Chapter XIV
One video each week, 4 videos by month.
2012 IS STRANGE Part 12 : footages from March 1 to March 10, 2012
My serie include strange phenomenons of all kind and awesome natural events or beautiful phenomena . Enjoy ! Always checking hard for sources ;)
Happy Last New Years! Everyone. Here's this week Galactic Federation Of Light channeling of Archangel Metatron. Let me know what you guy's think, Namaste!
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Beloved Ones,
Life on Earth will take on a more intense experience within the hearts of All. Each Human Spiritual Being is at a crossroads at this time. There is a choice to be made by each Soul. To stay in status quo o
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I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love given the name of beauty. This quality is sublime in its manifestation and leaves One enriched, empowered and inspired. The quality of beauty and the appreciat
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I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi/Vital energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there positively wanting to gain an in-depth insight, on what is, its functions/properties & useful purposes. What many anci
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I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there positively wanting to gain an in-depth insight, on what is, its functions/properties & useful purposes. What many ancients, craft pract
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Here's this week channeling of the Galactic Federation Of Light from Lord Melchizedek. Let me know what you guys think, Namaste!
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I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there positively wanting to gain an in-depth insight, on what is, its functions/properties & useful purposes. What many ancients, craft p
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I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there wanting to gain an in-depth insight, on what is, its functions/properties & useful purposes. What many ancients, craft practitioners,
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I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there wanting to gain an in-depth insight, on what is, its functions & useful purposes. What many ancients, craft practitioners, ps
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I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi etc.. energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there understand & gain an in-depth insight & grasp on what it is, its functions & useful purposes. What many ancients, craf
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Love surrounds you, it is all around you, permeating everything in the Universe. You are love, it is you and you are always in love. This is not the emotional love your ego seeks, which it needs as a constant reminder that it is
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Welcome beloveds, it is our honour to communicate with and support ALL at this time. Many are falling into illusion around the fear that has been promoted within the media concerning the “days of darkness” and we wish to guide aroun
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I am Archangel Metatron, and there are many of you who will not believe that this is so, and I respect, and honor that your choice is to deny this influence at this time, and it is right that you should regard each communication with
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We see you all making such great strides in your development, and we can only smile. It has been wonderful to watch you all progress in such interesting ways, and many of you are now beginning to come together and understand eachothe
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Welcome beloveds once more we come to guide and support ALL as they move through this process termed ascension. Many are now moving closer to their personal power and we guide that
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We of the Ashtar command bring you a special message. Dear ones you are at a time of great change. There are many factions who at this time take this opportunity to "hitch a ride" o
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Beloved masters, as the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA be
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Chapter XIV
Above photo from; this was the last reported photo of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa together in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For years, actor Gene Hackman’s doting and protective wife Betsy Arakawa would…