I want to discuss the ability of stable planetary orbits in a binary star system. Backround is the supposed possibility of our Sun being a binary star. Is it Nemesis or Nibiru? I will show the impossibility of a possible celestrical body coming closer to Sun than the distance of any outer planet. I doubt an extremly elliptical orbit of the body around the Sun for reasons of stable planetary orbits.
Having planets in a binary system gives us 3 possible scenarios of getting stable planetary orbits.
1. The planet(s) is circling one of the 2 stars close enough.
2. The planet(s) is circling both stars far enough.
3. The planet(s) is close to the Lagrangian points 4 or 5 as seen in wikipedia thus forming an equilateral triangle with the stars (an equilateral triangle of forces is always bringing a mechanical system into a stablized condition). Together with the stars the planet(s) are circling the center of gravity of both stars.
Conditions of stable planetary orbits
1. The planet(s) is circling one star without exceeding a critical distance. The star is strong enough giving a stable orbit.
2. The planet(s) is circling both stars without deceeding a critical distance. Thus both stars are acting like one body creating a stable orbit.
3. The planet(s) is moving around the Lagrange points 4 and 5 as said above.
If you look back to wikipedia, there are other Lagrange points too being in line with the stars ( 1, 2 and 3). But these positions are instable regions to planets - already small perturbations or disturbances create unstable planetary orbits.
Our planetary system is a stable one up to the outer planets. Having the Lagangian points and the equilateral force triangle as described above we can conclude:
If the Sun is part of a binary system, there is a condition of guaranteeing a long term stability of all solar planets: the distance of the other possible star is not supposed to deceed the distance to the most remote stable planets of the solar system.
From there I find it impossible of having an object like Nemesis or Nibiru coming closer to Sun than Neptun or Uranus, if at all, for these outer planets have stable orbits, as we know, but would be disturbed if a second star or body would come closer, but obviously never did...