Lets talk about FEAR... Fear of the unknown, fear of the Dark. I want to tell you all that Fear is a gift. When we feel fear, fear.gifthere is something we have to look at. Dont deny it and turn our heads in the sand. When we feel fear, it can be paralyzing and frightening but its not a coincidence. If we want to transform Mother earth into a Jewel we have to look within, meet our unknown fears. Nothing can be hidden it these times. What i want to say with this message is that we all must stand together and welcome the Fear. There are Light workers that want to Be in the light all the time, but IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE that we can meet Fear with an open heart, and not judge it. We have much to learn from FEAR. Experience is the only way, without it we would not be here, going trough this. An experience, good as bad, can change your whole perspective of life. Love is beyond thoughts, belief and emotion. Love does not change, it is and always will be. Our transformation of self is about healing parts of our self we don´t Love so much and want to deny, We can heal by a Gentle & sincere talk with our heart. The heart always listen. When things feel bad, there is a reason why! Its a part of you that wants to bee seen. It will try to get your attention even more if you deny it. To be honest is a "hell" of a job sometimes, excuse med for using the word "hell", but hell can be haven, and you don´t even now it, because you don´t want to go there. In the abyss of your feelings there is a Light shining so strong that it will blind you. We can read lots of books, trying to understand with our mind what an awakening is and how it should be. Trying to wrap our heads with Fluffy light and maybe we want to be somewhere else than in the moment. When you experience, you realize beyond words, beyond thought. We also have to go trough what we call bad, negative feelings to the fullest. Only by being in the midst of it we can change it. Not by resisting it, but by being in it, get the taste of it and then from that awareness change it. To really have experienced something will totally change the way you vibrate and emotionally respond. Remember there is no thing that can take the LOVE that we are away from us, NO THING! I dont want this website to be a Fluffy Love Community, but an important pillar of Light Grounding everywhere, in the darkest abyss. Change comes from within. LOVE FEARS NOTHING

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  • My biggest fear not too long ago was that I was I am actually dark (evil) (meant for bad) (not worth)? Can you believe that! For years that was it! Living the Light but fearing that I’m actually the dark?
    And I did as you said - went into that darkness with a head held high and a heart that's open. I realised that this fear made me see a part of my Light that I wouldn't have notice in other-ways. So I learned to love that fear!!!
    So yes fear is there for us and it holds a Gift of Self! This is my saying when it comes to fear - Without FEAR there cannot be Courage! And I Love Courage!
  • I totally agree with you Ben-Arion. My experience of fear is that when I have the curage to face it I make it smaller. Just by admitting it is there make it fade a bit and when I dive in to it I can transform it and it´ll go away. I didn´t believe it was possible before. Now I have tried and it really works. Namaste.
  • Thank you for this truth! :)
  • Crew walk where most angels fear to tred. Love you Ben, comforting to know we are not alone.
    Love you all, bring on the fear.
  • Great post Ben. Thank you! It is so true that if we ignore our fear then it will not go away. Denial of our fear will only add more fear to itself. Thanks :D
  • I agree, i used to live in fear, fear of god fear of the devil,fear of death. But then i died drowning,somehow it was not enough so i repeated it in a car crash a few years later,or maybe now i am addicted to the rush of 'no fear'. Wel that is what the therapist i talked to said. I do not know if this is so,altought i do put myself on the edge al the time. And with this no fear mode i am verry aware of the fear manny people have, it is amazing how mutch fear there is on this planet,people even fear their own schadow,their parents,their jobs,their neighbours,their everything...

