Message from Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
Life in Circles
If we analyse and understand ourselves and then progress to the higher level of wisdom; mankind lives in circles of social groups.
For each part and events of life there are interactions with different types of people; but we must remember this is part of your own personal and spiritual development, which we all accept.
Before we start, we accept that there are many circumstances to develop a different type of circle and some situations you may have your own theory. This is the development and insight that will provoke you all reading these words to carefully think for yourselves and analyse your own social circles.
The family circle we are all aware of, which we cherish, nourish and further develop together. This circle and many feel the same is the most important; as many find this comforting and experience there first love. But you may cry out and say, what about those who have no families, which we do accept.
Then in this case, is another circle of friends; where there are other experiences based around their interactions and social conversation, which are necessary. Many have this circle and it is their next order of importance.
Then are circles based around work, which also form parts of your life.
If we then pause for a moment, and think about your own personal circles and add your own; they are all necessary and part of your development and understanding, otherwise why are they there?
The Creator has given all these people who you contact with for a reason, yet we are totally unaware because we are not tuned to this reason. However, for time to time we have felt inside and have said, for instance, at such a time I have learnt this from this person or learnt this from a situation. This could be traumatic or even inspiring, as life is not exactly smooth. Often there are challenges from type of circles or at the same time.
Mankind needs to understand all the circles you are involved in needs to be maintained with the heart in mind. This on some occasions can be challenging and often confrontation does arise; but if we accept everyone’s life is full of emotions, because of life in this material world being turbulent. Those things can break down, but we should not break down and lose one's focus.
Some circles produce the same result day after day and we often feel trapped and lost or even empty inside. This is because our balance is lost and one's focus is lost.
But what is your focus?
Your focus is the fifth dimension and ascension to the higher realms, and then we can say the circles in life are there for our development and for reaching this point.
We should not approach each circle with judgemental and negative views as each person is going through the same journey but starting from a different place. Show humility and mercy when you talk and interact with each parts of your circle groups.
If you dearly wish to experience the higher levels then you are the example for others to follow.
But most of all, we remind you again, this is your moment to shine, this is your year; as the Creator is sponsoring all to rise above the lower limitations of the world.
You have all learned so much in your experiences so value your circles and join the spiritual circle.
Your mother; with delight I give you this message, as sometimes it is the simple things in life we need reminding and hold dearly.
And Lalit recognising the dynamics of structures within a structure; and why things are the way they are.
Circle within a circle........undestanding systems .........not easy to explain
take care
circle / cycle.
connect with the source