Lady Gaga, superstar to teens, wears dress made of animal flesh (opinion)Monday, September 20, 2010by Mike Adams, the Health RangerEditor of (See all articles...)(NaturalNews) If you've ever wondered about the true mental sickness of the entertainment industry, look no further than Lady Gaga. She rose to fame and has become a teen favorite by pumping out tunes like "Love Game" where she belts out lines such as "Let's have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick."Seriously. This is the stuff your teenage kids are piping into their brains through their iPods, by the way.And that's just the beginning: Lady Gaga is also largely responsible for the new craze of wearing "dilated pupil contact lenses" which make young girls appear to be either sexually aroused or stoned. These contact lenses are potentially dangerous, and they are being brought into the U.S. illegally, bypassing FDA approval. But thanks to Lady Gaga, young girls are increasingly interested in wearing them so they, too, can look "aroused and stoned" in order to arouse potential sex partners.But there's more to this sick story: Lady Gaga was recently honored at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, where she received a whopping eight "moonman" awards as well as Video of the Year honors.To accept these awards, Lady Gaga actually appeared on stage wearing a dress made out of animal flesh. Yes, she was literally draped in animal flesh. This has been reported as her "red meat dress.""Meat is the decomposing flesh of a tormented animal who didn't want to die, and after a few hours under the TV lights, it would smell like the rotting flesh it is and likely be crawling in maggots -- not too attractive, really." says PETA on its website ( Lady Gaga a worshipper of death?But it goes far deeper than that. Anyone who would wear a dress made out of red meat is, for starters, mentally ill. But Lady Gaga goes far beyond just mentally ill, reaching to depths of necro-worship that make her appear almost Satanic.In an upcoming live event, she promises to be surrounded by on-stage corpses. It is being widely reported across the 'net that she plans to put dead human bodies on stage as part of her "act."Now, for those who really know what goes on behind the scenes of the entertainment industry, this probably comes as no surprise. There has always been a bizarre element of dark energy at work at the fringes of this industry, but Lady Gaga may be taking it to a whole new depth of darkness. Here's why:Google a woman named Lina Morgana. Lina is now dead, but she worked creatively alongside Lady Gaga until one day she mysteriously fell ten stories from a tall building and was crushed to death when she hit the pavement.According to Lina's grieving mom, Lady Gaga stole Lina's act and rose to fame following Lina's "suicide."An article on MyDeathSpace explains how everyone familiar with Lina was shocked to see how Lady Gaga stole her act: "It was the same style, the same look, the same music, the same voice, the same jaw line - the way they expressed themselves," said Schwab. "And I was like, 'Is that Lina?' It was so, so shocking. It was like looking at a ghost."( Morgan was only 19 when she died ( The circumstances of her death and the similarity between Lady Gaga's current act (wig, stage presence, attitude, etc.) and Lina Morgan's previous act is highly suspicious, lending an element of curiosity to some of the circulating theories about her death.Is Lady Gaga a threat to mental health?Now, before we go any further, you might wonder what is this story doing on It's simple: I believe Lady Gaga is a danger to the mental health of those who listen to her music.In my opinion, her music is a mental assault filled with lewd, sexed-up lyrics that promote teen sex while avoiding any mention of all the responsibilities that should go along with such topics (birth control, parenting, safe sex, abstinence, consequences of pregnancy and so on).Furthermore, her incessant promotion of sexual promiscuity and dilated pupil contact lenses is a threat to your children's physical health (eye infections, anyone?). And finally, Lady Gaga may actually be radiating some kind of Satanic or necro-worshipping vibe that could trigger all kinds of bizarre death-related thoughts or behavior in impressionable young teens (who for the most part, let's admit it, literally worship these entertainment "gods" such as Lady Gaga).Now, frankly ignored Lady Gaga's desperate attention-grabbing act up until the point whereshe wore her red meat dress made out of animal flesh. To actually drape dead animal flesh over your body and wear it on stage is almost a public admission that you're either mentally deranged or some sort of worshipper of death (perhaps both).Taking all this with a grain of salt, it's true there is a lot of bizarre and untrue gossip about celebrities on the 'net. Everyone I know who is even semi-famous has been subjected to utterly false accusations at one point or another. But Lady Gaga is proving her critics right through her own behavior. Her agenda is blatantly obvious as she now flaunts it on stage, almost as if to say, "I dare you to catch on to what I'm doing."What she's doing, it turns out, is infecting the minds of our youth with truly dangerous ideasabout sex and seduction while wrapping these ideas (and herself, literally) in flagrant necro-worship. It would be no surprise, after all, if Lady Gaga actually featured herself on stage having sex with a propped up erection from a corpse. That's precisely the kind of thing she might conceivably do because it combines her two favorite messages: Sex and death. (It would also keep the tabloids talking for weeks...)That's why I urge all NaturalNews readers to ban Lady Gaga material from your householdif you haven't already. Her music and lyrics are, in my opinion, extremely destabilizing to the mental and physical health of children and teens. If your teens are listening to this stuff, they may be headed down a dangerous path requiring some intervention on your part.Teens, almost by definition, have not yet developed the mental capacity to make wise decisions in their own long-term interests. They are short-term thinkers, almost to a fault, and most of them have virtually no ability to understand how and when they are being influenced. They worship singers like Lady Gaga while having no clue about the ways their minds are being warped through her lyrics and videos. (They also wear Nike shoes, designer jeans and Axe cologne, having no clue that virtually all their product consumption decisions have been spoon fed to them by carefully engineered, corporate-sponsored behavioral influence campaigns. But that's another story...)This is why it is up to parents to protect their children from these deranged pop stars and their dangerous messages. Mind you, I'm not against music (in fact, I strongly support musical expression and freedom of speech, and I happen to be a musician myself), and I've never spoken out against any music artist in the past. But as I see it, Lady Gaga crosses the line from artistry to insanity, perhaps even delving into Satanic witchcraft or some other dark rendition of psychosis. To allow our children to worship her as a music goddess is to expose them to a highly destabilizing belief system that can only lead them down a dark path of self destruction.Actions you can take as parents#1) Know what your children and teens are watching and listening to.#2) Ban Lady Gaga music and videos from your household.#3) Ban Lady Gaga material from the portable devices your children may own (iPhones, iPads, iPods, etc.).#4) Do not financially support the Lady Gaga profiteers. Don't allow your children to buy music, concert tickets, T-shirts or any other items that financially benefit Lady Gaga and her marketing minions.#5) Talk to your teens about sex from a responsible parenting point of view. Explain the long-term effects of an unwanted pregnancy and teach either safe sex or abstinence, depending on your own philosophical or religious beliefs.#6) Consider home schooling for your kids because it may help protect them from the destructive influences of mainstream school kids who are, by and large, Lady Gaga worshippers. (Home schooling isn't for everyone, but it's increasingly working for lots of families.)Remember, you must make a real effort to counter the messages being imprinted on the minds of your children by the entertainment industry. Music is a powerful carrier of unconscious information, and that's exactly why I've turned to music to help educate people about the dangers of vaccines, for example.There are positive uses of music, but Lady Gaga unfortunately uses music to negatively influence the minds of children and teens, turning them towards sexual deviancy and the worship of dead flesh or dead bodies. In my opinion, Lady Gaga suffers some kind of genuine mental sickness that should be kept as far away from our children as possible.

