What is it?
What can I do with it?
Where can I find knowledge of how this works?
It appeared on me about 5 years ago after experiencing a physical and mental event.
It’s always there never left me since.
It gets stronger and feels great when positive and loving events happen around me.
Sometimes it feels like an urge (it’s like pushing me towards doing something)
If I focus on it expands over the chest area.
If I think different things in my mind the feel of it changes.
I’ve heard different views but still don’t feel sure of what it is and what I could do with it in order to understand it better.
If there is someone that have knowledge on the subject please give me some direction so that I can understand it better. Much love.
kind of you Mayir
thank you for this link. i will investigate it.
much love
I believe you are speaking of the heart chakra, and when you feel it expand it is because you are opening your heart to the love of the universe. I am sure you are already aware of the power of love. It attracts dark energies also so when you possess this kind of power it is good to know how to properly shield yourself so that your love energy doesn't become food energy. :)
Dear Hollie thanks for your input to this chest energy. Now you mentioned dark forces. Strangely enough I remember myself instinctively saying/thinking to myself especially at night in bed that I wished nothing unknown to my perception to this reality should be allowed to interfere with me unless they had permission from the heist source of light.
When that chest energy came to me I used to have a lot of nightmares and felt strange in my room.
Maybe the fact that I didn’t know how spirituality works made me go through uncomfortable moments. Thanks for mentioning the shielding as I heard once about it in a discussion but never occur to me to think that was important at that point.
Do you know any trustworthy websites I could visit so I can find more about the chest energy and what I could do with it? Or learn about protection and shielding? Or you if you know the function of it you could tell me.
When that incident happened to me 6 years ago and the energy came I used to have a friend that knew about spirituality and said to me “you now George Know What Love is”
I didn’t pay attention to what he said as I didn’t know anything about spirituality at that point. I just always liked people and liked researching. Much Love. Thank you.