
Some food for thought....See this video


Things are often not what they seem....and here is some coverage to fill in the missing gaps, which totally destroys Amerika's drive to attack Assad...


My advice to Amerika is......STOP PREPARING FOR WAR WITH SYRIA...The game is up....




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  • The Russian Federation's UN envoy discusses progress being made, in the systematic destruction of Syrian chemical weapons stockpiles, both those of Assad and the rebels...


    The UN envoy also re-iterated that evidence was presented to UN security council members, that the chemical attack against Ghouta, was conducted by rebel units opposed to the Assad regime, with the intention of drawing in an American military strike against Assad....And if that had been achieved, the results would have been disasterous for the region...

    The Russian evidence was detailed and comprehensive and supported by independent eye witness testimony....All of which flies in the face of the US administration's failed false-flag propaganda...


  • "While Obama and John Kerry have lied that the Syrian government was responsible for the use of chemical weapons, evidence continues to accumulate that in fact it was the Syrian rebels who were responsible. What follows is an accumulation of reports on rebel access to and/or use of chemical weapons from public media sources, beginning in March of 2013: March 19: Syrian rebels reportedly used chemical weapons in the village of Khan al-Assal, near Aleppo. Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said that this use of chemical weapons by the militants was the "first act" of the so-called opposition interim government. He also said that Turkey and Qatar bore "legal, moral, and political responsibility" for the deaths of 25 and injury of more than 80 others, when militants fired rockets containing "poisonous gases." The Russian Foreign Ministry said: "According to reports from Damascus, the use of chemical weapons was registered in the Aleppo province early in the morning of March 19," killing 16 and injuring about 100 others. March 20: The Assad government asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to form an international mission to investigate the use of chemical weapons by terrorists in Syria. March 23: The London Telegraph reported that a "trusted and hitherto reliable" senior Syrian Army source had given British Channel 4 reporter Alex Thompson all the circumstances of the al-Nusra's group's apparent firing of a chlorine-carrying rocket against a Syrian Army checkpoint near Khan al-Assal the week before. April 27: Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi accused Turkey of allowing rebels to transport chemical weapons across its border into Syria. May 6: A member of the UN Commission of Investigation on Syria, Swiss Judge Carla Del Ponte, charged that the Syrian rebels used the nerve agent sarin gas, adding that there was no evidence of the Syrian government using chemical weapons. "According to the testimonies we have gathered, the rebels have used chemical weapons, making use of sarin gas," Del Ponte, former chief prosecutor for two UN international criminal tribunals, for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, said in an interview with Swiss radio. "Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors, and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week, which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions, but not yet incontrovertible proof, of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated," Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television. "This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities," she said. May 24: Farhan Haq, a spokesman for the UN Secretary General, announced that Russian journalists had presented evidence to the UN proving that chemical weapons were used by "armed terrorist groups" [i.e., the rebels] in the Khan al-Assal area last March, according to Anastasia Popova, correspondent of the Russian State Television and Broadcasting Company. The materials included videotapes taken from the site, and testimonies of eyewitnesses, doctors who treated the patients, and experts from Aleppo University. May 29: Seven members of the Syrian al-Nusra group were detained in Turkey, after police found sarin gas, which was reportedly going to be used in a bomb attack, during a search of the their homes, according to Turkish media. A 2-kg cylinder with sarin gas had been found in the homes of the suspects detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersin. The reports said that the al-Nusra members had been planning a bomb attack for May 30 in Adana. Along with the sarin gas, the police seized a number of handguns, grenades, bullets, and documents during their search. U.S.-trained, retired Lebanese Gen. Hisham Jaber said that this is "not the first time" that the deadly chemical weapons were found in the possession of the insurgents. "When we are talking about two kilograms of sarin," General Jaber stated, "we have to remember that one single gram can kill a person and 2 kg can contaminate and kill a lot of people if they are used in a closed area and against civilians or even the Army." June 2: The Syrian Army seized two cylinders of sarin during an operation in the city of Hama, according to Syrian and foreign media reports. The operation was carried out against a militant hideout. June 2: Iraq's Defense Ministry said that it had broken up a five-person al-Qaeda cell that was working to produce poison gas for attacks in Iraq and nearby countries, as well as in Europe and North America. The group had built two facilities in Baghdad to produce sarin and mustard gas, using instructions from another al-Qaeda group, government spokesman Mohammed al-Askari said, adding that the members of the cell had been prepared to launch attacks domestically, and also ran a network that smuggled the toxins to neighboring countries. The Iraqi operation was reportedly carried out in cooperation with an unnamed foreign intelligence service. BBC quoted Askari as saying that remote-controlled toy planes were also seized at the workshops, which were to have been used to release the chemical agents over the target from a "safe" distance of 1.5 kilometers. On Sept. 5, the McClatchy Washington News Bureau posted an article which reported that in July Russia gave the UN a 100 page report blaming Syrian rebels for the Aleppo sarin attack of March 19. A statement posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry website late Wednesday (Sept. 4) said the report included detailed scientific analysis of samples that Russian technicians collected at the site of the alleged attack, Khan al Asal in northern Syria. The attack killed 26 people. Russia said its investigation of the incident was conducted under strict protocols established by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the international agency that governs adherence to treaties prohibiting the use of chemical weapons. It said samples that Russian technicians had collected had been sent to OPCW-certified laboratories in Russia. The Russian report is specific, the ministry statement said. It is a scientific and technical document. The Russian Foreign Ministry posted the statement shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin had asked a Russian interviewer what the American reaction would be if evidence showed that Syrian rebels, not the Assad regime, had been behind a chemical weapons attack. The Khan al Asal incident was the one that the U.N. team now probing the Aug. 21 attack was originally assigned to investigate, and the Russian statement noted that the investigation had been sidetracked by the sudden focus on the later incident. The statement's summary of the report said that neither the munitions nor the poison gas in the Khan al Asal attack appeared to fit what is possessed by the Syrian government. The statement said Russian investigators studied the site, sent the materials they found to study to the Russian laboratories of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and followed agreed-upon United Nations investigation standards. According to the statement, the report said the shell was not regular Syrian army ammunition, but was an artisan-type similar to unguided rocket projectiles produced in the north of Syria by the so-called gang Bashair An-Nasr. The Russian analysis found soil and shell samples contained a sarin gas not synthesized in an industrial environment, the statement said. The report said the chemical mix did not appear to be a modern version of the deadly agent, but was closer to those used by Western states for producing chemical weapons during World War II. On September 9, 2013, the Christian Science Monitor reported that Iran has warned the US about chemical weapons in rebel hands for more than a year. According to leaked diplomatic correspondence, Iran has been warning Washington since July 2012 that Sunni rebel fighters have acquired chemical weapons, and called on the US to send an immediate and serious warning to rebel groups not to use them. In a letter acquired by The Christian Science Monitor that was sent sometime in the spring, Iran told American officials that, as a "supporter" of the rebels, the United States would be held responsible for any rebel use of chemical weapons. Iran amplified those year-old warnings over the weekend in its strongest public comments to date linking the rebels with a chemical weapons, echoing Russia's dismissal of American assurances that President Bashar al-Assad's forces were to blame. The comments come as the US Congress prepares to vote on military strikes. "There is ample intelligence that takfiri [extremist] groups are in possession of chemical arms," Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Sept. 8 during a visit to Iraq, according to state-run PressTV. "Extremists and takfiris are a threat to the whole region." Semi-official Fars News Agency headlined its story: Iranian FM refutes US claims on Syria's use of chemical weapons. Multiple warnings Iran says that it warned the United States directly, in mid- and late- 2012, and at least once after that, about the risks of chemical weapons among the rebels. The letter acquired by the Monitor references messages from July 18 and Dec. 1, 2012. According to the English translation that accompanies the one-page Persian document, the letter reads: "Alerting [worrying] news has been published about the preparations of insurgent forces in Syria for using chemical weapons/elements." Mr. Zarif first revealed that Iran had sent direct warnings to the US via the Swiss Embassy in Tehran in an interview published Sept. 1 by Aseman weekly in Tehran. The Swiss have handled US interests in Iran throughout the 34-year US-Iran estrangement, and have been a conduit for such messages in the past. Zarif said in the interview that Iran sent a memo to the US last December stating that handmade articles of chemical weapons, including sarin gas, are being transferred into Syria. He added: "In the same note, we warned [Washington] that radical groups might be planning to use these chemical agents."

