Kent Dunn Working With Clifford Stone & Gary Larabee EXPOSES           The "Real Alien Universe" !! 

Following is the list of aliens as provided by Kent Dunn via the KGB. 

Published on Jan 2, 2017


  • AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians) 
    A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with other-planetary systems up until current times. 
    Reptilian beings who are said to have established colonies in Alpha Draconis. Like all reptilians, these claim to have originated on Terra thousands of years ago, a fact that they use to 'justify' their attempt to re-take the earth for their own. 
    They are apparently a major part of a planned 'invasion' which is eventually turning from covert infiltration mode to overt invasion mode as the "window of opportunity" (the time span before International human society becomes an interplanetary and interstellar power) slowly begins to close. 
    They are attempting to keep the "window" open by suppressing advanced technology from the masses, which would lead to eventual Terran colonization of other planets by Earth and an eventual solution to the population, pollution, food and other environmental problems. 
    Being that Terrans have an inbred "warrior" instinct the Draconians DO NOT want them/us to attain interstellar capabilities and therefore become a threat to their imperialistic agendas. Refer to Els.

  • ALTAIRIANS Alleged Reptilian inhabitants of the Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila, in collaboration with a smaller Nordic human element and a collaborative Grey and Terran military presence. 
    Headquarters of a collective known as the "Corporate", which maintains ties with the Ashtar and Draconian collectives (Draconian - Ashtar Command)

  • AMPHIBIANS Similar to the Saurians or Reptiloids, yet being hominoid creatures with reptilian AS WELL AS amphibian-like features and are semi-aquatic in nature. 
    May have once lived on land, yet became more aquatic over the centuries. 'They' have been encountered near swampy regions, rivers, etc., and have been known to attack people without being provoked.
    It is interesting that some types of Greys AND Reptiloids are believed to be semi-aquatic, having webbed fingers and toes (Draconian). 

  • AMOEBA-LIKE CREATURES over polar regions of the earth. 
    No name that I can find. These have shown up periodically over the last ten years. NASA is working on this. Every time they've been detected, all kinds of strange illnesses break out. 
    They don't how they can stay alive and be in outer space

    Also referred to the 'Els', short for 'Elder Race' or simply as the 'Giants'.

    Referred to in ancient Hebrew tradition, this race is allegedly tied-in with a branch of ancient humans who broke-off from mainstream humanity because of their vast size which had developed over the centuries, possibly as a result of a genetic anomaly. 
    They are said to range anywhere from 9-11 ft. and in some cases even 12 ft. in height, although in configuration they are remarkably similar to 'International' humans. Are said to possess a means of molecular condensing and expansion which allows some of their kind to mingle among humans on the surface. 
    They have allegedly been encountered in deep and extensive cavern systems below the western part of North America, as far north as Alaska, as far south as Mexico, and as far east as Texas. 
    They are believed to have interstellar traveling capabilities 

    The Andromedan Council has ordered all extraterrestrial presences on the planet, in the planet, and on the moon to be completely out of our space. 
    They want everything that's ET, benevolent or not, off the planet. This will be very interesting since there are over 1,833 reptilians living in our planet and over 18,000 grays living underground and on the moon. 
    The council would like to see how we will live with each other when we are not being manipulated by ETs, as we have been for the last 5,723 years

    • Nimrod and Iraq
      Nimrod was a worshipper of Anu. Nimrod unlike Abraham did not believe in an unseen deity. Nimrod wanted Abraham to worship Anu, The Most High known as ELYOWN ELYOWN EL
      Nimrod was the founder of the city of Babylon, and his most renowned architectural influence was the construction of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod also had a city named in honor of Anu. It was to be called Calneh or Kalneh (Genesis 10:10), meaning “fortress of Anu.” 

