Now here is the help needed!!!





Kryon: The  Recalibration of the Human Being Received by Lee Carroll -7 February,  2012
February 19,  2012
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic  Service. It seems like only a moment ago that I told you there would be changes  in the room, and I can feel them. The attribute of those from the other side of  the veil is compassion. There are always questions, however. Some ask, "How do I  know who is visiting me? I'm afraid of this or that and when I channel and I  open my mouth, I don't know what's going to happen. Do I allow any energy in the  universe to pop in?" And we say to you, oh, how 3D of you to think that the  angels standing around you would ever let that happen! If it's compassionate  energy, it is from God. If it is not, it is from you. It's that  simple. Do not envision in your mind a plethora of dark energies waiting to  pounce upon you, for this is a man-made suggestion. You've humanized God so much  that you're not even sure when Spirit takes your hand.
Let tonight change that. Know that wherever  you go, you could call it what you wish, but there is an entourage with you.  It's so difficult for me to explain soul fragmentation, for it sounds like a  negative thing, but it's beautiful. There's always three of you all the  time, wherever you go. Oh, there are actually more, but three  represents the main group. One of them is the Higher-Self, which is your core.  How can I explain the Higher-Self? It is the core, you. It is the part of you  that vibrates higher. It is not above you, but rather it is in you, and this  higher vibrating "you" opens a portal that is literally a connection and a  handshake to Spirit. And that's you. So that's number one.
Then there's the conscious mind that  represents the biological you. Now there are two parts. How many do you need for  a group? You see? There are things about the quantum you that you have barely,  barely got into, including the field around you eight meters wide. The Human  Being is amazing.
The other major part is the part of you that  remains on my side of the veil that you totally deny. You see it as a guide or  helper that you are very attached to. Instead, it is the constant that  connects you to God - always, wherever you are.
I want to talk about what is currently  happening on the planet and I would like to give you, in this, the first full  channelling of 2012, what I would call the attributes about the energy visiting  you now. This energy is changing. Those who are in the seats in this particular  room, and will be in the seats in the room tomorrow [speaking of those in the  Okanagan Valley], will receive the same message. This represents one of the few  times that I will repeat a message in the same language. It needs to be  repeated. Transcriptions will be taken and many will hear it.
After my explanation, old souls will know  more about the experiences that they are having and will understand more about  what is causing them. This is given in love and there's no fearful thing here.  You sit in a safe place.
The energy that is being visited upon this  earth has been expected. The Ancients predicted it and we have given you recent  channellings, even the channeling given in that country which you would call  Peru, about the shift of what we would call the movement of the feathered  serpent [first presented in Kryon, Book 8 in 2000]. There's an actual polarity  shift happening between the male and female energy of the planet. The Northern  Hemisphere, which has always been masculine-heavy, is changing. The Southern  Hemisphere, which has not been biased in that way, is changing. The wisdom of  the Ancients in the Southern Hemisphere is beginning to replace the wisdom of  the Ancients in the North. And you're starting to see a softer Human  Being.
Spiritually, the old souls are alerted to  this shift first and are beginning to receive biological changes. You expected  it and it's here. This process is one that is felt by the entire planet. Those  disruptions you see in countries right now, which have not had disruptions for  hundreds of years, are a result of this change - for this is what takes place  when humanity begins to have more compassion, when they wish to unify more than  separate, and new thoughts and wisdom start to occur.
New  Invention
This new consciousness creates new  inventions - higher science, higher thinking and solutions to those things that  you have called basic Human issues. Population explosion, food, water, power  generation - all of these things are going to change. There will be new  thinking, new thought and new revelation in the next two generations, even some  of it in the next 18 years. But a shift is occurring and I want to tell you  who's going to feel it first. It's those in the chairs, listening to my voice  and reading this, who have been on this planet so many times that they are used  to the old energy. Old soul, you're starting to remember. You're starting to  remember what it used to be like and what it can be like again. Old soul, you  are beginning to recalibrate and this is cellular change in 3D.
These energy shifts we speak of are not  going to be some kind of New Age esoteric magic. Instead, you're going to see it  clearly grounded in governments and in science. You're going to see it all over  the planet as energy begins to shift away from what anyone expected. Slowly.  I've said it before. Slowly, there'll be countries that have been in isolation  for years that will open their gates. You better take some pictures now, because  things will never be the same. Slowly, they will join the rest of you, and their  children will meet your children and you'll realize you have things in common  and not the low energy attributes that you have been told.
