Chapter XII
This video will tell you how to see a persons Lightbody, their soul, with the Third Eye; It will tell you what the vibration/color means; It will tell you about the Compression Technique to
Read more…For the first time in all my time here in this physical vessel I felt my 3rd eye tingle as it apparently opened, now I feel more psychic than ever!! I rarely even meditate!! Has anyone else experienced this sort of phenomenon lately? Ascension sympto
Hello dear brothers and sisters of the light, I am Archangel Metatron. I would like to talk about the Future of Humanity and the Divine Plan for ALL the Cosmos as through the active guidance of the many Ground Crew here reflecting these TRUTHS of BEI
Read more…Before I get to my article, I'd like to invite you all to share in this "Poetic Multidimensional Perception" that I had written in discernment of ALL THAT IS.. " Right NOW"
Read more…Last night, I found myself on one of those Draconian ships. I looked around and it was just awful. I see they have this world created there where these thousands of souls just live out a hell in which they are all in constant conflict of one another.
Read more…Most understand that the cabal had united in alliance against the light; the Annunaki, the Zetta Grays and the Orion Grays are all allying in support of the Draconians in support of their insane notion of having laid claim to this planet and all the
Read more…I don't want to make a difference. I want to make ALL the difference. We have this power within us! The "TRUTH" is that no matter what is said here and now or what those prophecies of the past predicted way back when. The "TRUTH" is that WE CREATE WH
It is disappointing to me when I see people charging these astronomical amounts to do DNA Activations when in fact, it is only YOU -Your Higher Self that has this control and power. What so many do not understand is that it is within yourselves to do
I offer remote energy healing services such as Auric Clearing, Karma Removal, and Unnatural Seals Removal.
These healing sessions provide relief from mental, emotional and physical problems, as I clear the source of the problems from the chakras.
Hey Everyone,
David Garza is my name. Started out healing myself through a series of raw food, nutrition, super foods, cleansing and etc.... I am currently studying Holistic healing with Integrative Nutrition, being healthy isn't just about eating th
Hey Everyone,
David Garza is my name. Started out healing myself through a series of raw food, nutrition, super foods, cleansing and etc.... I am currently studying Holistic healing with Integrative Nutrition, being healthy isn't just about eating the
Read more…I am a intuitive/mystical artist, creating art with a very high frequency. (7th dimension energy)
The process I use is by allowing universal energy to work through me and then create from the heart center. Using my art one will experience actual physi
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Chapter XII