"THE TIME CAPSULES OF GAIA"This live channelling was Given on the Kryon Kundalini TourFebruary 9, 2013To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Salt Lake City, Utah.Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The message that I give this evening is an extension to the two that I have given previously within the last weeks [in Boulder Colorado, and Phoenix, Arizona].The information that you need to know, old soul, needs to be repeated sometimes, so we're going to do a little bit of a review first.There is a truth laying in the room, and one that is refreshing. There is a newness here, a renewal, and a recalibration of all things. Having passed this marker of the 2012 energy is far more significant than any of you realize. Many are watching in a quantum state from afar, and there is celebration. You can't take back what you've done, and there are some axioms we wish to remind you of that may affect how you think about it all. But let us review, just for a moment.When my partner awoke 23 years ago, he did so slowly, and we have said this before. We came at him in a slow fashion so he would not be frightened. We gave him the information slowly and simply, so it would be believable. But even back then, we had just opened the door of potential, and I had arrived because of what you had done. Old soul, some of you were young then and some of you were not. All of you were here on purpose, however.For the last 23 years, you have simply been in survival. For the last 23 years, I have been telling you about things to expect and the profound potentials that were before you. I spoke of some of the energies that you would face, and you did. All of this was given in the metaphor of fighting an old energy, and of having a duality that constantly is being challenged and worked with. Now it's different. Now the work begins.The old soul will say, "Wait Kryon, I've been working for a long time! How can you say it begins now?" Indeed, you have been working, slogging through the tar of an old energy. But that was just survival. You have been an old soul with information, and you knew there would eventually be an awakening where that information would be used. Now the tar is starting to go away, and the awakening begins.The 2012 MarkerLet me review from a previous channelling. There has been a time marker that has been self-imposed by Gaia on humanity, aligning itself with the precession of the equinoxes. This was a 26,000-year cycle of time given appropriately and seen by the ancestors as an end or a beginning. Should you make it past this point, there would be no going back.There are some who are saying, "When are we going to get back to what we're used to? I want to feel normal again." Dear ones, you started this race when you were born and you have run a marathon, existing in miles and miles of what you call Human experience. Do you really feel that as you win this race, you're going to be transported back to the beginning or the middle? The answer is no.Perhaps there are those old souls who are sitting around waiting for things to return to normal, but you don't know what normal is! You've always been battling the old energy, over and over for lifetimes! You have always had to be on alert ever since you understood duality. That's not normal.Let me describe the new normal. Normal is an earth, a planet, that has moved into a transitional period of energy where the ideas you have as an old soul now have merit and value. It's almost like the sun has come out in a darkened area and things that didn't used to work suddenly do. That's the new normal. Normal will now be a time when you don't have to wake up and slog through the mess anymore.Reminder of What Has HappenedContinuing the review, in your new Old Soul Toolkit, use the patience tool. Don't make up your mind that things are not happening fast enough. Instead, take a rest. Take a breath or two, as we often say, and sit back and rest. Look at what has taken place and take a moment to thank the ancestors who brought you here. Take a moment to honor your mother and your father, whether they're alive or dead, and whether they believe in these things or not, or whether they were good to you or not. Thank them for bringing you here. Because on the other side of the veil, dear ones, before they ever got here, they knew what they were doing. There was a potential of when their biology would unite and bring your old soul back into this planet, by design.Take a moment to honor Gaia for having brought you to this place where the energy of the planet can now start to align with you, as it did with the ancestors, for you will start to see an awakening of the dirt of the planet. Understand the alliance that is there, even in a modern day, and give thanks to the earth. For that's where you came from. Have patience. You're going to have to have some because of what I'm going to tell you next.The Time of the CraziesThere is an odd, unsettling energy when darkness starts to diminish, because you grew up fighting it and you begin to miss it. Some of you are actually used to it! Some of you depend on it because you push and it pushes back. You see that attribute as balance! When it doesn't push back as you expect, you tend to be uncomfortable and you are out of balance. So there is an unsettling energy even within the old soul. You're not really sure what's going on. So we say to you, relax, breathe, be patient, and recalibrate slowly to a new energy that doesn't push back quite as hard so you'll know how to operate within it.Now, dear one, have you seen anything unusual lately regarding what some people are doing? Sometimes it's in your news, but not always. It started right before the equinox, right before the solstice. You could look at the news and see what