The Recalibration of  Biology
The recalibration of the old soul is the  subject of this and tomorrow's channel. So the channels will be similar and not  a continuation. You don't need Part A and Part B. I'll give you everything today  and everything tomorrow. I want you to know what you can expect and what some of  you are already working with: Recalibration. Your biology has to shift. It has  to absorb and work with, and be part of, a softer energy. If it's going to do  that, there has to be a recalibration of the core, or the center of the  energy.
Those who have studied the lattice,  representing the patterned energies around you, know of calibration. You know of  the energies of balance that are required for a Human to start changing  themselves. You know about that which is body rejuvenation, mentioned even this  day about how cells divide and how every single kind of cell in your body,  including brain and heart and skin, regenerate. They are designed to regenerate  and if they're lost, they're designed to regenerate, and if they're damaged,  they're designed to regenerate. Oh, I say it again, Human, don't you find it odd  that the starfish can grow back a limb and you can't? Don't you think that's  odd? This will change.
Well, if everything rejuvenates, don't you  find it odd that a disease can start to change how a Human thinks, and the  scientist will tell you that their brain cells are starting to die or move or  change or be poisoned, and the Human even loses the memory of love? Where is the  rejuvenation? Where is the repair? That's not how DNA is designed, dear ones.  Cells are designed to go back to the blueprint and create a new, fresh cell.  That's how it's designed! Your science is going to see that and your spiritual  bodies are going to see that, and the ones who sit in the chair have got to  recalibrate to work with it.
The recalibration is automatic. You don't  have to ask for it. Let me repeat that. It's going to happen because you're an  old soul, and that's why you're here. You don't have to ask for it. But the  recalibration is what you expected and what you're remembering. But perhaps it's  not what you expect, exactly?
It's uncomfortable! Now some of you will  know where this message is going when we start giving you the attributes that I  would say are less than positive, which some of you will experience in the  recalibration process. Now, this is some of you, not all. Every single Human  Being has their own unique path, so they will experience these things in their  own way. So this is not a generic list of what is going to happen to all old  souls. These are, instead, potentials given of many symptoms of recalibration  that old souls may experience, and who are here and ready to move forward on  this planet.
The  List
Some of you will have dizziness. It's an  attribute of recalibration. That's all it is and it will pass. But it's  worrisome, for those who will become dizzy will also become disoriented and that  might even cause a fall. So what do you do with this new knowledge? Number one -  know you're not catching a horrible brain disease. Number two - walk more  carefully! Does that make sense to you?
There are other things. You're going to have  trouble sleeping - more trouble than normal. You're not going to have one  awakening, but rather two or more. So already some of you, who have been feeling  these things, know what's going on. It's recalibration.
The first question the Human asks is, "How  long will this occur?" The answer is, as long as it takes, oh dense one. [Kryon  smile] I think you get the idea. The recalibration will take place as long as it  takes, and if you fight it, it will take longer. Worse yet, if you drug yourself  against it, it's just going to keep happening. Celebrate it and move forward  with it. Tell your cellular structure you understand and move with it, not  against it. This will quicken it and it will pass even sooner.
Every single biology [Human] in the room is  different, and now we bring up something that we have not brought up for some  time, but you need to hear it. What works for you in health is based almost  completely and totally upon your Akashic inheritance. Where did you spent  the most lifetimes? Perhaps it was in Asia? Perhaps India or Tibet? Perhaps it  was in the Southern Hemisphere? Each of those places and cultures will have had  different food, which worked to keep you balanced and healthy. Yet, here you are  in the Northern Hemisphere, in this lifetime. What I want you to know is that  you are significantly influenced by the kind of diet that you used to have [in  your past lives].
Perhaps you were vegan. Perhaps you ate only  grains. Therefore, your cells will crave that diet to feel balanced. Do you  understand? There are others who come mainly from North America, from Europe,  and who never had those kinds of diets from Asia or the south. Therefore, they  won't have any trouble at all with the food of the land. Listen: There is no  one, generic answer to the question: "What should I eat for Spiritual health?"  There are no "shoulds." Instead, there are good signals from "innate" inside  you, which gives insight as to the most healthy things for your own body. In  other words, listen to your cells!
Now, why do I mention this? Because you're  going to get advice from people on what to eat to correct what's wrong with you  as you recalibrate. So I'm going to tell you right now, ignore them. Instead, go inside and let your own Akashic Record tell you what is going to  work for you. Don't be surprised if some of you come up allergic to some  things you've always eaten. I will tell you: Your biology is recalibrating. This  attribute will be necessary for you to move forward, for you to shift to the  place where you can be balanced with the most wisdom.
