Life is not just about us

I see many posts on this site about a "true nature of a lightworker", or "who is or is not a lightworker", or something similar, and although I do not think it is waste of time to discuss such things, as we ehchange opinions, argue sometimes, find out something new, now is really time to show what we CAN DO.

Our help is needed, very much needed, at the Middle East. Let's help. Let's pray. Let's send beams of energy and love  in that region!


I know it is an old story, the one we almost grew accustomed, but it is still people's lives, and a trouble that could easily become not just theirs, but ours as well. I know how it is to feel abondened by the rest of the world, to be scared, hungry, or cold- not a nice feelings. I deeply hope that none of you will ever have to feel it.

So, pleaseeeee, HELP!

Love you all


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    Greetings, Beloved!

    Please forgive us for not indulging in the loving chit-chat we have come to enjoy beginning our messages with. Our reason for “getting right to the point” is that this particular transmission is of the utmost importance, and we don’t want to risk diverting either of our energies away from it before we even begin! Instead, we wish to place our complete focus on the “crisis of violence” that is currently erupting in a certain portion of your world. Neither the circumstances nor the causes of this eruption are new. In truth, they are ancient, and have been ongoing for many, many of your years on the planet. In this NOW, however, they have become inflamed to the point of exploding outward in a way that has captured the attention of the vast majority of your entire human collective.

    Well, the first thing we wish to point out most clearly is that this is certainly no accident!  This chronic inflammation did not “just happen” to erupt and capture your attention in this particular moment of your linear time! No, indeed. The timing was chosen by your collective, itself, exactly for the purpose of activating attention on a grand scale, and for reasons that were orchestrated by design. In other words, the violence that is erupting “over there” is not a result of energy patterns that exist only “over there,” no matter how far away you live from the location of their physical manifestation. Although all of your countries express different aspects of your collective, you may recall our telling you quite frequently that ALL work together in service of the ONE that is all of you TOGETHER.

    You are all interconnected remember? If you forgot that, then let this be a final “Aha moment” for you, as you say! Let THIS be the moment that shifts the last vestiges of perception that you are separate from one another, once and for all! Let it be so, that you may USE it as the powerfully transformative opportunity that it truly IS. Know that if enough of you do so, and claim this eruption that is happening “out there” as a reflection of an energy pattern that runs through your entire collective, including within YOU… Ah, Beloved! What a quantum leap into Unity Consciousness you will make. What a wondrous “crossing of the threshold” at your Winter Solstice you will have.

    You see, what is being expressed on all of your behalves in the middle-eastern area of your globe are the lower frequency male energies of the old paradigm. They are erupting and crying out for your attention because they know they can go no further. They are DONE! The old, fear-based misuse of power as a force of domination is born of a sense of powerlessness, and is self-perpetuating. Such a belief in powerlessness leads only to constant competition and aggression, and nothing more. There is no peace to be found in a belief that one must be “right,” and so prove another “wrong. ” All that does is perpetuate the illusion of duality, and the feelings of fear and isolation that accompany it.

    Understand that these old paradigm male energies do not WANT to continue to run your planet! See how much those who are stlll caught in them are coming to seem like exhausted children on a playground. See the bind they are caught in, for the powerless game of “fighting one another for power” makes any truce between them a mere concession, and so an incipient reason for more fighting. Because “winning” is the only goal they know, they cannot find a way to end the cycle without feeling shame. See, and have compassion, for they know they are caught in a bind of their own making, and they are very, very, very tired.

    Realize that they are also up against a wall, of sorts, for such old paradigm power games do not exist beyond the threshold that your collective wishes to cross NOW. Realize  that your attention has been focused on this current explosion of violence so that you would hear their cries, and feel their resonance within you. Listen to them, pleading “Get me out of this! Get US out of this! Get the ME in EACH of US out of this! Release these energies within you, for all of our sakes!”

    They plead with you NOW, Beloved, because you can finally hear the cries of the old male paradigm energies to be released, and you can do so within yourself. As you do, please do so with compassion, and not only for those who are reflecting these fear-based, aggressive energies back to you. Do so with compassion foryourSelf, for you are one of those who parented them into being. Release them NOW, then, and yourself as well. At last, you are ready to become WHOLE again.

    NOW, it is time to integrate the DIVINE Male into your beinghood once more. You have been integrating the Divine Feminine into your collective consciousness in earnest over the last decade. NOW welcome the Divine Male., for without both, you cannot be whole. Nor can you be effective creators in your New Paradigm of Being, for bothare needed to work in flow with one another in order to create quickly and effectively. And so, the dramatic display of violence that has erupted on an area of your globe has, indeed, occurred to get your attention. Hear them, and answer their cries for release and integration. Do not wait! Do it NOW.

    This is Yeshuwa.
    Beloved, we have told you many times that the eye of the needle is within you. So it is NOW. The violence you see around you can only be released within you.
    Do not wish violence to one side or the other, for to do so is only wishing violence on an aspect of your own divine Self.
    To take sides is only to take sides against yourSelf.
    Any judgment you hold against another is a  judgment you hold against yourSelf.

    Know that all feelings or impulses that have been activated within youby the “eruption” of which we speak are there at your service. Be they born of memories of subjugation or aggression, either in this lifetime or others, know that each of these is a form of victimhood.
    If you give them your energy, all they will do is keep you bound.

