I was so moved by a message from Peter of the Pleiadiansthis morning when
he said basically, that if we all stopped giving money to the corrupt big banks, for the entire month of JUNE,we should be able to topple this EVIL monster by JULY.
This is what the GFL has been trying to tell us...I get it now...We have to do this OURSELVES. Our Galactic brethren will stop WW3, nuclear weapons and clean out underground bases of the Cabal, but they cannot create the TIPPING POINT...that is what WE have to do. This is why we keep getting the so very many SOONS...We light workers and generally miserable, impatient humans have to do more as a mass collective, and WITH HOLDING money will make them weaker. If we take our money out of the big banks, exchange it for precious metals, old silver coins even, they can't stop us.
We hold the power to run up huge expenses on our credit cards before we cut them in half, and then refuse to pay them on mass. It seems we are close enough to that critical moment when we have just the right leverage to throw that deadly stone right into Goliath's forehead and show that we are now ready for freedom from the grip of the ROTTEN forces of EVIL that have been draining us of our life force for EONS.
ANYBODY WITH ME ON THIS?scans%20134.jpeg
I'm on board. However in my case they are actually financing me, not vice versa... :)
I'm sewing my own shirt.
perhaps a sort of petition to have signed, to rally all the people who'd support this. there will be a point where people will join simply because of the shear numbers of others doing it to, if not for the love of it, the sense of freedom of it alone is enough.. they'll learn the love in time if they choose to. I'm with you..then again i never wanted a credit card never got one, bad energy hehe Still, once we had assurance we'd make it happen as one, I'd be right there with you
I'm with you on this. I do not belong to any big banks. EXCELLENT IDEA.
Yes, they say they will help us to get out power back, but they will not do it for us.
Well I'm in...
I think the first step would be to make this an international movement, have people for each country, then that people can have more people for each region, with the internet this will be easier :)
Hi Solarkid,
glad to be friends with you! It is very interesting to see that today's top forum discussion is from Peter of the Pleiadians, discussing how we have to take matters into our own hands. What a lot of comments! This is an exciting moment!
Yes Maria he has a point, this idea needs huge numbers of strong, willing people having what it takes for it to work.