was taking place.It seems that certain Human beings are going crazy and that some are going so far as to shoot other Human children. Others are going on rampages, making no sense whatsoever, and making you wonder all about humanity and what is truly happening. This seems no different than what you see each month, called the full moon. You are aware of the full moon, aren't you? It's an unusual time where the presence of the moon in a certain phase creates seeming unbalance in people. Those who are on the edge often go over it and do things they would never do if it were not the full moon. Now, I have something to tell you that isn't pleasant. Prepare for a year of full moon energy! That's the kind of energy you're looking at.Some are starting to add these things up and look at them and make statements. There are some who would tell you that the Earth is going into a diseased state. They'll tell you that this is what the prophecies always said, and that people are becoming unbalanced. What are you going to say to them? No, it isn't happening? It looks like it is! What's really happening is the old energy is flailing because it can't believe you won! And you have.The Old Energy Has Lost the BattleAre you feeling an energy of unbalance? Do you think you're feeling odd due to this? Well, just think about those who depend on an old energy to exist! Think for a moment about the greed masters, those who make their living tricking others. They believe they know Human consciousness so well that all they have to do is wiggle their finger a certain way and they can trick almost anyone. They can swindle their way through life. Did you know that's not going to work anymore? How do you think they feel? Their very survival is at stake.Since the old ways are not working as well, they will now try other things. This is what I'm talking about, and you're going to see a lot of dark things get darker, because those who are invested in them are starting to realize that what they used to do is not working. You're going to see this very soon, and you're going to continue to see it in your economy, for anything that was produced out of [not aligned with -AK] integrity is going to get worse until a system is developed that has integrity from the new energy.You're going to see it in your politics. You're going to see it in the way politicians will campaign. You're going to see what Human Beings in a new energy will tolerate and not tolerate, and this is all about shift. So this review is to say to you that you're going to have to tolerate some crazies for a while. Some of them will be closer to you than not. When you see it, I want you to remember this channelling. It's a year of a full moon energy, or at least that's what it's going to feel like. Watch for bizarre, unbalanced leaders, too!Things may seem a little out of balance, and you still won't know where the energy is settling. You really are not certain what you're supposed to do next, and I am all the while telling you to take it easy, take a vacation, relax, and be patient. Old soul, you've come too far to get into this shift and then worry about how it feels.I want you to begin using the wisdom that you came with. Those of you who have raised children, I want you to remember what this was like in certain stages of growth for them. What did your children go through in their learning curve? Was there a time when they didn't like you, and then later they did? Did they go through sweeps of emotional change? This is what the planet's energy is going through, and it's almost like a rebirth.Ideas and Inventions Are Not RandomNow, I want to revisit this because we're coming to the point of what I want to speak of, which we have not spoken of before. It seems unbelievable, but the fact is that ideas and inventions are given to the planet when it's ready, and not before. We told you last time that humanity believes it can "think of anything." The intellectual believes the sky is the limit in creativity. Yet, isn't it interesting that everything profound in ideas and inventions has come almost at the last moment? When you take a look at humanity and how long you've been here and how long there have been smart Human Beings, why is it that only in the last seeming second of time that almost all modern invention took place?Imagine going through thousands of years without understanding what a bacteria was, or not believing in germs, or not having electricity. When you think about these things and the order in which they came to the planet, it's quite revealing. Many Humans were working on the same invention at the same time and didn't even know it. Suddenly, you received the invention of radio, then pictures that fly through the air, then flight. It all came together seemingly in the last moment. You've got to ask, do you not, how logical is this in the scheme of how things work? Did you have to come to a certain point in history before Humans got smart? Or do you think there was something else going on? The answer is there was something else going on. It seemed as though these ideas were being "delivered" to the planet all at the same time, and many were understanding these things suddenly all at once.The Time CapsulesHere is what happened: Within that which you call Gaia, there is the Crystalline Grid. This is the memory of all things placed there by the Pleiadians. The Crystalline Grid was created for this purpose by the Pleiadians. When it's proper and when humanity's consciousness has reached a certain point, these ideas are released. It is a time capsule of invention and more. This does not happen from the great central sun; it does not happen from outside the earth, but rather it happens from within.In the beginning of the 2000s, we sat in a place called Mount Shasta [California] and we told you of the Lemurians in the mountain. We told you of the time capsules there, and now you have the explanation. Those in the mountain are not going to come out and present themselves and shake hands. A time capsule is about information and ideas. The capsules are about quantum attributes of science and life that you're going to discover. It is about ideas you need to have to move into a new energy when the full moon crazies are over… and they will be. So the time capsules seem to be alive by those who can sense them, and they "buzz" with activity to the esoteric "see-er."Did you ever put these things together? Did you ever ponder how long civilization has been on the planet? You sit in this country called the United States, but do you realize that the founding fathers of this nation put together something completely and totally unique that had never been thought of before? Out of their minds came ideas for government where the rights of the Human Being came first. Where do you think those ideas came from? I'll tell you – right out of the ground! [The Crystalline Grid]How long should it have taken humanity to think of that? It was a system that would seem so obvious, put together clearly and succinctly, creating a country that was young and so far ahead of all the others that it set the standard for 100 years or more that was new and different. Why didn't that happen 1,000 years ago? You have to ask yourself, is this logical to you? Again, was humanity just unaware for thousands of years? Why were there no logical ideas for higher thinking and inventiveness?Tesla the ManThere was a point in time when humanity almost stumbled, by the way. You were having a hard time with electricity. So a man came along who was way ahead of his time and was available and his name was Nikola Tesla. He gave you a principle that today you call alternating current. Dear ones, I challenge you to understand this principle. Most of you can't, because it is not in 3D. The attributes are still considered "genius-level thinking" to this day. The whole idea of the kind of electricity you use today comes from this man's quantum mind.That was all he was allowed to do. Tesla himself was a kind of time capsule, delivered at the right time. He had more, but alternating current was all that was allowed to be given to the planet at that time. Oh, he tried to give you more. He knew there were other things, but nothing was able to be developed. If I told you what else he had discovered, you might not be aware of it at all, since it was never allowed to get out of the box. Earth was not ready for it.Tesla discovered massless objects. He could alter the mass of atomic structure using designer magnetics, but he never could control it. He had objects fly off his workbench and hit the ceiling, but he couldn't duplicate or control it. It just wasn't time yet. Do you know what else he was known for? It was seemingly the failure of the transmission of electricity. However, he didn't fail at all.There are pictures of his tower, but every time a Human Being sees a tower, there is a biased assumption that something is going to be broadcast through the air. But in the case of Tesla, he had figured out how to broadcast electricity through the ground. You need towers for that because they have to pick up the magnetics within the ground in a certain way to broadcast them and then collect them again from the nodes of the planet's magnetic grid system. We talked about this before. He was utilizing the grid of the planet that is in the earth itself! He was on the edge of showing that you could use the whole grid of the planet magnetically to broadcast electricity and pick it up where you need it, safely, with no wires. But the earth was not ready for it.Tesla died a broken man, filled with ideas that would have brought peace to planet Earth, but he was simply not allowed to give any of them to you.Now I'll tell you why he was stopped, dear ones, and it's the first time we have ever told you – because these inventions were too easy to weaponize. Humanity just isn't ready for it. You're not ready for massless objects, either, for the principles are too easy to weaponize."So," you might say, "when will we be ready for it?" I think you already know the answer, don't you? At the time when Human consciousness reaches a point where that which is most important is unification and not separation, it will happen. A point where conquering and power are not desirable ideas or assets. A point where humanity will measure the strength of its population by how healthy they are and not by economic growth. A point where coming together with your neighbor is the main objective to social consciousness, and not conquering them or eliminating them. That's coming, dear ones. It's a ways away, but it's coming. Look around the planet at the moment. The old energy leaders are obvious, are they not? It's like they are relics in a world of thinking that is passing them by.The Opening of the Time CapsulesThere is a storehouse of future knowledge and ideas in these time capsules you call Gaia, placed there a long time ago by those who you would call the Pleiadians, and these time capsules will open with new ideas about unity and peace first before they open with inventions. Humanity must soften before the inventions will come your way, and you will see what I mean over the next period of 18 years. These are the time capsules beneath your feet in the form of the nodes of the Crystalline Grid, and how fast these things are released to you will depend completely and totally on what you do next.What To Do NextSo let's discuss what to do next. I want you to take a vacation and learn to love yourself! That should be the primary work for 2013! Cast off the fears and the