      It used to be an ancient city in Babylon, Mesopotamia. Calneh is often associated with Nippur, which is one of the seven cities that was inhabited by the agreeable Anunnaqi. Nippur was also known as Kodesh. It was originally called “Nibruqi” meaning “Earth place of Nibiru.” It was the city of Enlil, the Anunnaqi Eloheem, son of Anu and Antum. 
      Not only was Calneh one of Nimrod’s cities, there was Babel or Babylon, the ancient site and capital of Babylon near the Euphrates. Erek a city 40 miles northwest of Ur, toward Babylon on the left bank of the Euphrates; and Accad or Akkad – a city in North Babylon and a part of the district around it are all a part of the land of Shinar called by many “The Country of Two Rivers,” literally meaning “plains of the flatlands.”

      In the land of Shinar, today called Iraq, is the place where the Ancient Sumerians came to set up an advanced civilization where you’d find pictograph cuneiform writings.
      Excerpted from The Spell of Leviathan “666” (Spell of Kingu) by Dr. Malachi Z. York
  • ANTARCTICAN This is allegedly a secret area of operations for both human and reptilian beings. 
    It is said by some that Aryan-Nazi scientists actually developed disk-shaped aircraft capable of very advanced aerial performance, and that swastika's have been seen on a few aerial disks. 
    They may be piloted by a 'pure-bred' blond, blue-eyed Aryan race. There appears to be more than one 'Blond' human society involved in the UFO scenarios, and especially subterranean human societies may have developed 'blond' hair due to lack of sunlight. 
    There does not seem to be anything more than a peripheral connection between the Antarcticans, the Telosian and the Pleiadean 'blondes' (i.e. we will refer to the Antarcticans as the 'Aryans'; the Telosians as the 'Blondes'; and the Pleiadeans as the 'Nordics' in order to discourage confusion). 
    The Antarcticans may consist largely of 'batch consigned' pure-bred blue-eyed, blond Aryans who became victims of Hitler's obsession to create a super race, and as suggested by Harbinson and others most of these may be controlled through mind manipulation and implants, being 'human drones' who are used to keep this hidden society functioning. 
    A massive joint humanoid-reptiloid underground system called the "New Berlin" is said to lie below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica. It is said by some sources that this joint human-alien force has spread terror through this sector of the galaxy, conquering and committing untold atrocities against the peaceful inhabitants of other worlds. 
    The famous abductee Barney Hill who along with his wife Betty was abducted by "Zeta Reticulan Greys" in 1961, stated under regressive hypnosis that he had encountered an evil-eyed "German Nazi" working with the Greys on board the craft. 
    It is claimed that the original "treaty" with the Greys was established by the Bavarian Thule and Illuminati societies as early as 1933, and this collaboration was brought into America via the CIA, which was established with the help of American Nazi fifth column agents as well as European Nazi's who were brought into America through Project Paperclip and other operations.

    Alien group that was affiliated with the Montauk Project, but only as observers. They look 'human'.

    • Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in our entire galaxy.-Edgar Cayce
    Further Information here.

  • ATLANS These are humans, usually described as being benevolent by comparison to other groups, who are said to inhabit vast and complex cavern-cities beneath southern Brazil and surrounding regions. 
    The term 'Atlantean' or 'Atlan' in reference to these races, has been placed upon them because of the fact that these cavern networks along the east coast of Brazil were reportedly once a part of the antediluvian 'Atlantean' empire
    The present inhabitants have no direct GENETIC relation to the ancient 'Atlantean' society which is said to have controlled these cavern systems several millennia ago, but are referred to as 'Atlanteans' simply because they are descendants of those who re-discovered and inhabited the ancient Atlan installations. 
    As in North America and other continents, both common and gnome-like humans have been encountered here, some of which possessed advanced aerial or 'disk' technology. 
    The Telosians claim to have some connections with South America, especially the Matto Grosso region where a sister city named POSID exists in a large cavern system underground. 

    Refer to Agharians

  • BIG FOOT Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. 

  • BERNARIANS Inhabitants of the 'Bernard's Star' system
    Although not much has been written about them, it seems that human beings at least in part control this star system, along with "The Orange". Whether the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain, however some sources indicate a possible collaboration similar to that within our own SOL system. 

  • BOOTEANS Reptilians from the 'Bootes' system. 
    These, AND reptilian entities from the 'Draconis' system are allegedly involved with the 'Dulce' scenario as well as the infiltration- implantation-control of human society on earth in anticipation of their planned takeover at some point in the future (Draconian). 

