
I wonder sometimes do people understand life or eachother outside their labels and emotions
if i could say one thing it would be fire up that engine that is called your heart without any reason and belief(words)or relation bullshit  and anything becomes possible. it will make everything work the way it was supposed to be rather than putting locks to everything. what we are and what the truth is to the matter is in words , people became so naive into believing and starting to make what is told , the words and pictures to be more real and all it does is supress the real feel,sense ,...
words and spoken language became just our way of communication because we made dark and dont wanna feel whats below ,underneath creating shells around it .

a converssation on labels i had some months ago ( i did put some things to my own lines lately,to make it more understandable)


Every Human Being defines who they are by the labels they create for themselves or others or anything. The Fact that people can

become so fused together because of their Labels, Is the Reason why the world is a Mess.

richard and me or jimmy or eagle  ,doesnt matter just labels,names  to define  family bands and we connected to them or making communication possible in human condition as of today because thats how it works for most as mean of exchange.

    Richard : I am a Being in a Universe of Possibilities, that does not define their existence through Categorising or

labelling who i am.
    Richard: LABELS lock the mind into a Box Of Limitation
   me: babylonian
    me : even if you don't put them on yourself others gonna put them on you . from when we are born so on. i came to a

point where it is better to be speechless and not understand any word . its mostly just about the energy ,emotion people put to

it .intelligence is not to be find in words as it locks it up.
    richard: True, Where do we Learn Emotions? Who Teaches Us Emotions?
    me: we learn them when we are kids from adults because then we are more connected to feeling rather then thinking.

they originate in the stomach zone .you got to wonder how creation works , light into water into physical form. and the water

stands for emotion. the same way as how our body develops in the womb.
    Richard : Why do people make emotional Connections to Labels.
    Me: feeling bad or feeling good to keep it short ,thats the way most kids are raised . punishment and rewarding

    Richard Streeter Survival Mechanisms from the reptilian part of the human brain. Punishment represents Fear, Rewarding

Represents Love or the accomplishments of relieving fear, Survival Mechanisms.. In Short, People Connect Emotions to Labels

because they define their identity to Labels, and if their Label is Being Mocked then they feel Mocked also. A Person connects

themselves to the label and if the label is under attack then so do they feel the same. Survival Of Ones Own Perceptions Of

Reality or Self Identity. FEAR for ones own survival because their Label controls how they identify themselves. People become

their Labels instead of just being who they are without needing to label who they are.
    me : love(light) can stand on its own but whe had to find a substitute for that because we couldnt or others

wouldnt let us feel it because of the state they were in (walls of fear).love with condition(its actually the conditions that sit in the way to let that energy of love,life flow) is also a form of fear.there is

nothing wrong with emotions but when we suppres them they can become a danger to ourselve and others.without emotion or feeling we would just be mental robots while its the energy that drives us wheter we supress the life-energy we are or let it flow because of what we believe we are in human form.driven by life and living or driven by survival and dead.
    Richard : My Name does not Identify who I am, Yet A Person would try to Consciously Identify Who I am simply by

knowing my name. In essence when we have experienced someone elses personality, we assume thats who they are and all they are,

even when time shows we all change. And So, I Dont Identify People with labels, because i know we are never always the same

person forever.
    me : on relieving fear has not nessecarely to do with love.when you feel like you have hunger and you eat something

you just silence the hunger untill the next one comes up.
    Richard : Emotions are not what we are. Our Body defines our Emotional State, We Develop Emotions Over time. Which

means any Negative Emotions that Exist do actually need to exist.. Its our Experience of The World Around us that cause us to

Feel Negative Emotions, In A Sense, we would not Experience Negative emotions at all if we did not develop them.... And So, A

Person need not suppress Negative emotions if they never developed them.... FEAR leads to the development of Negative Emotions.

In a Way, the Survival Mechanisms We Rely on Dont always serve us well. FEAR is Tought and Expressed and so Fear continues to be

Used as a Form of Control.
    Richard : When you say, people should not suppress emotions, all being said, they are suppressing negative

emotions... is it Nature that we Cant actually Separate Ourselves from Negative Emotions... I Believe When we Understand what

causes those negative feelings ( FEAR ), we dont actually have to suppress any emotions.... In Fact when a Person Recognises

FEAR within themeselves they have the ability to seperate themselves from fear which then prevents negative emotions from

    me: yeah thats just how the world of talk works.when i met someone years ago all my walls of fear where blown away

,it was like i knew that person but there were just no words to it. we all are just light,love(just a name to it) expressed in

form . the identy,creation we make of ourselves is just an expression of that or the opposite.
    Richard : I a Sense, Negative Emotions are Not in Our True Nature, so we should not have any suppressed emotions....

