Are you getting everything you want in life? No, then it's your own fault! What a convenient thing to say for those who have everything and don't want to share anything.
Let's be clear about what's going on here. You watch something like "The Secret" and buy into a belief system where a few illuminated beings can get anything they want. Then you get sold on the notion that any suffering or limitations in your life are your own doing, so if you suffer then your soul must have wanted it that way in the beginning, and the universe will give you more of what you want, etc
Lets consider what this is mainly meant to replace. Ideas like Karma, reaping what you sow, or believing in a God who lives in heaven and judges the world according to Justice. Look around, do you see any Justice? It doesn't help nearly all Atheists and Christians are ignorant of Reincarnation. You might think someone who is rich and powerful was blessed from a former life. That is possible, but how much more would they be cursed for having so much money and power and not using it for good? More is expected from those who receive more.
What have you lost? If one is rich and powerful they may be tempted to think they can get away with anything they want, not believe in God, not believe in Justice of any kind, not have to pay for any evil they do. Since you believe you are your own god, and reality is whatever you make it, then you don't get to complain that life is unfair. Since it's all your own fault to begin with your suffering goes unanswered, and the same time they get to cause suffering and don't have to answer for it.
One can see that both paradigms suck. Either way you have rich tyrants who get whatever they want, and in the second case one becomes elitist and conceited and looks at rich as good souls and poor people as evil souls being punished. The Luciferian "you are your own god" goes hand in hand with Gnosticism and Spiritualism, but reverence to God amounts to Oneness.
The world is hell because the two paradigms are existing side by side. The Lucifer paradigm is a pyramid scheme where you forfeit justice to join the elite in getting whatever they want using the law of attraction, except it isn't about you getting what you want, it's about them getting what they want, and about you giving it to them and losing any right you had to complain about it. The Law of attraction is merely prayer without God, and reality without Justice.