Revised comment;#2 & #3
Trump and Putin. Treason and Impeachment.
Mandela Effect. Russian Subversion of the US in Progress.
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Worthless is the God who creates evil. Worthless is the God who will not fight evil. Worthless is the God who destroys the world because of evil. In all things, there is no god but the devil, who exalts evil and forsakes the poor and kills off the go
Read more…The Universe is unraveled with a single number. CERN discovers 26 dimensions. The end of time may be upon us due to the casting down of God, who is Satan, the son of perdition. There will be "New Heavens and a New Earth," as the Bible declares. "I ma
Read more…1000 Years of Fabricated History during the Roman church age. Happy New Years, but it isn't 2016. The church reigned with Christ for 1000 years, who is their sacrifice, and the beast the whole world wondered after as the Christ, sun god, Serpent or D
Read more…In Heaven there is a woman clothed with the sun, and a 7 headed dragon trying to destroy her. She is given wings of an eagle (America) where she is safe from worldwide Christian persecution. The woman is inside the sun, literally clothed with it, and
Read more…Most of the Christian September 2015 hype is based on Bible Codes. Well here is one you foolish lawless virgins can suck on, because "He who speaks against the least of these laws is least in the kingdom of heaven." You like Bible Codes so much, here
Read more…Japan was nuked twice, after they surrendered, by the fake Jews, Synagogue of Satan, who caused Fukushima with HAARP. "FukUShema, We nuked your Hero Shema, and took away your Naga Saki." The Evil Cabala is to be destroyed, and the wicked serpent cast
Read more…The Holy Spirit is the Teacher, so why hasn't humanity learned anything? Those who intentionally lie control the world for greed. This is the restoration of things.
HOVA is Horus or the Hori
Read more…How to get FREE Immortal Vampire Powers the easy way, IF you live in America. First come first serve, while supplies and/or sanity lasts.
Okay, its like this. Tim Rifat confessed on his Real Vampire Science website and in his videos that he put a "nan
Read more…America is a corporation. A person is a corporation. Therefore America is a person, and his name is Marduk. Nibiru is one of Marduks 50 Names. There are 50 States based on the 50 names, which are found in t
Read more…The time has come to reveal how America is Egypt. Hopi Blue Star Prophecy and the Second Exodus. Sacred Sedona and 2 great Positive and Negative crystal energy vortex locations in the world. Secrets of YHWH and Jesus, Agenda 21, the Abomination of De
Read more…To be fit to rule as a Sumerian King, he must have 50 orgasms in a row with a priestess in front of the congregation. This is to act out the story of the demi-god Demuzi and his consort, Inanna, the queen of heaven, who promotes all kings through an
Read more…We need signatures, or else free speech on the Internet will end. You will go back to living in the dark ages, where see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil is your Catholic Creed. They can and will do anything they want, and all manner of evil, and
Read more…And he is on the 5. I bet ALL the Presidents who are on Dollar Bills have birthdays that add up to the number of the bill. Those being 1, 20, 50, 100. I have not as of yet calculated them.
Add the month, day, and full year of their birthday together.
Read more…When addressing this, and the Illuminati, there is one very important consideration: The Baramus Massacre. Which path will you choose?
Scenario: you are a commander of the Walsta Liberation Army during a war and have already liberated your capital of
Master plan will cover wide areas of our lives from Leadership, Consciousness, Health, Healing, Alchemy, Torsion Physics, DNA change with wave g
Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Al Jazeera will begin broadcasting its new American news channel on Tuesday.
sage: I was fortunate to be able to watch Al-Jazeera TV in the Caribbean and found it to be an extremely well done news station without the emot
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This NASA report discusses every concern America has: GMO's, Monsanto, Chemtrails, "toxic dust," Nanotechnology, "depopulation," Eugenics, NWO, Illuminati, Corporate America, Big Banks, Gene Manipulation, Hybrid humans, MORE.
All that is necessary fo
Read more…The NSA spying on american citizens is some SERIOUS SHIT. So why would you make a joke about it? HERE IS THE OFFICIAL TRAILER
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Revised comment;#2 & #3