    Instead, release all such impulses within you, and remember who You are, and why You are here.
    Instead, integrate your own Divinity within you NOW.
    Instead, let the Divine Male energies that are yours return, and join again with the Divine Feminine energies that are also within you and are yours.
    It does not matter what “sex” you chose to represent yourself as when you entered this lifetime! Beloved. You are Whole. Call your wholeness back to you NOW. It is all right to do so. It is safe. It is TIME.

    Know that as you claim your Sovereign Wholeness by releasing all beliefs and impulses within you that create the illusion of separation between you and among you, you do your entire collective a most profound service. Through your own inner expansion into wholeness,  you send the codes for healing the trauma caused by the old paradigm of dominance and control, as well as the codes for integrating the Divine Masculine, out to ALL. Only by doing this within you will you change the  polarizing reflections that you see around you.

    As you do this wondrous healing, realize what a service your Israel and Palestine have offered you by providing this most dramatic illustration of exactly what you need to do! Bless them for it, and, of course, send them all the love and hopes for peace that spring from your heart. But know THIS:
    The only way to truly heal the battle over powerless and fear that  are being reflected back to you is to do so WITHIN you.

    You are all ONE. Remember who You are, as we do!  Remember how we adore You, and long to see You WHOLE again. Remember the longing you feel in your own heart, and know that it is OURS. Remember how we wait for the moment that you are joined with us again. Never forget your power to change the world!  The eye of the needle is within you.

    This is the celestial team. Yeshuwa swept into our transmission so suddenly and with such passion that we had no moment for introduction, which is rare—but then, these are not ordinary times, as our Judith says! Besides, we know Yeshuwa needs no introduction where You are concerned–and most especially, not NOW.

    Drink it in Beloved. Do what You came here to do. Know that we are watching with much love, confidence, and anticipation!
    Always and in All Ways- the celestial team

    Create the Peace You Seek Around You, WITHIN YOU. Do It NOW! | The Galactic Free Press
  • Thank you Happy Person.  I am sending healing energies and loving thoughts to all those in need.  I hope that if we all send all the love and support we can that it can be felt.  The power of manifestation needs a workout, why not help those in need.

    • Agreed Marique...I have been in constant prayer for days now...I'm sure many of us have. Sometimes we just don't talk about it. I don't talk about it because I feel like I'm feeding into the whole craziness there...but my thoughts are on those children, and all of those families..

  • An addendum- A REMINDER

    Heavenletter #4378 Shining Through, November 19, 2012

    God said:

    It is so easy to make promises. So easy. When the time comes, however, it’s a lot of trouble. The time is not far off now. It’s immediate now, and you have to go out of your way. You’re not so sure any more. You think that you might rather stay home. The thing is you made a date that, as it approaches, you’re not so sure about.

    Let Us say that before you were born, We sat down together, you and I -- I say you and I as though We are separate Beings. That is just for convenience, isn’t it? You know that. At least you know that I, God, fully accept that We are One, and Oneness is All.

    So, let Us say that We are talking knee to knee here, you and I before you were born. You know that you will be arriving on Earth any day now. We look over your record, so to speak, and you speak up that you want to grow tremendously while you are on Earth. You say things like: “Let me learn this and that when I am fifteen or thirty or fifty years old. Let this or that happen so I will grow.”

    I say, “Are you sure about this? Maybe we could make it easier for you.”

    You say, “No, no. I’ll tackle all this.”

    That’s what I mean when I say it’s easy to make a commitment when it’s far off. Yet far off does come, and it’s today, and you protest to Me or to the stars: “This is too much for me,” you say. “I can’t do this. You shouldn’t ask this of me, God. It’s like I am Abraham, and You are asking me to sacrifice my son. You are asking me to go through suffering. I didn’t ask for this woe. I couldn’t have.”

    And yet you did. Somewhere long ago you made a promise. Everything has been set in motion, and, so, whatever you are going through, you go through, and you come out the other end of it.

    I do not make light of what your personal trials may be. I say that you must bring yourself to the Light.

    You say, “But, God, I am just a mere human being.”

    You and I have a different take on what a human being is, and what a human being can do.

    In any case, this, whatever this is, is what you have.

    You didn’t complain about the easy moments. In fact, you may not even have expressed appreciation for the easy times, the good times as you call them. You took them for granted. You thought you were due them, that you had earned them, and that they were coming to you.

    That may indeed be so. I am not talking about credit any more than I am talking about blame. When money comes to you, you spend it. When something comes to you that you don’t want, absolutely do not want, you’re sure that a mistake has been made. You may even shake your fist.

    Your life is at your will. If you can’t get out of something, then you have to go at it in good grace. It is much better for you to take responsibility than to shirk it. Let Us say that you are 100% innocent, then you still have to deal with it. You can’t throw it over like a hot potato to someone else. Whatever fix you’re in, it’s yours to fix.

    You can give your money away. When it comes to woe, it is for you to come shining through.

    Permanent Link:

    Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

    Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™ Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™

    • I love the Heavenletters, they really share and help and teach and are so uplifting.  Thanks for sharing this one, and so very true about human nature. 

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