worries and put them in a metaphoric jar for awhile. You can take that jar out occasionally and worry with it, but don't let that be the focus. The focus should be who are you, why did you come, what's next for the planet, and a total realization that you're not alone.For 23 years we have said, "You're not alone." You may walk from this place and get in your car. You can start it, put the heater on, but while you wait for it to warm up, I want you to look at the empty seat next to you and say, "Nice to have you along." This is an acknowledgment of the Higher-Self and the love of God that accompanies you wherever you go. Do you realize what you've got inside? You're going to need this entire engine of knowledge and the quantumness that is in you to start developing the divinity inside. It must become real to you, old soul, in order to go to the next step.The Personal Time CapsuleNow, this is your personal time capsule, and it's what we really wanted to talk about. There are three kinds of time capsules. There's one kind that we won't speak of yet. There is another kind in the earth and there's still another kind in your DNA. It's the spiritual inheritance that you came in with that's ready to open up like a lotus. When it does, there will be new awareness. There will be peace in a countenance that is not necessarily peaceful. There will be patience in a countenance that is not necessarily patient. That's when you get to change you, for it releases ideas, emotions and a consciousness that has been within you always, but only now is beginning to show itself in this new energy.Expect the issues that will occur. Don't be shocked.Let humanity flail the way it does in a full moon. Let the crazies come out and do whatever they're going to do. Try to help the ones who are affected. Hold the hands of the ones who need their hands held. But understand that this is temporary, because you won the major battle, dear ones! There's a whole bunch of energy that doesn't believe in you or anything you represent. That's the truth. They can't see the light in you and only feel that something is now missing in them.We've been waiting a very long time to give you these messages. Now is when the work begins. It must begin with you in ways that perhaps you're not really prepared for. It's not about doing, but rather about being.In these moments and these months, I want you to be aware of who you are, old soul. You came here for a reason. You're not fighting the system and you're not a victim of it. Instead, you are slowly becoming the system. Cast off these things that have bothered you. Deny them power in your mind and body. Tell them to get behind you. You've got work to do, and that's the truth this day. Time capsules, beautiful and ready, are being activated on this planet. You should see what's in them. Some of you will.And so it is.KRYON.m=0"">http://americankabuki.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/kryon-time-capsules-of-gaia.html?m=0The Sirian Time CapsulesGreetings to all of you this night. It is with great respect and honor that you have invited us to be here with your energy. We are most grateful. Together we will cocreate a joyous time. You may simply refer to this energy as "the Sirian". We know Earth humans love labels, so there is a label for you. We promise this night that we will not be too "Sirius."Let us give you the schedule for the evening. We know we have a short period to speak in your time. Time still confounds us. But, we will endeavor to understand linearity for this evening and honor your needs. In the short time available to us, this is the schedule: 1. We will talk to you about the idea of "landings." We will give you a, hopefully, expanded perspective on that idea. 2. We will talk to you about what we have called a "time capsule" which is existent within the energy bodies of humans. We'll be more specific momentarily. This time capsule at this period now is beginning to be triggered due to the increased energy upon your world. When we are finished with this, perhaps if there is time, there will be some questions.There has been much information circling around your world having to do with the idea of landings -- whether they be by Sirians, Pleiadians, or any such entities from the stars. We would like to talk to you a little bit about that idea. Unfortunately when this information comes to you from other dimensional realms, it must be 3-D-ified [making a play on the word "deified"]. That has many twists, does it not? In its 3-D-ification, it gets a little bit misunderstood. So, we are going to attempt to broaden the concept a little bit for you.The idea has been that one miraculous day...(and this day has been awaited for thousands of years)...the ship is going to land. The ETs are going to get out, and everything will be okay. Happily ever after. And many of you have so diligently taken out your lawn chairs and you have sat outside in the bush waiting for that day to arrive. Yet, you are still asking all the channels, "When is that day going to arrive?"Recognize the idea of a fixed date is a 3-D-ification. Fixed dates, though they be nice, express the idea of linear information, in a sense, a 3-D-ification. This does not allow for the idea of the ever-expanding, always changing idea of multidimensionality.With dates and times, keep your tongue planted firmly in cheek and simply allow yourself to live your life to the fullest and allow yourself to continue on your own path of opening and awakening. Because, that is the path that will, in fact, accelerate any type of open landing situation.What will not happen then, will be that the Earth sits and waits. The ship lands, and everything will be okay and you will all live happily ever after. No. What will happen, is a little bit