  • BLUE PEOPLE The Cherokee tell of a story of a race of people that were blue skinned that they came upon when they entered the lands of Kentucky.

    They bragged over wiping them out, but we have recently found out that this may not be the case and they still may exist in the tunnel and cave systems of Kentucky and surrounding areas. 

    To find out more on this ancient race go HERE

  • BURROWERS Another mutation of the saurian or serpent race that is capable of burrowing through the earth. 
    Possibly quadrupedal as well as be-pedal, these have been known to use their natural 'boring' abilities to create artificial tunnels like moles, or even spontaneously produced 'cave-ins' (the latter has allegedly been used in attempts to entrap or kill unsuspecting intruders into the underground domains). 
    These may possess a highly-developed 'bio-sensing' system. 

    Being that dwells in spiritual darkness. 
    The person may be intellectually developed. The Buttah are normally associated with nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children. They usually come around at night. The Grey aliens who do abductions falls into this category. The Reptilians are also part of this group. They are usually not very physically attractive. 
    Apparently long ago there was a visitation long ago by Buttahs called Wacshashas who were negative, powerful, aggressive beings.

  • CETIANS - (or Tau Cetians) 
    A human race of 'Mediterranean' or 'South American' appearing, tan-skinned humans. 
    Very similar to Caucasian humans on Terra except for SLIGHT differences (slightly pointed ears, higher physical 'density' for their size, slightly broader nose, 5' 5" tall on average, and often wear short 'Roman' or 'crew' style haircuts).
    Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani are said to be a major 'convergence' of exterran 'human' activity, and are said to be in alliance with the Pleiadeans (who in turn, according to contactees, have 'Federated' alliances with the Vegans, the Ummites, and others). 
    The Cetian alliance with the Pleiadeans and 'other' societies who have been 'victimized' by the 'Grey' predators is based on a desire to establish a common defense against their reptilian nemesis. 

  • CHAMELEON Reptilians genetically bred to enable themselves to appear 'human'. 
    Also less-humanoid appearing Reptiloids who use a form of technosis, molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an outward "human" appearance. Reports of these have surface from underground joint-operational facilities near Dulce, New Mexico; Dougway, Utah; Groom Lake, Nevada; Deep Springs, California; and Fort Lewis, Washington and elsewhere. 
    They are reportedly involved in some type of infiltration agenda. These 'infiltrators' can appear remarkably human outwardly , however at the same time retaining reptilian or neo-saurian internal organs. Often described as appearing 'bulge-eyed' with scaly, hairless skin behind their 'disguise'. One report alleged that the 'Chameleons' may utilize artificial 'lenses' to conceal "slit-pupiled iris'". 
    Some claim they are genetically bred 'mercenaries' who are part of an advanced guard of a planned silent invasion-takeover of human society. 

  • DEROS An underground species
    Some believe them to be human while others see them as non-humans. These are the beings from which comes our legends of leprachauns and trolls. Unlike the Teros, this 'little' beings are considered 'demented' and cannot be trusted. The Teros try to keep them under control and keep them from having excessive power. 
    The Deros live in underground tunnels, cities and under the sea.

    This group of insane cave dwellers were called Sumuwnean meaning “the obese ones,” or Saamiym, and Abandonderos or as they are called today “Deros,” which is a combination of the words “detrimental” and “robots.” 
    These Sumuwneans or Deros really exist. There Chief is Yabahaan. The Sumuwneans are constantly in conflict with the group of beings called the Duwaanis who hold the same belief, that they too will take over the planet one day. They are born by hatching from eggs that are four to six feet in diameter. 
    They grow to seven feet and are extremely obese. The Deros who live in the caves are degenerated so much that, they don’t have much intelligence. They have two stomachs and their digestive system is the same as that of a cow. 
    Deros and cows both chew the cud, meaning when they eat, they chew their food and it goes through the initial stages of digestion where it reaches a large sac that is before the true stomach. The food is then regurgitated to the mouth for further chewing; this is called chewing the cud. The Deros have no fingernails, toenails, nipples, navel or rectum. 
    Their eyes are silver grey and they glow in the dark. They have blonde eyebrows and a pinkish grey color skin, much like the corpse of a Caucasian, and a pig, having not being exposed to the inner or outer Sun. 
    Other than their eyebrows, they have no hair on their bodies because of a disease called trichotillomania, and are responsible for the diseases trichinosis and trichiniasis. They have no teeth. Their mouth appears to be full of a gummy, slimy substance. They are nocturnal and hear extremely well.

