Escape the Samsarra of Souls
The Deepest Research you will ever find.
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The Deepest Research you will ever find.
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Trump had prior knowledge the event was going to happen, and was himself involved.
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Heb 9:26 "He dies ONCE at the end of the Ages." Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. "Before Abraham was, I AM."
Christians ignore this. Christ is an IMAGE manifested to destroy the
Read more…Im trying to rebuild my youtube channel, going to be uploading a lot of videos in the next 30 days. This is about Esoteric symbolism in Mario Bros.
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1000 Years of Fabricated History during the Roman church age. Happy New Years, but it isn't 2016. The church reigned with Christ for 1000 years, who is their sacrifice, and the beast the whole world wondered after as the Christ, sun god, Serpent or D
Read more…It seems like the Sun is proving it can be a mother as a well as a son. There are many changes taking place in our solar system, and they tend to coincidence with Mythology and Prophecies for these times. At first I thought the female sun was just an
Read more…"The Dec. 12, 2014 LaRouche PAC weekly webcast marked the beginning of the end of the post-9/11 era. The publication, by Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), of the previously classified material on the Bush/Cheney Torture
Read more…Gannondorf welcomes you to The Blue Boar. (about 9,250,000 results (0.35 seconds) Have a drink at the Blue Boar pub, have a snack at The Blue Boar restaurant, read a Blue Boar book on Blue Boar lane, Canturbery NH. Yes the list goes on and on, Gannon
Read more…Thoth the Atlantean mentions "The Brothers of Brightness" in his Emerald Tablets. These two witnesses are now being revealed to the world.
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Rosicrucian Kaballah and many other Secrets.
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Published on Sep 12, 2013 by wearechange
This video was shot on september 11th 2013, in Time Sq at an rally. In t
Dear seekers of truth,
As I did with the Rendlesham forest UFO incident, so I will do again, with the bizarre mysteries surrounding the infamous 911 event, of 2001.....I shall offer some objective evidence, based on independent eye witness testimoni
Read more…Jesus was not born from a virgin, ALL his Genealogy came from Joseph. There may have been TWO Jesus with the spirits of Buddha and Zarathustra.
Read more…Hello Everyone,
I know I posted about this last week, but the time has changed for the healing and the circumstances have changed as well. It has been decided that we will open the healing to aspects other than Reiki. One of us will lead a prayer t
Read more…The hunt is on, cabal arrests accelerating!!!
Submitted by Apple on Sun, 03/11/2012- 19:04
Please visit these websites (arranged alphabetically) soon, before they disappear from public view. (Martin Noakes' 9/11 campaigning song)
Read more…Let me know what you all think....I think it is very freaky......try it yourself....I did and it came out the same......Wow, really really weird
Read more…I posted this on Conspiracy theories etc., but so far, only Marique & Cedric noticed it, so I'm posting it here (It's spiritual; Cedric & I share the same opinion that "everything is spiritual".):
The following was transcribed verbatim from:
Read more…The following was transcribed verbatim from:
Twelve New England towns demand 9/11 reinvestigation
04 March, 2010, 07:21
A new movement to reinvestigate the 9/11 attacks is gaining p
Read more…In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, and for the highest good of all, I intend for vindication on 9/11 Truth to come into my life and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention.
Please hold t
Chapter XII