Why would a person need to Suppress their emotions, unless they would inevitably lead to consiquences... thus all suppressed

emotions must be negative to begin with.... All Suppressed Emotions are Connected to Fear..... Fear is a Survival Mechanism used

by the Reptilian Part of the Human Brain... And So, Is it in the Nature Of Consciousness to Experience FEAR...
me: you just gotta to feel the emotion, energy , letting it go true you rather than locking it up in thought or

the body . just like what all those labels do ,they just put a lock to it .fear is rather supressing an energy .
    Richard : Last Point.... Why is Love classed as an Emotion, If Emotions are both Positive and Negative. If Emotions

are Chaotic then Love is Overwhelmed By The Fact that Love is Also An Emotional Experience. If Someone Losses a Loved One, Do

they Experience Love or Do they Experience the Feelings Of Fear, which then are Interpreted As Love..... When Someone

Experiences a Loss, it is Fear to begin with, then Love Turns the Tables On Fear...... LOVE is not an Emotion, Love is the

Conclusion of Logic and Reasoning. When People Are Logical And Reasoning, they have the Ability to Express Love as it Truly is

Meant to be, Without the Negative emotions overwhelming their Senses...
me: some time ago my mother said it was cold outside,while for me it didnt feel that way . so it was more of an

energy or emotion(frozen) she felt or the state of the body just like we all do.
    Richard : Leading Back to Labels, When A Person Takes Meaning To Labels, They will do things to Protect themselves

and their Identity due to the Labels. A Logical and Reasoning Mind, has the Ability to Separate themselves from FEAR, because a

Consciously Aware person is Less Controlled By Human Senses, Free to Develop without limitation.... Labels only offer

limitation, Labels Divide Humanity.
    me: you see what reasoning does ,i always say to people first feel,then look ,then think .its not in a name to be

found. when people lose a loved one its just the walls of fear that dissolve because of the pain they feel and tears make it

disolve and they feel the love(light). you got to see how human relationships start with love and then onwards what it becomes.

thats also love out of fear.
    Richard : Females for sure feel emotions more intensly and in effect express emotions more intencly... This Means A

Logical Person will appear less emotional, but at the same time a Logical person has the Ability to See that Emotions do not

make you a Human Being anymore or any less.. Many Rash Choices are Made by people who allow themselves to be Overtaken by

emotions. Infact people release thier emotions anytime they want, and most of the time have not actually tried to suppress

them... You would think that Obama is Emotion Less because he sends people to Kill People... When Infact Emotions are the very

reason why he sends people to war... The Feeling Of Power creates a Variety of Ego Type Emotions... Men that Appear Emotion

Less, are Not Emotion Less... Yet A Logical Mind Realises How Volitile Emotions Can be When People Express them...
    Richard : I know how many relationships form... 1. From a Form Of Sexual Attraction. 2. The Feelings Of Lonelyness,

3. Bordom. 4. Materialism. And Finaly 5. The True Understanding Of Loving Someone. I have yet to meet anyone that has a

Relationship Based on Logic. Love out of Fear, is Actually Not Love... If Love is Born From Fear, Then the Relationship is

Formed Out Of Fear, And In a Sense Fear dominates the Relationship... If One Person Feared, then Fear Forms into Lack Of Trust

and Jelously...
    Richard : YODA said, Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering... In Short, FEAR leads to

suffering.. In Short, Fear is Suffering. I Believe The World is a Mess because people far to quickly express any emotions they

feel without being logical minded about the feelings their experiencing. In Short People Allow themselves to be Overwhelmed by

Emotions, Before thinking logicly about how those emotions will effect others or even themselves as a Consiquence...
   me: thats what most of them do giving expression to emotion of fear but rather then searching for the cause within

them ,they blame the world and others and try to change it there by wars and putting others under control and obedience.
    Richard : I Dont believe in suppressed emotions, I believe Suppressed Experiences Exist, Yet Those Suppressed

Memories Cant Cause Emotional Problems if People Dont Concentrate their Reality on them... But Sometimes people are so

Truamatised by suppressed Memories that the Memories Become The More Consciously Active Parts of the Brain...
    me: and its not only in governements,you can see it everywhere:in families,how local politicians fight verbal

wars. that has just nothing to do with life anymore but working against it.
    Richard: All the things happening in the World is Caused by FEAR, Survival Mechanisms, Yet The Conclusions to it is

acually about people being in control of their own lives... We lose that feeling of being in control of our own lives due to the

FEAR thats Flying all over the place. The Only Thing people can Rely on to break the cycle of fear, it to Have More Self

Control. To Realise that we are not our emotions, we are not our Labels.....
    Richard: All the Problems in the World are Based on LABELS...1. Flags are Labels, Name Of Counrty is a Label,

