Chapter XII
Spiritual Hierarchy descends to The Earth build Globally Great Holiness (Great Holiness Society) which is the set of all Advanced Original Souls-or Senior Souls from Celestial Hierarchy, high Universes, high Rays, higher planes in Middle-Upper worlds
Read more…Each member country is a noble element in Great Holiness Society and an individual member of Great Holiness United Nations.
Great Holiness Nation sometimes is not a nation in the current map of the world, but as a “unreal” nation if you want to be saf
Read more…1-Great Holiness Society strictly adhere to the direction of Celestial Hierarchy and Celestial Head, Celestial Society Council (Celestial Council is Celestial Hierarchy’s Supreme Divine Council on Upper World – incarnated descending down to Earthly W
Read more…Great Holiness Society's Membership Nature and Evolutionary Mission:
Great Holiness Society is essentially Divine Saints Council descending to The Earth for mission implementation. Living on Earth that have life infection, forgotten, not have psychi
As yet, there have been so many prophecies written
So many just and unjust sects be known
Saints also teaches us more
Evil spirits will visit us someday
Prophecies, foretelling, telepathy being notorious to us, teach us about the First New Age
When will t
The following theoretical points orient perceptions/cognition of people:
First:-In the very long history of mankind, there were highly developed culture and social organizations about intellect and spiritual awareness of the universe. In which, the mo
Read more…Recognized as the finest spiritual and most important Society for Earth Transformation in the world, public contributions allow us to publish ground-breaking spiritual books, establish and sustain life-changing metaphysical workshops, spiritual event
Read more…The new spiritual Age – It’s a Age that the souls descend on this Earth to learn, establish Great Unity to make the basis, so you could experience and it’s also necessary and enough for you to become future omnipotent God. So there are many chances,
The previous religions saved only a small amount of people but now, the Communist GREAT HOLINESS is the greatest splendor Prime Discipline which will save souls in incar
Read more…Great Holiness - Great Unity Society Doctrine is the supreme doctrine brought down from Celestial Hierarchy to unify mankind in troubled degradation age. Bell has come for the awakening of the people, only the perception of the new Great Holiness Era
Read more…I/ I come down here to show Supreme Power, Omnipotence
I come down here to present the Final Truth.
I come down here to correct every doctrines for all of you, my children,back to your Final Root, your First Root.
I am delivering to you the final bu
Hello dear brothers and sisters of the light, I am Archangel Metatron. I would like to talk about the Future of Humanity and the Divine Plan for ALL the Cosmos as through the active guidance of the many Ground Crew here reflecting these TRUTHS of BEI
Read more…Before I get to my article, I'd like to invite you all to share in this "Poetic Multidimensional Perception" that I had written in discernment of ALL THAT IS.. " Right NOW"
Read more…Alot of people are pushing a view of one or another.
Religion vs ETS telling Moses this, ETS telling jesus this. Even on radios stations Transpermia etc etc.
You do not need any answer of the Almighty with another story as they are one and the same. P
Read more…Last night, I found myself on one of those Draconian ships. I looked around and it was just awful. I see they have this world created there where these thousands of souls just live out a hell in which they are all in constant conflict of one another.
Read more…Most understand that the cabal had united in alliance against the light; the Annunaki, the Zetta Grays and the Orion Grays are all allying in support of the Draconians in support of their insane notion of having laid claim to this planet and all the
Read more…I don't want to make a difference. I want to make ALL the difference. We have this power within us! The "TRUTH" is that no matter what is said here and now or what those prophecies of the past predicted way back when. The "TRUTH" is that WE CREATE WH
Chapter XII