of a twist. It is a 4-D-ification rather than a 3-D-ification. It looks like this:People on Earth (which doesn't have to be everyone, it might just be enough for the hundredth monkey effect) begin processes of personal growth and spiritual awakening, of traveling multidimensionally through Merkabah explorations or other forms of expansion. By doing this, they open their consciousness. They tunnel holes in the tightly woven fabric of the paradigm that you have been existing within during the great galactic cycle in which you have been asleep. Some of you have heard about the Yugas, the cycles that occur galactically. You are just coming out of that cycle of sleep now into the cycle of wakefulness.When you are in the sleep cycle the fabric of the mass consciousness that encloses you is tightly woven like a tight piece of canvas cloth. Therefore, new ideas have a difficult time penetrating that tightly woven cloth. This keeps you very securely asleep in that cycle. As you begin to move out of that cycle and move into the awakening cycle, the fabric begins to loosen and lighten. Light can begin permeating. Thought and consciousness can begin permeating. The fabric itself begins to start looking a little bit like swiss cheese with lots and lots of holes. It is then when you experience paradigm shift. Once paradigm shift occurs, reality fabric changes. That which was unseen previously now becomes seen.When you awaken, and you make everything "okay", then you will see the beings landing and communicating openly. You will come to understand they have been there all along. But the fabric of the paradigm was so tightly woven you could not see through it. No matter how brightly the lights you shone through that fabric, you still could not see it clearly. Now as the fabric loosens, you tunnel your way through that fabric. You see that which was there all along. That is 4-D-ification. That is what you have to look forward to. That day is entirely cocreated by all of you.This is why each and every one of you and the gifts that you have to give to your planet, to each other, and to yourselves are so very important and so very vital. Because each opening you have as an individual tunnels another hole through that tightly woven fabric of the paradigm. Each and every one of you are responsible for that opening. No one will do it for you.This brings us then to the idea of how you have 3-D-ified throughout history. Throughout history there have been many extraterrestrial visitations. You have them logged in many of your ancient records. Great numbers of populations of the ancient peoples deified (3-D-ified, i.e. worshipped) these extraterrestrials as being "better", "more powerful", "more spiritual" than themselves. In doing so, humans perpetuated the idea of separation and that someone must save you from yourselves. Ultimately, no one, no one can save you from yourselves. All of us in the other realms are very glad to assist, but we will never do the work for you. We would never dishonor you by taking away those lessons.You as a people have these lessons, these very painful lessons, locked deeply within your cellular memory about the ancient interactions with extraterrestrial beings. So when the idea of landing and open contact is presented to the mass consciousness, there is a bit of trepidation and fear. Your ancient cellular memory remembers that in the ancient past (though you experienced at times the joy of salvation by some of us who came and stuck our nose where it didn't belong), you also experienced the pain of separation or abandonment when we left and could no longer help you.We have been silent for a long time so you could begin learning the idea of self-empowerment, and learn that all you need is within you. You needn't look to any of us to do it for you. We can encourage you, but we won't do it for you. 3D, the old sleep cycle, was a cycle of deification. It was a cycle where God, seemingly, was outside of you.That was the illusion. That was the old pattern. That, in and of itself, can no longer be maintained as you now poke the holes through that thick fabric and begin creating the new paradigm. Now you begin touching the idea of All -- the interconnectedness of All.The beautiful beings that you speak to [in channelings all over the world] exist inside of you. They are not outside of you, they are a part of you. You have their wisdom within you and they are simply reflecting that which you already know. It is now why, at this time, we can return at some point soon (within your lifetime) and assist you. The choice now in the mass consciousness is such that you will no longer travel the road of deification. Finally, we will meet as equals. Until that day happens, landings in the mass way that you have envisioned will not occur. We will no longer perpetuate the idea that you are separate from us and that we are more knowledgeable than you. That is untrue.This lead us then to the other idea we wish to discuss. In ancient, ancient days upon your planet when the genetic engineering was taking place within Homo sapiens there was a lot of political infighting between various ET groups. We will certainly admit that we have been, and still are, in a process of learning and growth. We had our own conflicts as well. The Sirians, as a whole, have always deeply been your protectors. We have fought for you (sometimes openly, sometimes very secretly). During the time of the genetic engineering we knew that many other extraterrestrial groups had their eyes on you, wanting to create you to their own specifications and desiring to use you for their own purposes. We interfered a little bit. (That is a polite way of saying it.)There are many different energetic fields that exist around the body. Some of you are learning