The akashic records are the past experiences which are written like globule bubbles
and float in the ether........
What you have done in the past is how you are Now
How Now Brown Cow
Your destiny and your future experiences are determined by what you do now...
You are going to project yourself into the future.....
thats what you're preparing to do right now
by your current actions you will determine your destiny
Where do want to go today?
Thats what the internet is a desire machine...
the complete akashic records at your fingertips -- the keyboard.
Now here's the rub=======
the goal is to be desireless---- and in fact you must desire with all your heart and might to be beyond desire
Desire tree
without desire there is nothingness..
so we face this paradox as the third and final granthi--- Knot in the 6th chakra
after that we are home free living in the spiritual plane of the seventh chakra
The Akasha is the 5th element
the unseen plasma which all experiences bear indelible marks..
to be able to understand your own records is a valuable boon so you can get hints how to rectify the past errors.
Of course spiritually there are no errors its experiences and with the experiences we grow.