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  • Some people have a food fetish. Have you seen it on the internet? The same food is neatly packaged and wrapped in celephane in a grocery store, and people casually buy it and put it in their cart with no reaction to see.So GooGa
    puts its on for clothes-- yup aha food fetish. I dont eat meat fish or eggs and I dont wear them either. And I dont dress up in choclate pudding or jello either.
  • Yeah something the cartoonists use a lot to...big round eyes.
    Same in Disney...Lada G and others are just re-inforcing the brainwashing that
    already occured in childhood.
    Why is Lada G so bad al of a sudden...look at how many people Madonna and Britney have brainwashed and still do especially in the USA, where people seem to be stuck in the '80 and '90 music al the time.
    Like there is no new stuff around...!!??
    • Yeah, she's brainwashing us... using her eyes.

      This was totally her plan.

      Give me a break.
  • Your right, thanks for reminding me of that..

    love and peace my friend :)
  • i dont know why but it was kinda scary to watch this video, tottally agree with the message still i dont know seeing her was a bit scary, i have nothing against lady gaga, its just this video, lol i dont know why..
    • ok i realized what it was..its her eyes.. they scare me.. they just seem to be moving everywhere, its a bit disturbing..
  • No prob.
  • I think it is stupid just to go after and distract ourselves calling every popstar a member of the illuminati, when many would not be smart enough to pass through their ranks or even be used by them.

    Illuminati let a lot of the popstars be, because they do illuminati work without having to even be told, because of how brainwashed the entire populous is.

    I, personally, have no problem with Lady Gaga. Sure, she is mainstream, but that does not stop me from wanting to sing along to any catchy tune. I am joy, and I do not scrutinize everything with a magnifying glass and a pin before I let it into my world.

    I appreciate what Lady Gaga is doing for the gays in military too. Her video helped a lot with the progress of reapealin dont ask dont tell.

    One of the basic rules in this universe is this: All things are allowed in Prime Creator's universe... even bad music videos and Lady Gaga. Even she is immensely loved by God and has a lifeplan.
  • I have so many evidence on Lady gaga and her co-work with Illuminati so I am glad this also came out on this page!

    That said. I have a few of her songs and me and my friends are all aware of illuminati, lady gaga's braindead approach and so on - so when we listen to the songs, maybe at a party, they don't "catch" on to us. Just be aware and it has no power I think.. This really goes for any song in the popculture, I was listetning to a song the other day and *wosh*, it felt like I went out of my head - outside myself, listening to what the song made me feel! And it didn't feel real! As if the song couldn't trigger that particular feeling in me anymore. Strange... but just be aware of it all :)
    • You're so right, katrine. Look and listen with awareness, objectivity and detachment and whatever one is looking at and listening to will not go into the subconscious mind. When and if I watch TV anymore, I do it with such detachment, I really couldn't tell you what I'd just seen and, really what's the point? lol
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