about the tetrahedronal fields that make up the Merkabah. We decided that we would implant on that energetic and etheric level within several of the tetrahedronal fields what we can call "time capsules." These time capsules contain your galactic memory, the history of your world, the history of your lineage. It is all of the holographic information that you need to remember in order to experience that whole self you are seeking to become.This has never been held from you. This is a fallacy. You are simply on an evolutionary path. The time capsules we implanted assured your species that when a certain vibrational level occurred in your consciousness and galactically, it would trigger the release of the time capsule information. Not all at once. It would give you a bit of a headache. It will be released in increments that can be digested.You have heard much information about the photon energy. Some people call it different things. Whatever you call it, you are aware that increased energy is coming to your world now. This increased energy is going to begin triggering these time capsules. Actually, it has already begun.The first time capsule being triggered is the one that was implanted in the star tetrahedronal field of the mental body. That is the first one. This is as much as we can give you right now regarding this information. Right now we won't tell you how to accelerate that because if you accelerate it [by force], the time capsule won't be doing its job. It will occur in the natural state it needs to as long as you continue resonating with the increased energy rather than resisting it. At a later time, we will talk to you about the other time capsules implanted in the other fields around the body. Right now, this is the first one. At a time in the near future we will talk to you about opening the "combination lock" on it.Now that you know it exists, those of you who wish to be pioneers and explore might want to conduct some experiments as you are doing your Merkabah meditations. Go into the star tetrahedronal field, the male tetrahedronal field, and see if you can find it. Some of you may see it, some of you may sense it. You don't have to do anything with it. Just see if you can find it. That is all. This will be a wonderful exercise in allowing you to begin sensing actual data that is stored in the fields around your body. Have fun. Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear from this.Of what we have said, without straying into other directions for we must honor your linearity, is there a question for clarification?Q: What role does the ego play in this?The ego has helped to keep the fabric in place. The ego has been a very valuable tool for all of you in 3-D-ification, because you've needed to learn to separation. That was part of the lesson in 3D. The ego is the "taxi driver" that takes you through the 3D experience. The ego keeps that sheath, that fabric, in place. So now as you are moving more into the other dimensional realms, the ego will play less of a role.By the way, this has to do with why so many of you can't remember the experiences you have in other dimensions. This frustrates the heck out of you! You are trying to remember other-dimensional experiences in this ego-dominated dimension, when the totality of yourself exists more in the other realms. It is the ego that is struggling to remember something that has happened in an egoless realm. Do you see the dichotomy? It is very difficult.Therefore if you are struggling for your memory, try a new tactic. Do not attempt to bring it through your memory in a form of linearity -- in the form of dates, places, times, planetary systems, etc. It will not work. Bring the memory through the emotional body instead. Bring it through the intuitive body. Bring it through the imagination, and the use of archetypes and symbology. This will help it leak it through and leak it through until eventually the ego will come to an understanding that it may not be able to express verbally, but will understand nonetheless.Do not fret. Do not pull your hair out if you cannot remember what happens in your Merkabah meditations or when you are visiting the ships. It is not a sign of your denseness. It is simply that right now it is the ego struggling for the knowledge when it is not an ego-dominated realm! Do not worry. And if you know something happened and you can't quite remember it, it doesn't mean that you are evolving as slow as a turtle. Do not worry. It is all right. It is all perfect. Give yourselves a break.Now, to honor your linearity we will take our leave. It has been our pleasure to speak to you. We are deeply grateful for your allowance and your invitation. We have enjoyed our "Sirius" chat.www.lyssaroyal.comLyssa Royalhttp://www.lyssaroyal.com/trans166.htm

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  • Wake Up and stop taking Doctors Capsules.
    What other Capsules are time set..,any info please share so we get to know all the time capsules set on Planet Earth
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15 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"As we on ACC mostly realise, the dark elites seek to promote the use of EVs on a mass scale....However, I'm optimistic that people are now realising that this promotion is based upon the fakery of "climate emergency"...Moreover, rather than saving…"
15 hours ago

The Plejaren And The Plejaren Solar Systems

Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book…

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Ashtar Command Global Update!

Happy Friday to You! I have just received the new 'Position of the Fleet' AC diagram…also, the new, explosive Ashtar Command Global Update is coming up!   …

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