Revised ; # 5
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ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by
Ashtar and Sananda to do 20 Minutes Per Day + Preparing the Body for a Dimensional Shift By Archangel Metatron + Am I My Brother's Keeper? By Archangel Metatron
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
There is a global 11 11 phenomenon that is perplexing many individuals in regard to numerical synchronicities and in particular, the number and the meaning be
Read more…One is the number of Unity
Unity is what our World urgently needs
Fortunately our Planet is finally waking up
WE People are starting to stand up, we are getting together.
WE can see global meditations, global marches,
global gatherings, global protests a
One is the number of Unity
Unity is what our World urgently needs
Fortunately our Planet is finally waking up
WE People are starting to stand up, we are getting together.
WE can see global meditations, global marches,
global gatherings, global protests a
The following article by Karen Bishop was transcribed verbatim from: Opening of 11:11 and the New Energy SurgeNovember 18, 2009The energies are really moving of late…like a yo yo, with gr
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Revised ; # 5
The above pic is…