For a few days now stuff was going on with me i did not realy understand.
Then al of a sudden it came, the answer to a question i have been asking myself for more than 20 years.
How did i survive drowning back then?
It was not Aliens
It was not dolphins
It was not God
It was me, i became the water consciously therefore i could not realy drown.
There was no panic, no fighting it...only acceptance.
And i became the water that saved me.
Wel now if that is not being conscious what is?
It shows you kinda how the universe works, don't it?
"You is me is we and we are all together"
Al of a sudden my taste in colors changed from blue and red and yellow to purple and blue and white..
And i feel more relaxed and light like there is more insight and freedom...
What a bliss, after so many years of not knowing or understanding.
I am in a zone right now.
One of the major things was a moment where i ended up in total darkness there was nothing there untill i got scared and thought " Cedric" and saw the whole univers and the planet and the country and the city and i was back in my house.
Makes one wonder who's world this is?