I've since long been quite irritated with the character Dr. Kathryn E. May and since there have been so many postings here praising that lady, I think it may be time for everyone to hear from some of the victims of that woman as well.

It May be important.

people and places to avoid

[tw sexual abuse] Kathryn E. May - NYC and High Falls, NY

This woman is a PsyD and an author, and my dad’s currently seeing her for therapy.

My dad had some sexual abuse issues when he was a kid that he had completely repressed, but rediscovered with his former (fantastic) therapist. He suffers from PTSD from the childhood incidents, and has the approximate emotional level of a 13-year-old (which was about when it happened). He is also bipolar, something that was not discovered until the same (fantastic) therapist diagnosed him, at the age of 52. While I was growing up, there was always stuff going on with him blowing up over nothing, yelling endlessly at my mom, and just generally going from highs to lows without warning. I don’t remember the lows, just the yelling. I have my own psychological damage from this, but that’s not why I’m here. My dad is on Lamictal and Zoloft for the bipolar + the depressive side of the bipolar.

He started seeing Kathryn May for therapy about…. five, six months ago? She declared on the very first visit that whatever he and his former therapist had covered was over and done with, and didn’t need to be dealt with anymore (i.e., the sexual abuse that has given him PTSD that he suffers from to this day and has had for most of his life). She also told him that she would get him completely off his meds, and “fix him”. She has zero interest in how he affects his own family. On the first or second session, she also SOLD him her most recent book, to the tune of $30, because she felt he “really needed to read it”.

She apparently told him that she is a psychic, and sometimes helps the local police with investigative work.

We’ve never seen him like this, the way he is about her sessions. He’s incredibly secretive about how they’re going, whereas with his previous therapist he would come home and tell us all about his progress. Now he’s like when your kid comes home from school and you ask them how their day was and they just say “fine” and vanish into their room. What little he has told us about her plans for him has only shown us that he’s bought her ideas hook, line, and sinker. He knows for a fact that we think her plans are total garbage, and has therefore declared that he doesn’t want to hear anything about what we think about them. He blows up if we express any doubts about it.

About two months ago, the other shoe dropped for the getting him off his meds bit, and she told him to start weaning himself off of his mood medication. At no point did she personally contact or tell him to contact his psychiatrist or general doctor about this. As far as we know she didn’t even give him directions for how to wean off. It’s really obvious that he’s started it now, because he’s getting mad about everything, being very paranoid, taking practically everything said to him as a personal attack or criticism against him. If my mom comments on “did you do X thing I asked you to do”, he explodes and assumes she feels he did it wrong, and she’s always right and he’s always wrong, and he might as well not do anything around here because APPARENTLY he always messes it up, etc. He’s volatile and on edge, and before the meds thing came up, Kathryn’s therapy did actually seem to be doing something for him; he was thinking outside himself more, doing things like folding laundry without it even being mentioned around him, stuff like that.

Her therapy and her book revolve around rewiring how your own brain works through exercises, both meditative and otherwise. This is fine - for someone with general depression or mild anxiety, or perhaps someone who’s just confused about how to function in life. Knowing that all of my dad’s behavior for most of my life was from bipolar, and knowing several people throughout the years who had bipolar parents or other relatives, I can say that the number of people who manage to be bipolar and not on medication (and not be complete terrors because they’re not on medication) are very, VERY low. Bipolar is like schizophrenia. It cannot be cured, only managed. It pretty much has to be medicated.

All of Kathryn’s book reviews and reviews on doctor and therapist sites are glowing, five-star things about how great she is. I have a hard time believing them, considering how she’s handling my dad. The medication issue is, quite frankly, very dangerous and unethical. What’s extra upsetting is that she declared he should start weaning off the day after he saw his psychiatrist, who he now won’t be seeing again until January or February.

We’re scared for him, and distressed over the general atmosphere in our house because of him, and I would urge everyone ever to avoid going to her for therapy. She practices in both New York City and High Falls, NY (in the Hudson Valley), alternating between the two from month to month. I personally have faith that things will work out, eventually, but we’re figuring it’ll take him blowing up at her for either of them to see what a terrible idea this was.


EDIT: Due to some confusion about the origins of this story I must clarify that it is not I who wrote this. I just forwarded it from the link above since I think people deserve to hear it.

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  • If both Katherine May and Kim Michaels are both channeling the "true" , one and only "Jesus", then what about the dozens of other Channelers who also have the 'straight skinny, true scuttlebutt' from the one and only Jesus.
    Along a similar theme, during the 2 years I spent living in Mt. Shasta City, there were lots of St. Gemains hanging around. One even lived in the apartment next to mine... nice guy...really...:)
    What is my point? I guess I am tired of hearing about these characters from so many people with mental health issues. (Just my opinion, and with it and $3, you can have a coffee)

  • NANCY: I don't know if the story that Acute Observer posted is based on a real life story, or if Acute Observer is intentionally not being truthful regarding this individual and his story with this psychologist.  But this posted discussion concerns an individual being weaned off of psychotropic meds, and the story mentions that his physician was not notified. 

