
  • The American Public is so antiintellecualized nowadays, that even Hitler with his studied rethorics, would stand a chance of winning the election.

    What you stupid amercan's have yet to realise, it that if it sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't.

    Trump will give U that lesson, if all else fails.

  • ..  A dead person might be a better choice than Hillary or Trump.  They don´t teach much about Marx in schools or ask kids to read his writings, for if people were educated and learned the truth, then the powers of control and domination could not use the word ´´communism´´ to scare us.

    I can´t resist a man with a beard...


    • FEATHER WINGER: Karl Marx could never hold a job, and yet he is celebrated as "an advocate for workers being disenfranchised." LIKE SANDERS BEFORE HIM, WHAT A HYPOCRITE.



      His wife bore 7 children. Only 3 of those children lived to be adults. The other 4 died young from the effects of living in poverty.

      Karl Marx was a 'thinker'. He sat in a chair and thought about what it must be like to be a working man.

      Rather than experiencing the world as it was, Marx thought about how he wished it would be.

      Though he had never worked, Marx concluded that a working man was selling his soul to his boss.

      In particular, Marx thought about the new process of making cotton thread by machine, in a factory. What he concluded is that the owners of the factories became wealthy while the workers made wages barely enough to live on. He did not consider that men were leaving the farms to work in the factories because the pay was steady and there was one day off a week, much better conditions than on the farm.

      Marx decided the workers should own the factories. He wrote loftily of the toil of the workers, without seeming to have any understanding of investment in order to construct the factory. Nor did he bother his mind to consider all that goes into managing a factory. He just saw men working and found it so repulsive he decided they should at the least own the factory so as to save their souls.

      The fact that Marx never worked in itself makes his 'thinking' suspect, but much worse is how Marx provided for his family.

      For most of his adult life, and in particular while his children were young, Karl Marx's main source of income came from his friend, Engels, who periodically sent money to support the family.

      Engels, in turn, received his money from - cotton mills! His family were owners of a mill in Manchester, England. Engels himself lived off the workers, and the money he sent to his friend Karl Marx was from the profits of the factory.

      Karl Marx lived off the toil of factory workers while bemoaning their fate and 'thinking' of how it ought to be.

      Karl Marx was a parasite. What sort of man can watch his children go hungry and bury four of them but refuse to work in order to provide for them? The money he received from Engels was never enough to raise the Marx family out of poverty. Certainly their circumstances were worse than those of the factory workers. And Marx was an educated man. He certainly could have found work had he wanted to.

      Marx's philosophy of a worker selling his soul seems to be his own excuse for his negligence toward his wife and children.

      Did he think it was better for his children to die than for him to get a job and provide for them?

      What's astonishing is that a loser such as Karl Marx is taken seriously, his philosophy touted as the working man's utopia.

      Of course, wherever Marxism has been instituted, be it in Cuba, in North Korea, in China, in Russia, the workers have never found themselves better off. In fact, Marxism brings with it famine, starvation, and death.

      Marx had no experience in the world, no experience working. His experience seems confined to sitting in a chair 'thinking'. And as he thought he contrived a theory which was no more than his own excuse for not working.

      Those people who espouse Marxism as the way the world ought to be are no better than Marx himself. Chances are they too are parasites. They're certainly not people who truly care about others. They just want to do like Marx, live off someone else's toil.

      • Malcolm, did you write this piece yourself? .. (your previous comment) .. ?

      • You got real serious there, Malcolm...I was just joking around...

        Back in the 1800s it was not that unusual to have 4 kids was a really unhygienic time.  I´m more interested in seeing how things really are, instead of demonizing people and getting a distorted view.  Perhaps the best way would be to read his writings...


        ´´Marx was married to his childhood sweetheart, Jenny von Westphalen, who was known as the "most beautiful girl in Trier," on June 19, 1843. She was totally devoted to him. She died of cancer on December 2, 1881, at the age of sixty-seven. For Marx it was a blow from which he never recovered.

        The Marxes had seven children, four of whom died in infancy or childhood. He deeply loved his daughters, who, in turn, adored him. Of the three surviving daughters—Jenny, Laura, and Eleanor—two married Frenchmen. Both of Marx's sons-in-law became prominent French socialists and members of Parliament. Eleanor was active as a British labor organizer.

        • Canada is a socialist country....I don´t understand why you folks cannot understand socialism..

          Below, you will see some of the most socialistic nations in the world today:

          Top 10 Most Socialist Countries in the World
          The term socialist has been thrown around in the past few years. Since the cold war the term has garnered attention in the press and from politicians.
  • 8115665486?profile=original

    • And then some.

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