Many of you might not like some processed  food, because you're not used to it in your Akash. Do you see what I'm saying?  If you're going to pull the Shamanic energy up from the depths of the wisdom  that you have learned and walked through over and over through past history,  some things are going to come with it - like your balanced diet, for instance -  and you're going to have to deal with it. Don't fight it.
Expect these things. They're there for you  to see and feel. See them for what they are: recalibration. "Dear Spirit," you  might say, "thank you for this recalibration, for caring enough about me to know  that this is where I want to go and what I want to do." Human Being, how you  recalibrate now will determine how you will come back in the next life. You  won't have to go through this again - ever. Akashic inheritance is far more than  the genealogy of those Human Beings you came from [parents]. You know this. An  inherited Akash represents those things that you've experienced in all the  lifetimes, regardless of your parents' genes. Sometimes, these are the most  predominant and heaviest things that you have to deal with. The ones in the  chairs listening to my voice are beginning to deal with these things. So that is  the other thing: Expect these past things to come forward for  clearing.
Clearing the  Past
Maybe you haven't done very well with  the life lessons in the last few lives, and this one you felt you would do  better? You will, because the earth needs you. And it doesn't need you  encumbered with fear. Instead, it needs you to say to yourselves, "I accept this  recalibration. No matter what is in my body at this moment, it can be gone. If  it's inappropriate, it can be gone. I stand as a piece of divinity on this  planet - wise, appropriate, and I belong here. This is my time. Cellular  structure, listen: If there's anything inappropriate, let it be gone. Let it  wash away with the waste. Let it go out because it is not seen as appropriate,  it is not commensurate to the energy of the love of God. Let only  compassionate things enter my consciousness." This may be hard for some of  you to say.
The Good  News
So now, let us look at those things that  you can expect physically, which will not be as hard.
Number one: You are going to be able to deal  with even the worst habits that you've ever had in your life, and get rid of  them very quickly. It is a new energy of cooperation with the energy of the  Lightworker. Did you get that? Oh, let us pause, please, and take just a moment  for a deep breath, for I am dealing with those listening to my voice and reading  this who have gone through thousands of years of persecution, suffering and  torture. There are those who have been burned at the stake. This is because the  energy you brought into the earth was not a match at all for what the earth was  experiencing. Holy men and women would be asked to heal somebody one moment, and  then to go to the edge of the village and jump off a cliff the next. Fear is  that way. And you're here. I know you. You've come back. However, now, this  planet is starting to move so that all of the things that you have brought to  this planet with your Akashic experience will begin to cooperate with the new  energy.
Oh, take a deep breath, for enhanced  manifestation begins - not immediately; not today; not this hour; but ever so  slowly. This quantum clock starts to move in your direction. The earth is  receiving a more gentle, passionate energy. That is what you were born with.  That's the tool that you have. In the past, this has been seen as odd and  strange and representing weakness. You've been ostracized. Some of you have been  cast out of your family. I know who's here. I'm telling you that in this new  energy, even they may look at you differently and see how you've started to  become softer, not even knowing it's them who have changed.
Things are going to work that didn't before.  Do you have a habit you'd like to break? Is it the way you think or the way you  eat? Is it what you put into your body? Is it what you smoke? Is it killing you  and you know it? You know who I'm talking to, dear one. Would you like to change  it? So I'm telling you that what you do in this energy is going to respond in  your body very differently, even if you tried it before.
Listen: Not one of you is allowed to say,  old soul, wise one, you're not allowed to say, "I tried that and it didn't  work." If you do, it will be as a child talking who doesn't know how things  work. Instead, you're going to say, "This time I know better. I will manifest it  because the body is listening. It's my time."
Cooperative Energy and How to Use  It
So that's what the new energy brings:  Cooperation. Things are going to go better and flow better. They're going to  move forward instead of back. When you put out the word of what you wish to have  in your life and the process begins, many of you are going to start seeing a  positive return right away. Synchronicity is the key. Put yourself in  places to have those things take place. Do not try to manifest something and  then go into the closet and wait for it. Instead, put yourself in places where  you would expect it to manifest. Do you understand? That is where the answers  will be because there are others walking around with your solution! They're  looking for you, as you look for them. Don't sequester yourself. In a  recalibration mode, there's a tendency to sequester, because you don't feel  quite right.
