Revised comment;#2 & #3
"Unite the world with a new living language," The stuff on the stones comes from the Bible. Christ said those who inherit that age do not marry and cannot die anymore. As I understand it, everyone else goes back in time to the beginning of the world.
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This video will tell you how to see a persons Lightbody, their soul, with the Third Eye; It will tell you what the vibration/color means; It will tell you about the Compression Technique to
Read more…All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Read more…Martin, and others, is borrowed from Kabbalah, all the Masoni
Hello, my spiritual name is Alura, meaning "Divine Counselor". I am an Incarnated Angel,
and born awakened with full memory and psychic abilities. As an Angel I had many
lifetimes throughout the Universe mainly Pleiades, and in turn when coming here, I
Read more…To be fit to rule as a Sumerian King, he must have 50 orgasms in a row with a priestess in front of the congregation. This is to act out the story of the demi-god Demuzi and his consort, Inanna, the queen of heaven, who promotes all kings through an
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Read more…If you can vividly imagine yourself in a certain time period; to the point of visualizing a sense of familiarity.
Does this mean that reincarnation is true?
ok , if your looking for the message , im making a video about it ,
i recently discovered my disabled brother ''talent'' , now during this he was saying ITS REAL ITS REAL
so im really shocked i hope to be posting the video s
Read more…I had a kind of a dream afew months ago where I felt and saw a brilliant presence over me. It felt like an angel. She was drawing a symbol of light onto my forehead. The symbol was a rectangle, and inside I believe was a cross. I cannot remember
Read more…Illuminutty (not misspelled) mind control is alive and thriving in Ashtar. The politics of fear run rampant, just look at the amount of hate threads constantly in the top 8.
This is supposed to be a place of spiritual growth and acceptance yet what I
Read more…Jesus was not born from a virgin, ALL his Genealogy came from Joseph. There may have been TWO Jesus with the spirits of Buddha and Zarathustra.
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This is so invaluable to know! Love and Light ^_^
Let the energy take you away to new loving and amazing adventures! I love to find science to back up beliefs. Never let anyone tell you you're wrong, every genius started their journey by thinking ou
Read more…I am aware of the 12 strands of DNA but does anyone else think these strands of DNA correspond to the 12 chakras of the human body? Yes I said 12, not only 7 chakras!! These 12 chakras relate to the 12 dimensions you can visit each time the veil is b
Read more…Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
This Monday we’ll talk to Sanat Kumara, or “Raj,” as he prefers to be called, who is the Planetary Logos. Before we get into the subject of the program, we’ll ask Raj if Pope Francis is a walk-in, who that walk-in is, an
Read more…I now speak to those of the black alliance,
We have arrived the archangels the bringers of light the showers of the way.
You have always known this time will come. We are not judging you, we love you, we do not want
you to live in a reality of pain and
My banishing Incense was missing for a month. It was in an exact spot in the open on top a chest, I searched several times because I knew I had put it in that exact spot, and could not find it until tonight. I believe it was either stolen by spirits
Read more…It seems to have something to do with Astrea and the Archangel Michael. Any thoughts?
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Brothers and Sisters, check out :
This is the website for prominent Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander's book, Proof of Heavenwhich I read practically in one sitting, as it is very short, almost like a medical paper...and I foun
Read more…Disclaimer: this is a work of science fiction ;-)
"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science a
Read more…The mystical definition of GOD is that of Oneness. To see the universe and all things as one single interconnected entity. In the axiom As Above So Below, the below of that understanding of creation is accomplished through the computer and advanced t
Read more…There is a Flaming Sword that turns in all directions that prevents our return to Paradise. According to Sumerian Tablets the Tree of Life and Knowledge are one Tree. The Genome and Database. The Double Helix. Hi-tech society has come and gone time a
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Revised comment;#2 & #3