    All I am saying is that as a licensed register nurse, I do know for a legal fact that if a nurse,  psychologist, spiritual guide, psychic, or even a social worker weans a patient off of psychotropic meds without consenting the prescribing physician first, they can get sued and possibly face criminal charges in the event of violent reactions taking place from the "client" (or the "patient") that result in physical harm or property damages, as such reactions are very common with weaning a person down from such medications.

    Here's what the New York State Office of Mental Health states in a booklet / guide given to all mental health patients receiving care and treatment with psychotropic medications. 

    Questions for your doctor

    You and your family can help your doctor find the right medications for you. The doctor needs to know your medical history, other medications being taken, and life plans such as hoping to have a baby. After taking the medication for a short time, you should tell the doctor about favorable results as well as side effects. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and professional organizations recommend that the patient or a family member ask the following questions when a medication is prescribed:

    • What is the name of the medication, and what is it supposed to do?
    • How and when do I take it, and when do I stop taking it?
    • What foods, drinks, or other medications should I avoid while taking the prescribed medication?
    • Should it be taken with food or on an empty stomach?
    • Is it safe to drink alcohol while on this medication?
    • What are the side effects, and what should I do if they occur?
    • Is a Patient Package Insert for the medication available?

    This booklet is intended to inform you, but it is not a "do-it-yourself" manual. Leave it to the doctor, working closely with you, to diagnose mental illness, interpret signs and symptoms of the illness, prescribe and manage medication, and explain any side effects. This will help you ensure that you use medication most effectively and with minimum risk of side effects or complications.

  • NANCY: you are wrong. Weaning anyone off of psychotropic meds is an MD's job, and this psychologist has no expertise in this area and has indicated no alliance established with the prescriber of her "clients" psychotropic meds.  Yes, there are success stories that don't involve MD's involvement with weaning off of medications that may have harmful long-term effects, but look at all the warnings about feelings of suicide and aggressive thoughts posted with television commercials pertaining to psychotropic medicines!!!!  This is very unprofessional behavior by this individual, and very risky behavior for a healthcare provider to be engaged in, regardless if Jesus talks to her or not.

    "Playing physician" with a client's psychotropic prescription regimen (without consulting with the prescriber of such meds) can open you up for a lawsuit from family members (and the insurance company who covers the malpractice policy of the prescriber) in the event of a suicide or mass shooting involving the "client" involved in weaning down of psychotropic medications.  For someone with a PhD, this individual is really stupid in my opinion.    

  • I know in Pennsylvania and west Virginia you need boards because they prescribe meds
  • Get real Nancy! Why do you keep on buying this crap! And by the way the fact that you are saying that all you report is based on your own activities does not give an IOTA OF CREDIBILITY to your infos!!!  Again I love you unconditionnally regardless of how much ''out of it'' you could be...

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    • "I don't like taking sides...Yet it saddens me the easy way in which we are ready to point fingers without even being a witness to anything..."

      Like when Kathy basically is telling the world that all relatives of the people of flight 370 are lying to the world and have no problems whatsoever about their missing relatives?

      This was posted a month ago, many months after Kathy said that they have all been reassured. If they have been reassured, then why are they still making a fuss about it?

      Secure and happy people usually don't cry out to the world for help..

      "Put yourselves in Dr. Kathryn's place...If it were you the ones being judged you would be angry and horrified"

      I've been in her position many times, and even though it feels horrible always no matter if "the mob" is wrong or right, it will either force me to admit I am wrong, or it will force me to adapt and recharge.

      "Judging others is affecting not them but yourselves"

      Indeed, and this time Kathy have judged basically EVERYONE who work with medications, and THIS thread is one result of that since that judgement in itself created problems for a whole family.

      "...I believe she is truthful..."

      I believe she is not.

      "It seems to me that it is easier for many to judge others and make up stories than it is for them to open their hearts and see truth..."

      I'll believe that the moment you get the relatives of MH370 to shut the hell up and stop bugging the media with things Kathy have already told have been solved. They're damaging Kathys credibility by pretending to not know where their relatives are. Kathy should sue them for it even. ;)

  • NANCY: here's a cut-out from her web page:


    Kathryn E. May, PsyD is a practicing clinical psychologist and inspirational workshop leader who has been in private practice in New York City and the Hudson Valley area for more than 35 years.  She has developed the radically new Visual Centering technique which has helped hundreds of clients to rework neurological brain channels, allowing them to see life, literally, from a more positive, present-oriented perspective.

