Nasa needs to come down from cloud 9 and come down to the Surface of Planet Earth...and see what is wrong on Planet Earth...and concentrate to improve and create Heaven on Earth and not blow this money in Space.

The Planet Earth's inhabitants and the Surface of Planet Earth is in need of urgent help to restore it to its original state and this is where all the money should be spent.

All Space Projects should be put to a halt till 2012 because by then First Contact will be made and once we become members of the Galactic Federation of Light we will become Galactic beings and with the help from advanced being's from other Planets we will be able to travel to other Planets in their Space Ships.

US President Obama and Nasa should not be looking up but looking down to CREATE HEAVEN ON EARTH and the time to start is NOW...TODAY. 

If you have a Materialist person as President he will fail but if you have a Spiritual person following Divine Laws as President [ like me for example] he will be successful so says the Vedas.  

All Space Missions using 3rd Dimensions Space Crafts will fail do not waste your time and do not fool the people like the fake trip to the Moon... just come down and land on Planet Earth  




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  • What we need is HEAVEN ON EARTH and not HELL ON EARTH and HELL ON MARS.
    If Nasa and Obama wish to explore Mars they are welcome to go there as we want Heaven on Earth.
    Actually they will make a big bill out for millions and film their trip to Mars in a studio like they did the fake trip to the Moon and fool the people.
    If beings harbour within themselves greed, power and control and go to other Planets they will make that Planet a hellish one...if the harbour within themselves love and light..harmlessness to Nature and all living entities then they can create Heaven on Earth and beings from other Planets will welcome them. Higher Dimension beings can see what we are doing but we cannot see them and if the motives of beings who want to go to other Planets is not good then they will never get there.
  • I suggest President Obama and Nasa crew members become members of ASHTAR COMMAND as they can learn a lot from us as WE ARE BEINGS OF SILVER-VIOLET FIRE and WE ARE THE PURITY GOD DESIRES
  • True President Obama may be better then the previous Presidents you had in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA but giving the go ahead for a Mission to Mars seems childish.
    Does he not know that the Galactic Federation of Light in their Space Ships are surrounding the Planet Earth???
    Does he not know that beings from other Planets have reincarnated on Planet Earth to create Heaven on Earth???
    Does he not know that the beings of Inner Earth are coming to the surface to create Heaven on Earth???
    Does he not know that the King of the World from Shamballa with his Spiritual Army is here to restore Divine Order on the surface of Planet Earth???
    Does he not know that the Space Mission to the Moon was a fake???
    Does he not know that there are beings on this Planet who need food, clothing, medical care, housing and proper education and the money should be spent on them???
    Does he not know that soon Planet Earth will be a member of the Galactic Federation of Light and we will be Galactic beings able to go to other Planets in Higher Dimension Space Ships???
    Does he not know that Planet Earth is going through big changes after 26,000 years???
    Does he not know that we are going into the 7 Golden Age for 10,000 years on Planet Earth???
    Does he not know that you are born on Earth for a reason and a mission to complete by Divine Order or you would have taken birth in another Planet???
    Does he not know that you have to be ready at a Soul Level to go to Higher Dimensions???
    Does he not know that 3rd Dimensions Space Crafts are unable to enter Higher Dimensions???
    Does he not know that more advanced beings from other Planets class Nasa Space Ships as TOYS???
    Does he not know that there are Demi Gods stationed by Divine Order who will not let you through unless you are ready at a Soul Level???
    Does he not know that the Planet Earth is in urgent need to be restored to its original state???
    Does he not know that Mother Earth will not tolerate any more abuse of Planet Earth and any living entities???
    Does he not know that even if beings from this Planet Earth get to another Planet and the still harbour greed, control and power they will create hell on that Planet like they have created hell on this Planet???
    Does he not know that there are beings in other Planets who are more advanced then us both Materially and Spiritually and you have to get at their level to stay there???
    Does he not know that the Galactic Federation of Light, beings from other Planets, Inner Earth beings and the King of the World from Shamballa are here to restore Divine Order???
    and last but not least Does he not know that only those who follow Spiritual Divine Laws will be allowed to govern by 2012???
    To me he seems a bit childish if he is not aware of this....COME ON IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP AND THE TIME IS NOW
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