The Common  Cold
You're going to catch more colds. Why  would that be? But then you're going to heal them quicker - and why would that  be? The Human cold has always been a recalibration of the biological process. To  catch a cold is needed, and that is why you cannot "cure" it. You must go  through it. The common cold is a cyclical opportunity for the immune system to  correct itself. Perhaps you didn't know that? That's why you're not going to  receive the chemistry to cure the common cold. It's a recalibrating device  within you. It builds up the system in a certain way that helps you, and it must  be reoccurring. Don't be shocked when you catch one, and say, "Well, I didn't  think that would happen because I just got through with the other one." It's  recalibration.
These are the kinds of things we wanted to  bring to you, so that you will know what is taking place and not fear it. There  are many positive things representing a truly positive energy that is occurring  on the planet and turning the corner of opportunity for humanity. This is an  energy that supports the Lightworker. There's no more upstream swim, dear  ones.
Now, all of you are different, and I know  who you are. Commitment is the key. You cannot do any of these things  casually, but you knew that, didn't you? When you commit to the manifestation of  what you need in your life, the Universe is listening. When you receive  messages from my side of the veil, I will tell you something that you already  may know. We do not have a clock. So I speak to you in the now.
I see the energy in the room, and I see who  is here. I see the old soul. I speak to you in the now. So it's up to you what  your clock does and how long it takes in your reality. In my reality, it's  already done... already accomplished, for the strongest potentials become  manifested reality. Can you see that way? Can you walk out of here with it  already done in your mind? There's energy in this room that is infusing itself  right now into the places it needs to go.
What to Expect  Spiritually
Spiritually, what can you expect? This  recalibration is about being able to stay on this planet in health and in  happiness without drama or fear. That is what the old soul remembers is the  potential of this time.
My partner mentioned earlier in his  communications [the lecture] that one of the greatest mysteries to him is why  old souls have such profound self-worth issues. In his ignorance, he stands  there and says he has no idea why this would be with old souls. I'll tell you  why: It's because for hundreds of years, you've been beat up! Every time you  move two steps forward, you're beat back one - sometimes five. Then you come  into this life expecting what? Very little. For some of you to even start a  project, you have the little voice inside that says, "Oh, I knew that would  happen." You don't expect much, do you? That's because in an older energy,  everything you did was met with resistance. Everything. Every time you wanted to  make a positive suggestion about something that might help, you are told to get  lost. Every time you saw spiritual wisdom in a complicated problem, nobody else  saw it. They weren't interested. You were isolated over and over. When things  got hot, you called for a solution. Most others called for the sword. Now we are  saying that this is changing.
So, spiritually, you are going to have to  love yourself more, and now is your opportunity to do so because there is a  Universe inside of you called cellular structure with trillions of pieces of  DNA. These pieces are starting to react and are becoming ready for your  instruction sets to be given. The hand is out, you might say, of your cellular  structure, and the cells are saying, "Ok, you're the boss. What are we going to  do?"
The Key to  Self-worth
Self-worth is a program. It's a program!  It's information developed from experience, and it's something that is learned.  You can un-program it! All you have to do is tell yourself what you want. "Dear  cellular structure," you might say, "I deserve to be here. This is my time. I  have things that others want. This is my time. I'm important in the scheme of  the earth. I have earned my stripes. This is my time. Dear cellular structure,  get rid of inappropriate, emotional issues that keep me from moving forward into  my beauty and power. The power that I speak of is that ability to create  compassion and light everywhere I go."
Your cellular structure will smile, give you  the hand that has been waiting, and say, "We are your partner in this  co-creation. Let's get going."
Recalibration. It's going to have  attributes that are challenging and that are beautiful. What's it going to feel  like to you, to suddenly become more enlightened and have more information? You  will feel you're much more part of God - with a cold. [Kryon smile] Falling over  sometimes, and you have to laugh. Biology is this way. It takes a while for the  shift, months, perhaps more.
So while you deal with the issues of  recalibration and discomfort, know why they are here. Then at the same time,  celebrate that which is in you, which is more compassion and which starts to  work in your life. Things are going to work better.
Free Will and the Whole  Picture
Now, all this is assuming that you get  this message and you relate to it and manifest it. That is to say, your free  will choice is what's going to happen. If you ignore the message, very little  will happen. You're still an old soul and you have free choice.