    The biggest conserne i have about fear is that it is connected to ignorance,so of all the things i have left behind in my NDE's there is one i can not do annything about and that is the ignorance of the human race and the fear it brings upon the world. So yes Ben i follow you on the fact that we need to dive into the negativity full heads on and understand it,feel it to the core only then we will have knowledge and the wisdom to do something about it. By my experience the change is so strong and final that looking back there is nothing there,and al of a sudden there is no memory of what was before the change. I talk to people about god and the devil and see the fear in their eyes,i tell them i used to be like them,but i can not recal the feeling of fear now that i have faced it,it is like trying to recall the day before you learned how to drive,you can't go back. So forget the fluffy lighted heads and let's make this change a final one....:)))
  • Hey hello,
    Loved what you wrote...
    The greater the fear....the greater the blessing...
    I have spent a large portion of this life being terrified of everything....lol :)
    Just going up to the supermarket was painful.....oh no...people
    The last few months i have been seeing how blessed i am to have these fears...to face these fears and receive the gifts waiting on the other side.....Yayyy!!! The gifts are so much more than what i could have imagined.....Beautiful....Delicious....Sacred....
    I still feel scared though.....laughing as i am writing this....

    Even though i know this to be true...i dont always practice it....
    Yayyyy!!! my first comment
    • We all hope to hear many more comments from you. Well said Toby. Boy can I relate with what you said about going to the supermarket. I had anerexia (a form of intense fear for sure) for many years and when I did have to go to the supermarket, I would be shaking, apprehensive and on more than one occasion hurled violently on the fruit display as I walked in I was so fearful of seeing food and then eating it. That did not help my paranoia, hahaha, just added embarrasment to my fear and made it harder to go there. I was in such a state of fear that just being around food made me go "crazy". It took me a long while to be able to go to any food store or restaurant because I was actually afraid of consuming food. During those fearful years I lived on two carrots, a granola bar and tea most of the time everyday, and sometimes got extravagent and allowed myself 4 peas a day to go with the other stuff, or a slice stalk of celery on a very very good day, lol. I had gotten down to 93 pounds, my muscles had attrophied from my body consuming my muscles just to stay alive, could barely walk or get up and was hospitalized and force fed for three months just to stay alive.... it go so bad. So no stranger here to being fearful! Thankfully one day after a long and fitful night where I prayed ceaselessly to God to help me to heal I just woke up hungry and the paranoia just went away, I called it God's gift to me and realized that I need no longer fear. Now I am heavier than I wish to be but far more healthy and have overcome fears about my size and supermarkets. My roomy still has to cajole me and practically drag me there, but once there at least I can load up the cart and no get ill, lol and actually enjoy launching into the yummy food in the cart when I get home......Don't like being slightly over my ideal weight, but am glad food doesn't scare me to death, lol. Now food is my FRIEND....

      I also had fears about other things that my friends here all know about so I will not bore everyone with again, but now I am conquering them just by being a member of this forum.

      So fears CAN be overcome. I found out that being self conscious about myself that once I realized that others had hangups about themselves too and everyone has things they fear, that I felt much better. I now think I am ME and that is ok. (woops I sound like an old Al Franken skit from Saturday Night Live...) He used to say "I'm ok and you are ok, we all are ok"! "You be you and I will be me and everything will be ok". I loved that skit.

      Thank you so much for your first comment being to my comment. Wonderful.
      Index of /
  • I certainly resonate with this reply Robby J. You and many know my history and that I lived in mortal fear from childhood right up until recently. I found that blocking the fear and making a joke about it only internalized it for me even worse and totally wreaked havoc with my body in a mulititude of ways. I found that if I admitted that the feeling I had inside WAS fear and let it out and examined it, and then tried changes in my life that would lessen the fear that I have become a whole lot healthier mentally and physically. I was like this walking time bomb of fear eating at me. I ran from town to town, state to state trying to dodge the fearful people, beings and fearful situations and abuse, and only by stopping the running did I learn to work through my fear and take that fear to make positive changes in my life I needed to change my situations. Now I sleep well at night and know that fear can not own or operate in me any more, and I have been blessed.
    • Fear...i seem to be in fear of my own power,and more so the one i percieve maybe wrongly as the negative one,or is it more the knowledge i fear and the power that it gives one in this world,especially when dealing with zombies.Or even dealing with my own smal ego that has the ways of a monkey out off control sometimes.One thing i was pondering on a few years ago after reading a book called 'A course in miracles' If we say goodbey to all this...do we disapear? And am i ready to do so.I geuss my ego is not ready,to leave yet and manipulates fear into a dualistic concept,that sucks my higher powers into darkness.
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