusual for August here which is usually very hot and dry until later fall.
Well, we have had several rains since then some quite intense, and there are other great water moments elsewhere on the planet.
Mother Earth is also needing to shake some energy up as she is adapting to the frequencies and needing to create a change of how we are in relationship with her.
The waters are the cleansing and we need to be in right relationship with ourselves first, then we can be in balanced relationship with the external, the reflection of us.
Many of you are reporting deep surfacing and transforming of very potent programs and patterns as well as body pains etc. this is an intense squeeze for at least those of us who are pillars to stay strong and do the inner work to pull us through.
There are battles happening on and off right now in the other realms and dimensions that we are feeling the repercussions of as well. Many factions are trying to vie for the control of our Souls and this planet as we cleanse.
Over the weekend in meditation I was shown how the timelines are oscillating around each other.There are the timelines where we cross the bridge and the world becomes the new sooner than later, and there are many other probabilities that are at play.
There has been momentum to bring the past and future together to begin anew and now we are in the squeeze as billions of humans, Souls are making choices.
Which will we choose?
If you are here, I know which one you are choosing and we need to stay strong together through this!!
And not get caught up in the worldly dramas and illusions.
Stay true to the heart and unity rather than division and separation!
We are individually and collectively moving some very old deep deep stuff!!
This is an opportunity to take full accountability, that no matter what we are holding, we can meet it and keep meeting it until it no longer is the same energy and pattern. We free up the energy to be what it truly is, pure creative life force!
This morning in meditation I saw a brilliant gold infinity symbol around the Inner Earth Sun up and around our Sun Star.
A reminder of the infinite source connection that is always present even in the most challenging of times!
An encouragement to feel that within our own selves and be the strength, the courage and the eternal love that will create the harmony within and without!!
So Don't Give Up and we won't be given up on either, it's just a moment for us to really take account of ourselves.
Don't Give Up, was a message that came through an episode I had Friday night when an experience blasted my heart into pieces and I had to regroup that led to great healing!!
Deep Grief came up around loss and with that my own self judgment, inadequacy, holding my self back, abandoning and betraying myself and the challenges of always having to create new foundations, basically being part of the ground crew of creation (you know who you are) and feeling like I haven't lived up to the task they way I could have.... a massive wave for me.
I cried, the waters flowed and flowed. All night I felt the deep ping in my heart and every time my finger wanted to point outwards or I wanted to feel judged by others I brought it back to me which created the most beautiful breakthrough of love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance of me.
Since then I have felt freedom, inspiration and creativity to be me in a way that I haven't felt quite to this level, more anchored more open, my heart is alive in a way that is reaching far beyond the reaches of my energy body!
We are doing this and it's not the easies task as we go up and down and all over the place to recover ourselves from many lifetimes and experiences that are needing re-vision, to see and be from a new perspective!
And there is more to share and I will do so in the LIVE (the video below).
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