Finally, I give you one of the common  questions about this recalibration: "Kryon, you say the Earth energy is  shifting. That means all humanity is going to feel it. Right?" Yes. All humanity  will feel it. You're going to see it in the way governments are eliminated and  are re-formed. You're going to see it in ways of different thinking. You're  going to see it in the ways my partner has told you are possible, which I have  channelled in the past, thinking differently.
Old energy regimes will not renew  themselves, but decide to change. Societies that have lasted 1,000 years a  certain way will decide to suddenly change.  Cooperation and unity over the  next two generations will start to become the norm. Someday there will come a  time where you will look back on today and say, "We were barbarians." That's a  change.
Timing and the  Future
I am on my side of the veil in the now.  I have no clock to give you here. I am just telling you that this is what I see.  I see a healed planet, eventually, with new science. I see a planet where there  is no permanent disease and where clean water is never an issue. Never! I see a  time where all Humans have electricity and it's easy to get and it's  inexpensive, where you can heat your homes easily and well. These are all of the  things that are in the strongest potentials in the quantum soup of  manifestation. But I cannot give you a clock.
What I can tell you is that Earth  recalibrates itself and there are going to be issues. Some of them will be  political, and some will get worse in the recalibration attributes, and the  earth will feel it. Will everyone become enlightened? No. You represent  less than one-half of one percent of the Human population, old soul, and you are  going to strike that match in the dark. We've told you this before: You've  become the match bearer in the dark when a few lights allow all to see better.  That's your job, only the work just got easier.
I speak in the now. I cannot give you a  clock. Please understand the wisdom of this as you leave the room. See the  potentials, not the daily news, and if things don't happen tomorrow, Human  Being, in your quick turn-around consciousness, don't be angry. God has  patience; you have patience. Isn't it worth it, having lived all these lives, to  now come and give this one a chance?
There are those in this room who wonder how  long they're going to live, because of what's going on right now. You know who  I'm talking to. So I will tell you the potential that I see is a very long life.  There are still those who might say to me, "Yeah but, yeah but, yeah but..." No  matter what I tell you, some will have an excuse why it can't work. That is the  old energy speaking to you. Recalibrate! Start seeing what is possible and make  it what IS.
The Quantum  Factor
Finally, this: The more science takes a  look at atomic structure in the very small and then looks at the Universe in the  very large, they will begin to see a commonality. Your science is starting to  see that there's no randomness in what looks to be random in 3D. Instead,  they're looking at intelligent design. This means that in those attributes you  call creation, the way things came together were biased for life, biased for  compassion. What you see is the handiwork of God. It can no longer be denied  that there is a creator.
As you turn inward and start to deal with  yourselves, I want you to see the same thing within you. It's about time you  understand that you are not random. Your life is not random. Things don't happen  to you randomly. They happen to you in a way that you create. There is a system  here, and it can be directed and programmed and re-programmed. This is  manifestation.
This is the lesson of all humanity  eventually - to create a healed earth; to create a peaceful one; to go places  you never dreamed you would go in invention and health. This is the beginning. I  have no clock. But I have the strongest potentials to see, and that is what I  give you today as my partner sits in the chair in front of you. The potentials  that we see are grander than they were last year. If the Lightworkers will  recalibrate easily, they can speed the process. Don't fight it.
So, as you leave this place and life returns  to normal, and the routine is the routine, you might look back upon these few  minutes we've had together and say, "I wish I could do those things." You tend  to fall into the old energy so easily, not realizing who you are. This is why  recalibration is needed, so you will not think that way. What happens in a  multidimensional state has to do with consciousness out of time and space. Just  walking on this planet, holding the light, creates energy that you did not know  you had. That's why we want you to stay in health, without drama or fear. Those  who feel they are not doing anything for the planet are in a black and white  world as they spread color all around.
So assign a goal, if you wish, because  Humans love to do that. But let me tell you this: There are many of you already  achieving change just by being alive and having compassion for others around  you. Some of you in the room are teachers; some are channellers, and some are  healers. Some are not interested, and I know who they are as well, for this  message is not for all. You stand on a precipice of potential that I came here  for. That's why Kryon is here - to help you across this bridge. Congratulations  for making it this far.
The old energy will fight back, dear ones.  Expect it, but this time expect to win. And you will. For now, in 2012, is the  beginning of Lightworkers having the upper hand. That is to say, light is being  seen and the seeds that were planted so long ago are beginning to be  harvested.
And so it is.
Lee Carroll

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  • Thank you Kryon! This was very much needed!

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