My beloved friends, brothers and sisters of the Creator’slight, it is a glorious moment for me to connect with your energies inthis wayand I send praise to the Creator and your soul for the manifestation ofthissacred space that we are now experiencing together. Allow your energiestosoften, know that I come with love and the truth of the Creator in myheart as Iconnect and communicate with your energies.
I am Lady Nada, I am the chohan or overseer of the eighthray of light known as a sea foam green colour and devoted to cleansingandpurification. I am also a member of the Board of Karma assisting in manyinresolving their negative actions. I hold the Goddess energy, emanatingtheCreator’s feminine energies to all with the purpose of bringing forth abalancebetween the feminine and masculine qualities of the Creator especiallyon theEarth. I have a strong connection with the Christ consciousness and I amthefeminine aspect of Master Sananda/ Master Jesus and so assist in thespiritualeducation of all upon the Earth.
With many aspects and soul influences of the Creator heldwithin my being I have a special ability of viewing the truth of thesoul withinall. This extends beyond understanding a person’s soul or comprehendingtheirtruth but allows me to see the origin of their soul, the purest form ofthe soulbefore complete integration with the Creator’s mighty soul. It is akintoviewing the first extension of an energy or soul from the Creator’ssoul. Thismeans that I gain a unique perspective of the person or their soul andtheirtrue goals, desires and qualities which extend even beyond Monadmanifestation. It is because of my ability in recognising the purestsource of truth and consciousness within a soul that I have been giventhe titleof ‘Keeper of the Soul Keys’. This title implies that I hold the keythat willallow you to unlock your soul, while there is some truth within this, Ido nothave a tool that will allow an instant release of your soul into yourrealitybut hold wisdom, energy and consciousness that will allow a graduallyunderstanding, connection and observation of the soul.
I dearly love to work with individuals to allow anexpansion of their soul and to assist in their expression of their soul.Manyindividuals in the past have fondly called upon my energy to assist themwithmatters of the soul and so I have accepted a vast understanding of howone canreconnect with their soul and develop a manifestation that evolves from aplaceof pure purity within them. When a person calls upon my energy to assistthem inbeginning a connection with their soul then I will draw closely to theirenergyand channel my light deep into their being. This energy wave willconsist of mysoul light, the light of the eighth ray to cleanse all stagnant ornegativethoughts and energies away, the Christ consciousness to anchor love andthehighest vibration of Creator light that is appropriate for theindividual. Iwill bathe the individual in this light for some time as purificationand toallow the individual to become accustomed to my energies and presence.In manyways this process activates a deeper self realisation as much clutter isclearedallowing a greater sense of clarity to dawn.
As our energies begin to blend I will observe the veryessence and truth of the person’s soul and may even communicate with thecoreenergy of the person’s soul to understand the will and divine path thatthe soulwishes to enact on the Earth and on the inner planes. This for me is asacredmoment as it is akin to connecting with the Creator, as every person’ssoul isan aspect of the Creator in manifestation. It is important for you torealisethat even as you sit observing my communication, and you imagine themightyCreator’s soul, you actually hold an aspect or element of the purestform of theCreator’s light within you but it is hidden by the distractions of yourmind,emotions, personality and physical body. It is in many ways protected orconcealed until a time that you are ready to accept the Creator truththatexists within you. Everything that you manifest as, both positive andnegativeenergies, originates from this pure energy of the Creator within yourbeing, sofor me it is extremely interesting to connect with your core soul energyandthen see the choices, projections and interpretations that havemanifested intoyour reality. This of course is not a true projection of your soul asyourprevious experiences, the beliefs that you have formed and yoursurroundingswill have influenced the person and energy that you exist as today. Oneisalways able to see the truth or the soul and also the goals that thesoul wishesto overcome intertwining as ribbons through the physical reality andpersonalityof an individual on the Earth. When we are able to release the stains ofthepast and realign with the core energy of our soul then we are able totrulyproject the truth of our soul as a manifestation of every aspect of ourbeing.Gaining an understanding that there is a source within you that is sopure andsacred and that everything flows and manifests from this source is apowerfulrealisation. When you then realise that everything that you are awareof,yourself, your personality, emotions, thoughts etc, are also anextension ofyour soul but have been in some way tainted then you begin to see aseparationbetween your truth and your current existence. This separation is notnecessarybeneficial but it allows a greater comprehension of your energies andperspective now and all that is your truth. It is through theunderstanding ofyour current self that you create a path way of learning, discovery andconnection back to your soul.
When I connect with the core energy of your soul I am ableto see the path way or lessons that you may need to embark on in orderto gaintrue alignment with your soul and to allow your soul to manifest withoutbeingtainted by different active aspects of your being or by those aroundyou. Withthis understanding I am then able to guide and advise you appropriatelyin orderto share with you the will of your soul.
It is my mission also to protect you and your soul as youfollow a path of clearing, discovery and alignment. Protection, supportandcreating an environment of love is essential when wishing to connectwith thesacred soul or Creator aspect within. These are key energies that I willassistyou in gaining and manifesting in order to create a balance and harmonythatallows the core soul energy to be noticed, respected and recognised byyou asyou exist in your reality.
I will also assist in allowing you to develop anunderstanding of the feeling and consciousness of your soul aiding theembodiment of your soul and the guidance of your soul.
When an individual calls upon my energies to help themwith their alignment with their soul then I will work with them for alengthyperiod of time as this practice is not something that can be graspedinstantlyand needs dedication and acceptance over time. Very often I will appearatdifferent times in your spiritual growth to direct you along a certainpathwhich will increase your alignment with your soul.
If you feel a connection with my energy then you may wishto use the following invocation to assist in our connection and to allowme tochannel appropriate energy waves into your being over the coming week.In nextweek’s communication I will then assist you in calling on my energies toaid afurther alignment and understanding of your soul as I have described inmycommunication.
'Lady Nada, I feel a strong desire within me to gain adeeper connection with my soul and the aspect of the Creator that is sopure anddivine existing within my being. From the purity of my heart I ask youtoassist and guide me in this process of clearing, realisation, awakening,discovery and alignment with my soul.
To begin this process of connection and alignment with mysoul please channel your soul light, the eighth ray light, the Christconsciousness light and the Creator’s light deep into my being to raisemyenergy vibration, to increase the volume of light that I hold and toclear allunneeded energies from my entire being, thus manifesting a pure andclearoutlook that promotes the presence of clarity within me. Allow me toexperienceyour light pouring through my being now, when I affirm this invocation,when Isleep and at appropriate times throughout my day. I understand that theenergy Ireceive will assist in my connection with you and prepare for my greaterconnection with my soul and sacred Creator aspect within me. Thank youandlet it be.'
Let us embark on a journey of soul alignment together andas one,
I am Lady Nada
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen byArchangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety ofspiritualbeings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website www.wisdomofthelight.com sheshares the channelled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand theawarenessof humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. Sheoffers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters,Archangels,Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Free Video Meditation Visit: www.wisdomofthelight.com and view myvideo page where I am beginning to build a collection of guidedmeditations. * * The Sacred School of Om Na website* Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual educationofhumanity. Visit www.omna.org * For the latest news visit my website www.natalieglasson.com * For the latest news visit my website www.natalieglasson.com * If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them inthe weekly message gallery, go to www.wisdomofthelight.com and click on weekly messages. *