Revised ; #4
The above pic is an…
GALACTIC ASCENSION, NOW! Stargate Crystalline Matrix Portal 888 Transmutation Meditation -- NOW UNTIL AUGUST SEVENTEENTH! + The Domino Effect = Planetary, Galactic, Universal, All That Is Ascension! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST-OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness -
I wrote the following for the ‘planetary healing’ section of the 123rd issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter.
This week, I’d like to outline 5 things we can do to
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Concluded from Part 4
In concluding this, I want to reaffirm that our Universal Family’s intent is one of pure love. They seek to help us utilize our greater spiritual potential and evolve back into the bliss
We are star seeds.
We shouldn't be afraid of any Star.
When we see an inverted Star we should apply consciousnes in behavior and concept.
It's all about perception.
Inverted Star is commonly associated with Satanism and black witchcraft and those "negati
Read more…~ Hello~ I am seeing a color emanating from below my throat when I look in the mirror today! It was after I listened to ancient solfiaggo~ THAT THIS BEGAN~ & the color izzzzzzz~pink?~UHHHHH~ anyone know, or have an opinion worth sharing ~to why pink
Read more…Does anyone have anymore information on the mirror activation on July 5th, 2008?
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Revised ; #4
The above pic is an…