    Dr. Kathryn is the author of Who Needs Light? - the book written over a  twenty year span of her lifetime. .. the book which caused Dr. Wayne Dyer to say, "Get to know this woman!"  And, indeed, today her  range of clients has become a global family.

    In recent years, Dr. Kathryn has allowed the special Gifts she supressed in her childhood and youth to emerge once more, bringing clarifying Messages from the Cosmos and from the Galactics.  During this time of Earth's transitioning, we appreciate all the more the opportunity of benefiting from the timely Information and Guidance brought to us through Dr. Kathryn E. May.

    Dr. Kathryn has been asked by Spirit to serve as the official "Voice of Mother/Father God." In this capacity she has transcribed frequent messages which have become the journal When God Pinched My Toe.  
    Jesus/Sananda has recently requested that Dr. Kathryn act as his scribe for The New Scriptures which are replacements for Jesus' earlier messages which, over time, became adulterated.
  • "You indicate that you believe she must be practicing as a medical doctor but without a license."

    No, that's what Malcolm indicates. I do not know whether she has a license or not but since she claims she does and advertise herself as she does, she'd have been arrested by now for fraud unless she's either working for cabal or have their ears, if she were not to have a license.

    So no, I do not believe she have no license. The (in)action of The New York Police alone indicates that. ;)

    It may be true however, that she's giving advice in areas of medicine in which she has no license.

    "You asked for information that you could check this out, as if this is a matter of grave concern to you."

    It is. I'd like to know.

    "Comments are from ACC members who replied AS IF this is your own father"

    Only 2 people in here have misconstrued my post so far, and that's You and Gailene.
    Don't talk for the others. They can talk for themselves, as Gailene did. :)

    "and yet you failed to clarify."

    I didn't fail to clarify that. You failed to notice the clarification I made in the form of a link. But if you're going to bitch about that instead of focusing on the message, I could just update the post to include that little clarification.

    "since I have noticed you tend to address issues to get people to think"

    Although you fail to realize that I take the word "CATEGORIES" very seriously.
    Humour goes in the "humour"-bin, serius issues goes in the "Food, Health and Nutrition"-bin.
    I'd never post fiction in such a category.

    "As for K. May, if the story is intended to destroy her credibility, that will be a legal matter,"

    Her credibility were destroyed the moment she opened her mouth about the missing airplane.
    This post, is intended (as the link also CLEARLY states) to tell others one of the stories on HOW we came to the conclusion that she has no credibility.

    There are more. I could fill this entire forum with articles and analyses on why Kathy belongs in jaill, but since noone is paying me for posting counter indicative articles on beloved "nutjobs" here on Ashtar, I'll simply suffice by posting the things I find important.

    As for the legal matter. Since the page I linked to is a "Public Advisor"-page http://foryourhealthandsafety.tumblr.com/
     intended for people to use, ANY practicioner with ANY sense of decency and honesty would have sued their asses long ago if the story weren't true.
    It's not legal to tell people to stay away from someone if the story backing that advice isn't true.

    "Mind Control is a matter of concern to me"

    It is to me too and I know more about it than you'd believe.
    And I believe that you have been Mind Controlled, and I also know that You can not possibly believe me when I am saying that to you. Your programming won't allow you to find any reason whatsoever in such an argument.
    She has you.

  • @Nancy
    "What you wrote you have made up,"
    "and your father, I dare think, does not live in America."

    You're either a Grade A moron, a brainwashed word-follower, or you haven't slept enough tonight.

    I even included the link to the source of this message, and you still think it's I who wrote it.
    I'm sorry Nancy, but in the school-course "Attention", you get a D-.

    "but K. May does not treat patients"

    Then it would probably be wise for her to remove This line from her presentation:
    "Kathryn E. May, PsyD is a practicing clinical psychologist"

    Or, does she simply mean that she's practicing on her dog/hampster/koala/goldfish? ;)

  • ACUTE OBSERVER:  tell the man to get another therapist. .  She sounds like she is practicing medicine without a license.  As much as I despise psychotropic medications, I administer such and respect a patient's right to refuse them or demand them per agreement with a licensed physician's protocol for such medications, unless side effects surface and I discuss such with a licensed physician regarding continuing or discontinuing such.  This therapist is playing MD with no license; weaning someone off of any medication (ESPECIALLY PSYCHOTROPIC, BENZODIAZEPINE, OR NARCOTIC TYPES) is best done via a plan with somebody who understands the mechanisms of such meds.  And a psychologist has no training in this area, no matter how many books she has read or written.

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