Revised comment;#2 & #3
An unprecedented opportunity to discover the advanced teachings and practices hidden within esoteric Christianity...
The time has come to radically open your heart, awaken to an embodied divinity,and be inspired to walk a path of sacred action in the
Read more…Hello dear brothers and sisters of the light, I am Archangel Metatron. I would like to talk about the Future of Humanity and the Divine Plan for ALL the Cosmos as through the active guidance of the many Ground Crew here reflecting these TRUTHS of BEI
Read more…Before I get to my article, I'd like to invite you all to share in this "Poetic Multidimensional Perception" that I had written in discernment of ALL THAT IS.. " Right NOW"
Read more…Last night, I found myself on one of those Draconian ships. I looked around and it was just awful. I see they have this world created there where these thousands of souls just live out a hell in which they are all in constant conflict of one another.
Read more…Most understand that the cabal had united in alliance against the light; the Annunaki, the Zetta Grays and the Orion Grays are all allying in support of the Draconians in support of their insane notion of having laid claim to this planet and all the
Read more…I don't want to make a difference. I want to make ALL the difference. We have this power within us! The "TRUTH" is that no matter what is said here and now or what those prophecies of the past predicted way back when. The "TRUTH" is that WE CREATE WH
It is disappointing to me when I see people charging these astronomical amounts to do DNA Activations when in fact, it is only YOU -Your Higher Self that has this control and power. What so many do not understand is that it is within yourselves to do
We the Ground Crew, are manifesting Humanity's Final Fairy Tale in Linear Time and Duality as we close in towards the end of 2012. We all have such great power to affect this world, such as how quickly many of the changes we are ALL very ready to beg
Read more…Continued from Part 1
Elizabeth Agnes Cassley discusses the symbolism of these [Birdman] tablets as well as the similarity between Cahokian culture and development, and the culture and development of other ancient civilizations that experienced the sa
Read more…Written by Wes Annac
The history we have been taught in our schools greatly differs from the truth of what has happened on our world. All around the world, ancient monuments and ruins of clearly advanced cities and in many cases, enormous structures t
Read more…Universalism
A Future Forward Solution
This year, 2011, has already started with the energy that promises we will be entering the new paradigm right on schedule. Since the advent of higher knowledge into the community, once more the fertile minds ha
Revised comment;#2 & #3