Revised comment;#2 & #3
Wesak Week Star-Dimension-Portal Meditation - Sananda- May 4th to May 11th + Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, Clarity of Who Ashtar Is, plus How the Ashtar Command Came to Be
Wesak Week Star-Dimension-Portal Meditation
by Sananda
channeled through Rev.
Read more…I am particularly fond of the idea that we are all offshoots of the source, playing the part of forgetful miniature deities lost in a gorgeous dream. But I can't shake the concept of how everyone's reality is real to themselves. A schizophrenic lives
Read more…Hello dear brothers and sisters of the light, I am Archangel Metatron. I would like to talk about the Future of Humanity and the Divine Plan for ALL the Cosmos as through the active guidance of the many Ground Crew here reflecting these TRUTHS of BEI
Read more…Master Meditation of Christ Selves as One: Now Through June 4th: Sananda and Ashtar
Meditations in Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and English! Join us: janisel(at) Be a member of our Ashtar's Trinity -- Project Eagle Triad -
Before I get to my article, I'd like to invite you all to share in this "Poetic Multidimensional Perception" that I had written in discernment of ALL THAT IS.. " Right NOW"
Read more…Last night, I found myself on one of those Draconian ships. I looked around and it was just awful. I see they have this world created there where these thousands of souls just live out a hell in which they are all in constant conflict of one another.
Read more…It is important to remember that you CHOSE to incarnate into this body. Ascension within this lifetime, and truly the goal in every lifetime has always been to fully retain SOUL and SPIRIT within the vehicle/body completely, thus programming the comp
Read more…“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” ~Winnie-the-Pooh
Hello my friends, I posted that quote on Facebook a while ago.. Pretty interesting how much less corrupte
Most understand that the cabal had united in alliance against the light; the Annunaki, the Zetta Grays and the Orion Grays are all allying in support of the Draconians in support of their insane notion of having laid claim to this planet and all the
Read more…Ascension truly does not have to be difficult. You absolutely can learn through joy. The trick is to stay in grace and humility. When those emotional conflicts arise within you, it is true that we must then judge ourselves in order to learn, but this
Read more…I don't want to make a difference. I want to make ALL the difference. We have this power within us! The "TRUTH" is that no matter what is said here and now or what those prophecies of the past predicted way back when. The "TRUTH" is that WE CREATE WH
Wow! I am seeing/feeling the Holy Trinity EVERYWHERE I look now guys! I truly believe this is a sign -Several signs repeatedly in fact that the Twin Flames are coming together in a big way right now! -And in doing so, bringing the true sense of the H
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It is disappointing to me when I see people charging these astronomical amounts to do DNA Activations when in fact, it is only YOU -Your Higher Self that has this control and power. What so many do not understand is that it is within yourselves to do
Hi guys,
This post is about my own experiences and concerns for my soul's evolution at this time. I hope that some of you may be able to have your own questions answered here.
Most of us are aware of the changes that are currently going on about this p
Read more…channeled by GoldenLight
Goldenlight: Tell me more about ascension?
Angelic Council of Light: Well the way it works is you are either moving
Read more…I would like to retract my previous message about August 4th and the falsity of channelings coming out which are claiming this date to absolutely be disclosure day. I still stand by the core beliefs expressed in that message, though after writing it
Read more…Update: Do understand, dear friends, that we can collectively work to manifest disclosure coming about on or soon after the 4th in accordance with this passing deadline. We can utilize collective meditative efforts to attempt to manifest this happeni
Read more…made from your own planetary elements that are safe and renewable
love and light
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Revised comment;#2 & #3