    End quote William F. Wertz Jnr, E.I.R....

    Read more here: http://www.larouchepub.com/pr_lar/2013/130911_rebs_chem_wpns_syr.html

  • The Russians possess conclusive evidence that the sarin gas attack in Syria was carried out by Saudi-backed radical elements in the rebel opposition......This same extremist group is allied to the United States and shares with them, the strategy of overthrowing Assad.....See the latest here on this video....

    This Russian evidence is corroberated by earlier reports from independent eye witnesses in Syria, such as a journalist and French hostage.

  • Note that "Matthew's message," of 30th Sept, through Suzy Ward, suggests that Assad was responsible for the chemical attack in Syria, which proves the error of her channeling, as demonstrated here on this forum video...

    My advice is to take everything channeled by Ward with a massive pinch of salt and note how here spurious messages are in support of Amerikan imperialist interests and Obama, the war criminal and supporter of murderous Syrian rebels.

    Ward is pure CIA psyops and should be ignored by any true seeker....


  • The Syrian government have agreed a Russian plan to hand over their entire chemical weapons arsenal, if it prevents war with America...and all this in spite of not using them aggressively, as accused...

    Now the US is backtracking over this, as they had not predicted such a concilliatory response from Syria.....which prevents the US, their hoped for chance to trigger war..

    Again, the world sees who the real warmongers are and it's not Syrian aggression that is observed, but Amerikan belligerence, which seeks naught but war, war, at all costs....However, they will be stopped....and the world is resisting kneejerk support for another blatant US false flag op.....and instead, thinking with deeper concerns for the causal factors that will result from a US missile strike...



  • Despite mounting international public and governmental opposition to a military strike against Syria, cabal puppet Obama, continues towards that option....

    The modern world no longer trusts the false flags and gunboat diplomacy methods of Amerika and seeks a new and peaceful way to resolve international disputes...Bombing Syria will only stoke the fires of war, not ease the suffering of people, anywhere....especially those in the mid east..

    A French intel rep gives his views on this...

    • second that Dekx...............I watch international news all the time lately and I see mounting opposition to the Amerikan war~machine all over. Putin face expression, when meeting Obama in Moscow couple of days ago , was priceless. And I see more Amerikans speaking against it everywhere. Just yesterday our local chicago news segment was dedicated to opposing this aggresive act in Syria. Even our yankee media is getting wise, finally...................At last , change is visible , even in Cabal media........................

  • No Obama, No Obama, No....No warmongery is required in Syria...PEACE IS THE ONLY OPTION...NO WAR....

  • I read that the US military doesn't even have the funding for a strike on Syria, much less a Syrian war.


    It's time for the west to give up their WW3 plans, because the people have clearly awakened and are speaking up against them!


    Much Love all,


    Wes :)

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