    They’re not very peaceful and have a strong dislike for human beings. They are very human in appearance, yet far from it. Their noses are long, trunk-like which is very similar to that of an elephant. They contend that the Planet Earth was theirs originally and will be theirs again one day. 
    Many people today who are obese are descendants of the Deros. I’m talking about those people who have a serious weight problem, weighing over 300 pounds, which is abnormal for human beings. It is obviously a hereditary glandular problem and is caused by over active glands
    Certain endocrine gland disorders, such as hypothyroidism or tumors of the adrenal gland, pancreas, or pituitary gland, can cause obesity. It is a trait of who they are from, the Deros. 

  • DINOSAUROIDS (Human Dinosaurs...Saurians)
    From: The "NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH JOURNAL" for Summer, 1989. 

    Re-print a UPI news item which appeared in a Berkley, California newspaper: 
    • "Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at the National Museums of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that intelligent life forms could have developed from the large reptiles that roamed the earth (in ancient times). 
    • "Russell calls his imaginary creature a 'Dinosauroid' which would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging skull, luminous cat-like eyes and three-fingered hands... 
    • "The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe--just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, may be the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the HOME planet."
  • DRACOS (Mothmen)
    The leader elite of the Reptilians are the 'Draco'. They even have special 'wings', which are flaps of skin, supported by long ribs. 
    These can be folded back against the body. They are also known as the "Dragon Race" and their symbology usually includes the Winged Serpent. Also known as the Mothmen. 
    There are elements of their species which do not have wings -- the "soldier class" of the species and 'scientists'

  • DRACO-BORGS Cybernetic forms controlled by reptilian entities. 
    These would also include those forms which are animated by fallen supernatural or paraphysical entities, whether of 'gray,' 'human-like', 'mechanical' or other configuration. 
    There are some who suggest that human-appearing 'infiltrators' of this type may exist in our society, and that certain characteristics might give them away - i.e. the eyes, a slightly sulfurous smell, unrefined features such as no fingerprints or ears or other 'body' parts which seem to have a slight 'artificial' appearance. 

  • DRAGONWORMS These creatures are largely subterranean and have been reported on very rare occasions. 
    Although a mutation of the serpent race which lost the use of it's limbs through centuries of atrophication, it is nevertheless apparently a part of the reptilian 'conspiracy'. The 'Dragonworms' are reportedly very intelligent, according so certain sources.
    'They' have sometimes been described as appearing similar to a giant reptilian 'worm' or 'slug'. 
  • DROPAS Humanoid type. Average height 3-4 foot. Crashed on the Sino-Tibetan Border in 10,000 B.C. Tribe of this culture still exists today

  • DWARFS Diminutive humans who have allegedly been encountered in or near caverns in various parts of the world, including northern California and the south-eastern Arizona/south-western New Mexico region and in some in connection to UFO's, although most reported 'dwarf' sightings in connection to UFO's are actually sightings of the saurian 'greys'. 
    These should not be confused with the small 'elementals' or 'nature spirits' which some believe are ethereal in nature yet have the ability to appear in solid or semi-solid form at times. 
    The Dwarf races are allegedly just as human as surface peoples but average between 3 to 4 ft. in height, although at times they have been seen as small as two feet. 
    As with the 'giants' or 'Els' this diminutivity may have resulted in a genetic anomaly which ran it's course due to the separation of their race(s) from the International 'gene pool'. They allegedly live in subterranean systems to a large extent as a 'protective' measure. 
    And as we've said, some allegedly possess 'aerial disk' technology and interplanetary travel capabilities. 

  • ELOHIMS This is the oldest group of aliens in the universe that we know of. They are the ones that are at war with the Orions, which are the ones that manipulate the Greys.

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