Light of the New Dawn

Monday, February 22, 2010

InterGalactic Federation of Light

Ashtar Command

Arcturian Enlightened Consciousness ~ Intergalactic Alliance of Free Star Worlds

Commanders Vrillon, Ariguli, Michkael (High Council Members)


I, Vrillon choose to speak with you now. 


As you are aware, we have not only stepped up the presence of our fleets, our contacts with our earthly allies, which reside on thesurface of the world of Terra are also in place for our emergence in to yourconscious field of experience. As time is absolved, the true nature of realityis experienced. Those of us who are not yet fully awakened will have a morechallenging time accepting truth. yes""> There is but one-way to transcend this aspect of growth, itis to be in peace in all ways. The Solar flares you are experiencing is adirect result of our presence being increased. More Love is pouring into thissystem.


All who seek our love will surely receive. WE, the Ashtar Command, are benevolent Be-ings of purity (it is our wish for you in this aswell).  This is the only way toassist the Earth Mother in her decision to move out of a linear path, into themultidimensional fields of unity. Please understand there is no wish on anybehalf, Angelic or otherwise, for any on this surface world to experience disharmony. The races of humans on this world are the bearers of all things, as Wehave stated many times previously through many open and clear channels of purelove.  


What many do not understand, those who are simply not anchoring their divine presence of the God Self, is that we are here to assistonly. To be incarnated in this precarious time known as the now and realitiesassociated with the life on Terra, is an honour, for it is the most auspicioustiming to be here. Know you are safe in the intimate relationships you have nowbegun to form, for they are of the councils intentions for the lower realms oflight. I leave you with much gratitude for being here, allows ones self to bepresent for the most highly anticipated unfoldment of all creation.


Ariguli ~ High Council Medical Commander


My message is short dear ones, for I speak wise truth with pride.


WE have awakened our planetary healers incarnated in this world for our illumination. There are many more who are awakening. As we areprogressing in our advancements of operations, we only wish those in place forhealing to send all allowable purity into the consciousness of the masses. Itwill not be much longer, as you experience time, that we will begin our globalmass landings. If one keep a pure heart, there is no need for concern, as allfear has been detached from being, removed, cleared, as well as transmuted forthe empowerment of joy. I speak to all of our commanders with knowing, now.


The time draws near to end time, this is known. If there be any remaining attachments to the material world, one must deal with theseattachments immediately. Our service is our existence, we live to protect, welive to love, we live to simply Be the Peace we are.


I am Ariguli, Medical Commander of the Ashtar Command, I share with you these wise truths for well Be-ing.


Michkael ~ High Commander, InterGalactic Alliance of Free Star Worlds

Intergalactic Federation of Light


Greetings and Salutations BeLoveds, there is much happening in your realities, is there not? This is such a highly energetic time on thisplanet. I have seen countless worlds graduate, much as this one is now. In thebeginning of this creation, the descension to incarnate on this planet, hasbeen at great sacrifice, as the rewards are great in immeasurability.


Graduation is now in full swing, as our fleets are in a higher state of readiness. The last few alignments of the ones with keyencodements for the grand show of illumination, otherwise known as ascension,are being paired with their significant other for their mission here. TheAscended Masters of Light, the Great White Brotherhood have for many of yourearth years been diligently preparing a portion of the human race for  this evolution. These are the ones whohave come from Venus with many gifts shared. The Biological evolution of thecellular level(carbon based life forms), is now completed. The Crystallinetransformations are secured, and the new leaders are emerged. The Teachers ofLight are embodied in the physical vessels. A conscious be-ing is aware to theones who are the Lightbearers, as well as those who only receive light withoutsending their own in return.


The Lords of Light are now in physical forms, as the agreement of the personality with the actualized creator god self, is in anactive state of observation in the co creation process.  This is the true nature of cocreation.  The personality thenbecomes empowered with high spiritual truth, wisdom, as well as the experiencesneeded to be mastered in all areas. The radiance of the be-ings light isbrilliant. There is no fear left in the individual. It simply does not exist,for the co creation process is truth in whole magnified intentions of crystalclarity.  


Be at Peace Star Seeds, we are soon to be landing for you. WE have anticipated these moments to come for ages, as well as the Masters whohave assisted in bringing this to fruition. The Angels applaud us all in all ofour endeavors.   Namaste

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** Biz .....................
** AWWS.............
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