Dear friends,
Identity politics is a maya, so an even less aware energy, in levels of esoteric consciousness, in comparison to the emotional glamours and…
Star Wars happened in the past. Thoth / Enoch and the ancient Jedai priests, Pyramids, Aliens, etc.
Read more…I do not believe what I am experiencing
I catched a small part of ancient aliens show about mages and in one part they mentioned a modern mage who used an object called "the black mirror" it was on a museum right now
the point is that instantly I KNEW
Read more…For thousands of years feminine Mystery Schools existed to initiate women (and men) into embodied feminine wisdom.
From the Isis temples of ancient Egypt to the Inanna temples of Sumeria, from Avalon to the Oracle at Delphi, women came to seek trainin
Master plan will cover wide areas of our lives from Leadership, Consciousness, Health, Healing, Alchemy, Torsion Physics, DNA change with wave g
Hello everyone! I just want to know if anyone knows any symbols associated with the Ashtar command , or anytype of space/ ancient symbols. I'm looking to make a group logo and I still haven't found the it factor. Post or email me personally, please.
Read more…Hi Friends,
Here are the links to my first published book "Beyond the Shelters of Stone".
For those of you who have read and enjoyed the "Clan of the Cave Bear" series, I am sure you will like this as well.
Feel free to comment and Happy 2013!
Best Wishe
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It is disappointing to me when I see people charging these astronomical amounts to do DNA Activations when in fact, it is only YOU -Your Higher Self that has this control and power. What so many do not understand is that it is within yourselves to do
Though I'm totally unnterested in this topic 'cause I believe in Jesus as Father's Humananity (as Swedenborg wrote in his writings) and I think very few of you will need what I'm saying now, I know there are some people who are shocked to know that a
Read more…The seal is broken. Within you will find knowledge of the greatest Magicians that have ever walked the Earth. Deep within the great pyramid is a secret that has remained hidden for over 4000 years. An ancient instrument designed to unlock mysteries t
Read more…It appears to be alien or ancient plant structures later interwoven with children. This may have to do with the mysteries of Alchemy and the Mandrake root. Humans grown as plants. As it is written "man born of woman is full of trouble and his days ar
Read more…Continued from Part 2
It is clear that the Cahokians were very advanced in nearly every avenue of their society and with the constructing of the grand mounds and the possible contact with benevolent, Loving and helpful Galactic humans it should seem p
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Elizabeth Agnes Cassley discusses the symbolism of these [Birdman] tablets as well as the similarity between Cahokian culture and development, and the culture and development of other ancient civilizations that experienced the sa
Read more…Written by Wes Annac
The history we have been taught in our schools greatly differs from the truth of what has happened on our world. All around the world, ancient monuments and ruins of clearly advanced cities and in many cases, enormous structures t
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An absolute MUST SEE about 2012!!! MAJOR announcement concerning coming events in December 2012!!!
This is taken from the Pythagoras Conference held this year in January of 2012.
The Pythagoras Conference is an international "Think Tank" created by
The Dracos come winged,
I am the Crystalline Draco named Ak Thay Lah, and it is not in our requirement for pleasantries, though it is pleasant, for us to speak to you in this manner. Forgive our directness, but it is not the draco way to speak with to
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Intel on navigating consciousness beyond 3D. Multi dimensional variants in understanding the world around you that is unseen. :)0
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Sharing some wisdom on topics such as levitation, energy manipulation, Hathors, Ancient Egypt, Thoth, and astral dynamics. Blessings
Read more…As so many teachers of ancient times past taught, this video explains it all quite well. Hail to you Hermes bringer of Knowledge. And our Orion connections.
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Dear friends,
Identity politics is a maya, so an even less aware energy, in levels of esoteric consciousness, in comparison to the emotional glamours and…