Religion is a Label, Anything that Divides Humanity Is a Label, Its a Battle Between Which Label Will have World Domination...
    Richard : People Will Fight For Their Labels, Because they Become their Labels. I Live On Planet Earth, I Live in a

Universe, I Am a Being in a Universe..... In Fact I Look at the Earth from the Outside to see all the Confusion.... The

Confusion is Created By All The Labels that Exist to Separate Humanity.. The Only Way to Break the Cycle of Confusion is to

Seperate Ourselves From All the Labels That Seperate Humanity...
    me :just go into nature and look to the world from their and you see and feel the difference as all is merely

energy in essence,when we see to our body as a tool to perceive reality and give expression to life rather than putting it in a

labeled identity that needs and wants to own things because of it then we notice.
    Richard : The Animal Kingdom is much Simpler to Understand than The Human Kingdom...
   me: yes it is :))))))))))))) they don't put themself into labels and dont put pressure or expectations on you. the

human world is just like a freakshow :))))
    Richard : Its funny how scientists on wildlife shows call it "The Animal Kingdom" as if Human Beings were never part

of "The Animal Kingdom"
    me : thats what the labeling does ,while its all flesh and bones and animals have their own intelligence . i wonder

sometimes why most humans think they are smarter and better than animals and want to place themselves above it. some kind of

    Richard : The Fear for ones own survival, in another word its making sense of our existence. We aim to become

advanced to the point that we forget we evolved at all. Human Progress is About Surviving the Natural Forces of the Universe. We

feel the need to be in control of our existence, to defy the Natural Forces of the Universe that Surround us in order to

Survive.. In a Way, All things in the Universe have Mechanisms to fight for their own survival, even Stars in the end fight for

their existence.. " Its The Fear Of Going Extinct " In The Quantum World, Fear is not a Feeling, Its A Reaction... So in a way

Consciousness has Developed from the Quantum World from a Very Small Reaction... The Fight for Existence.... But in the Quantum

World all Things are The Same, All Things are Connected, which means every form of energy is connected to the next.... Which

Means even in Small Parts, all Conscious Things are also Connected.... Its the Fear for Our Own Existence which causes us to

React... A Star Reacts Violently it would seem.. MAYBE its all in reverse though... The Big Bang Didnt Happen because the

Universe was fighting to exist... Everything has its own Cycle, To Exist then not Exist only to Reapear Again in someother

Moment of space or time. Consciousness for one is like the Quantum World, and So Consciousness never Stops, it just moves on.

The Fear though is, Fear for our Own Existence. Even if we all gave up on labels, we would still exist, But Subconsciously we

feel like apart of our existence is being affected and so we fight to maintain how we currently exist.. In a Sense, People Will

Fight to Maintain their Current Reality, Not Realising that Everything Changes, even without us noticing.
    me : its just the human point of view out of survival,does that mean thats the way the universe works,thats just

still our human perception of it .to me its more like a dance in harmony or out of harmony.its about overcoming that survival

modus to a condition were its more giving expression to life rather than fighting for it.
    me : its rather working with the natural forces and understand them than fighting and trying to control them or

making something up about them.
    me: perception lies in the mind and belief(words,images) of the viewer

  me : who reads these things as i sense fear :)))))))))))
    Richard : For Consciousness, we Experience Fear even when most of the time we dont notice when we fear.. But we do

Fear for our Existence. Its a Mechanism of Mortality.. We experience Consciousness Consciously more than Subconsciously... But

in truth our Subconscious plays a Bigger role with our Consciousness. Fear is at First a Subtle subconscious experience which

most of the time goes un noticed.. If we Take a Step Backwards in look deep into how or why we react at something, you will

notice the very subtle expressions your subconscious has on your fully conscious state... Your Right Though, Everything about

the Universe is in Harmony with a Cycle. Like the Yin Yang Effect dancing around, Where Neither Yin Or Yang Mean Good Or Evil,

or Life Or Death Etc...... Only a Cycle Of Existence.... But Our Physical Existence and Experiences have limited our Ability to

See past all suffering. To Be In Tune with the Universe as a Whole, and Realise that Nothing stops existing, it just moves on to

its next thase, Yet the Universe itself is constantly repreating its existence, Re-creating itself over and over... The Universe

is Energy, But like i said the Quantum world moves on from one point of origin to the next... Which means in a Sense, the

universe is Undying, In the Quantum World the Energy that was a Dying star Still Exists as the Same Star but in another Phase of

the Same Universe.... So, The Universe we Exist in Also Exists Multidimensianly... Its the Same universe But it exists in many

