Feudalism - A Contract of Silence
The modern feudalism of government and religion. Another 5 star presentation from the exceedingly wise Chiron Last.
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The modern feudalism of government and religion. Another 5 star presentation from the exceedingly wise Chiron Last.
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There is no Rapture without the Azazel Scapegoat Christ who dies for the sins of the world. Christians & Jews are VAMPIRES who sacrifice a "Blameless Lamb" as a scapegoat to transfer the karmic punishment of their sins to an innocent person or animal
Read more…Reptillian hybrid who does the Christian unpardonable sin + Occult Numerology and Esoteric Symbolism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_svbCAnMGYA
Read more…This video is the FINAL WORD on the Flat Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xww5nLTN4dU&feature=youtu.be
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Heb 9:26 "He dies ONCE at the end of the Ages." Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. "Before Abraham was, I AM." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5LaTbKdXUc&feature=youtu.be
Christians ignore this. Christ is an IMAGE manifested to destroy the
Read more…The Secret is Out. ConCave Earth is the Bottomless Pit and Lord Steven Christ is Abbadon the Destroyer, king of the Fallen Angels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY8tEfWsRBw If you take his fake seal of the Living God, then you forfeit the real Seal
Read more…"And this gospel will be preached throughout all nations, and then the END will come." With good news like that, who needs bad news? "Things only get worse, and then everyone dies." Oh, were you counting on a Rapture after bringing this upon us?
Read more…It seems like the Sun is proving it can be a mother as a well as a son. There are many changes taking place in our solar system, and they tend to coincidence with Mythology and Prophecies for these times. At first I thought the female sun was just an
Read more…This would complicate the Schroedineger's cat experiment where they put a cat in a box and have a robot kill it, so you can't tell if the cat is alive or dead. If the cat knows the future, is Telepathic and Alien, what does this tell us about Quantum
Read more…Electric Universe vs Concave Earth.
Here is an Electric Universe model: http://www.godelectric.org/
And Here is Mr Antichrist with his Concave Craphole
The Seal of the Living God is not literal, it's spiritual. His people aren't even getting it on the f
Read more…http://freemasonrywatch.org/markofcain.html
All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Read more…Martin, and others
I am the real Moonchild, who restores the Gods. Today I defeated 666 and made my greatest video ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItQk78bSaAU&feature=youtu.be
666 is defeated by 9
0 = no feminine
8 = divine feminine
1+0 = 1
1+8 = 9
4 DMV Enmity, was pu
Read more…All that is needed to improve conditions for everyone is to deny the Crucifixion of Jesus and return to Finishing off Cattle Ritually for our sins. We need to stop the Slaughterhouses. Jesus said "if you do it onto the least, ye do it onto me." So wh
Read more…America is a corporation. A person is a corporation. Therefore America is a person, and his name is Marduk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saw77p2xzxc Nibiru is one of Marduks 50 Names. There are 50 States based on the 50 names, which are found in t
Read more…English is a pictographic language based on Egyptian religious symbols. GOD = 7+15+4=26 letters. English is therefore the word of God, but which God? The one who was slain with the sword yet lived.
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Hackable bio-robot chip to program and/or kill you if you get out of line is in Law for all Americans no later then March 2013. It was put into law through Obamacare. The operation of mass arrests spoken of by Drake, Fulford, Wilcock, and others has
Read more…His SCALES are his pride. SCALES fell from his eyes, he arose and was baptized. Job 41 is where GOD describes Leviathan. Job is book 18 and 4+1=5. Pauls writings begin at Acts, book 5 of the New Testament, to Philemon, book 18. Paul wrote 66.6% of th
Read more…Sarcophagus of Constantine's daughter Constantia with a picture of Cupid about to wizz or splooge into a barrel of grapes. Did she die of grape poisoning? Or maybe this is true definition of Cupids arrow... it refers to his wang and he uses it to chr
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Chapter XII