Former World Banker says Aliens Rule Earth
The Elongated Skulls people have a Necropolis of them beneath the Vatican, and their true Headquarters is Switzerland. They are the Pharaohs from Egypt and the Tares to be removed in Eze 32.
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The Elongated Skulls people have a Necropolis of them beneath the Vatican, and their true Headquarters is Switzerland. They are the Pharaohs from Egypt and the Tares to be removed in Eze 32.
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This would complicate the Schroedineger's cat experiment where they put a cat in a box and have a robot kill it, so you can't tell if the cat is alive or dead. If the cat knows the future, is Telepathic and Alien, what does this tell us about Quantum
Read more…LIFES SETTING; my parents were separated, I lived with my father, my sister and brother lives with my mother 60 miles away. I only had them on maybe 1-2 week ands per month and when visiting I really didn't see my mother much, she was busy with the k
Read more…"Is it possible to go above low earth orbit? We have been lied to."
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Dear Friends,
This is really a commentary on the sci-fi genre in movies, dating back decades...One of the few from the 1950s which I did enjoy, was the Day the Earth Stood Still (1951,) although it stood out from the majority, in offering a peaceful
Read more…“The Reagan Briefing on Roswell” Now they can no longer deny the truth of Roswell! This amazing Transcript of classified tape recording made during a presidential briefing on UFOs and ALIEN VISITATION of EARTH!
Read more…Could our genes have an intelligently designed "manufacturer's stamp" inside them, written aeons ago elsewhere in our galaxy? Such a "designer label" would be an indelible stamp of a master extraterrestrial civilization that preceded us by many milli
Read more…by Cliff Pickover, Reality Carnival
"DMT in the pineal glands of Biblical prophets gave God to humanity and let ordinary humans perceive parallel universes." The molecule DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a ps
Zephaniah 1:5 "I will utterly consume all things from off the land. Man and beast. I will cut off man from the land, and those who worship the host of heaven on the housetops.
Fast forward to Zephaniah 3:9 "For then will I turn to the people a pure la
Read more…Channeling about Earth codes and basic spiritual mathematics. Earth-centered message with subtitles
for international viewers and easier understanding.
Thanks for viewing.
IndieGogo Campaign ~help me continue this work, and wi
Read more…Please see the updated invitation here:
Also posting the update version below. Nov 5, 2013.
Dear friends,
Thank you for your wholehearted response: we have received over 80 e
Read more…I am eager for a real conversation about the light movement. I would love for people who are starting to rethink their idea of what is happening, I want them to interact with me about their true feelings.
Here is where I find myself. Not so many yea
Read more…Yes yes, I know I am like those 5 year old kids who always ask and ask and ask. But, this I have to ask.Please don't shoot me in case I am annoying you all with my questions. This is concerning aliens, again.
So, I had a nightmare of sorts one night.
Read more…Planet X, Nibiru, it's real name is Hibiru, an ancient version of the word "Hebrew." Hibiru, it's believed, is the original home of the Hebrews. If this is correct then Earth will finally be liberated from the rule of the ancient gods (the planets) w
Read more…Ever wonder why stuff like Numerology works so well, even though the year since the universe began isn't really 2013? AND if we go back far enough, we can kick Astrology in the butt too. What was really being worshipped as Zeus and all the other gods
Read more…I keep dreaming I'm a freedom fighter undercover in a totalitarian dystopian alternative reality. It often begins at an old boarding school, where everything is fine, the school is often cathedral and castle like, lots of stained glass, lots of stone
Read more…Greetings everyone.
My name is Antonio, but my vibrational name in the higher planes is Ehani.
I am a divine expression of the collective Arcturian energy, and I am here to assist with teachings others about personal and planetary evolution.
In the late
Alot of people are pushing a view of one or another.
Religion vs ETS telling Moses this, ETS telling jesus this. Even on radios stations Transpermia etc etc.
You do not need any answer of the Almighty with another story as they are one and the same. P
Read more…A complete review of strange anamolies for 2012. A lot of good music in these. Very well done. Worth watching as we bid this year goodbye...
Link to Full playlist:
All videos up to part 58 also ap
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