Transitions... The Universe Never Dies, it just moves from one transition of Space time to another... So like Consciousness, we

move from the Human Transition to another transition, within the same universe, but in a different Thase... All Space, and all

things are connected to the Quantum World, and the Quantum World is Multidimensional, which means all things that exist never

die, they just move on....
  me: its not because someone tells you thats the way the universe works that that is the way it really works as

that it just their perception and idea of it from the earth and human mind point of view in darkness and then pointed out from

their into the most humans the universe ,planets only look dead because the darkened state they are in themself.
    me : love expands,creates,to the opposite fear constricts(getting denser ),destroys. but if we truly want to

understand it we need to get out of labels and beliefs about it as they are just dead descriptions to it. all is connected one

way or another. i just call them fields of reality ,expirience.(doesnt matter as it just a name to it)
    Richard : We Only Express the Knowlegde that Already Pre Existed before we became human... We dont put the puzzel

together as it originaly started out... In Truth, Everything we know or will know in the future is the Inevitable....

Consciousness is the Inevitable creation of a Universe. Thus Consciousness is the Manifested Universe... Consciousness was

Inevitable, which means the Universe Exists Inside All Consciousness. We Manifest the Knowledge Of the Universe because the

Universe Created Consciousness, just as we create the Universe with Consciousness.. The Things we Know or Will Know In the

Future is Correct only to what we can recieve from the universe at this point... So, What im saying is correct, but the Human

Mind Is Young...
    Richard : The Knowlege we Attain about the Universe was an Inevitable Conclusion, because we are the Universe

Manifested as Consciousness... All the Mysteries of the Universe Exist within Consciousness, We only look to Experiment with

what we already knew...
    Joel : What you are trying to propose has already been documented and it's deeper than that, try reading Erikson's

social identity theory. Pretty much psychology 101.

   me: intelligence is the consiousness at work in the universe.knowledge is just the locked up condition of it .the

state humans are in today
    me: dont take it all to serious,thats what fear does. :))))))))))))) are better friends .

it goes further then just the labels ,but fear for whats beneath and looking for something to hold on to in the world due to the ways we were raised and our place in it. look for instance to all the nations in the world and the way they behave to other nations or fear them or do as i say our you  wont be friends and we gonna bomb you .the same is going on between individuals . if it even doesnt work between individuals how can it then even work in the world.
 Its easy to blame aliens,etc ... for everything but its people who make the choices and making themself vulnerable by choosing for fear.
everything started by one untill more got trapped by it because putting the cause outside them. the 100 monkey syndrome.

life and peace to all of you ,no matter if you're black or white,dark or light . thats your choice not someone else.
we've all been that true our evolution and creations but it was eventually the expirience to find out what we are and what we are not . what resonates with the life and all that is and what not. what works and works not.


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  • Hi star eagle, thanks for the reply.

    Well to me, love and light is the same as knowing no one is above or below another, if that were practiced, then the unconditionality of true love would come natural to all.

    Oh yes, already learned not to try and force ones views on another, though sometimes, certain things need to be vocalized into the air in as peaceful a way as one can muster.

    Your private property story, reminds me of that movie, 'The Little Prince'.

    "Where are your papers, i don't have any, then you can't stay here, then i'll leave, you can't leave unless you have your papers", bla bla bla, hehe.

    Guess many probably experienced similar things as a child, you know, those kids that had a bit of trouble sharing toys and what not.

    Little Prince Video Clip

    The Little Prince (Where Are Your Papers) by DiamondRay111

    peace love light

  • Hi star eagle, thanks for sharing.

    Read a post reply of yours couple days ago, think it was about that audio clip of 'shattering the matrix' and you voiced what was felt.

    You said she was speaking past her heart, that was profound.

    I realize what you mean when you said she was speaking past her heart, she was allowing her mind to dictate at a point, rather than her heart, which is connected to everything and fears no-thing.

    And in this label article you just wrote, you nailed something i am experiencing first hand.

    Where you speak of our individual relationships reflecting those of governements, etc.

    This is spot on.

    Question is, how do we communicate the fact to our friends, wifes, husbands, family, etc..

    That if we throw each other under the bus, at the slightest hint of our fear of survival or our comfort zones being altered, then that is identical to nations going to war with each other and is more than likely, the root cause of it all.

    Trying to convey this idea using words to another, seems just to cause them to think you are trying to make excuses as to why all their demands are not being followed.

    When it is all these conditional ideas that are at the heart of the issue.

    I certainly see how many of us have been conditioned to be this way, the old, it's my way or the highway syndrome.

    These misguided people then seek confirmation from anyone around them they can, to reinforce their war like thinking, then these others will join in and help them fight their war that leads absolutely no where, except the cat chasing its tail and sometimes it does catch its tail and we know the results of that.

    Look forward to conversing with you more star eagle, you seem to have a clear grasp on the root cause of why we seem to have such disharmony in this world.

    peace love light

This reply was deleted.

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