The First Contacts and The Men in Black
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This video will tell you how to see a persons Lightbody, their soul, with the Third Eye; It will tell you what the vibration/color means; It will tell you about the Compression Technique to
Read more…Hi everyone, my name is Jessica from South Florida. I am known as the reincarnated Terra Ra angel named Jessica Louise Michael and the healer Camaela. I am an angel of joy and happiness. Still waiting since August 2013 to find my twin flame Anthony.
Read more…In this Latest Volume I reveal myself in a big way:
The Legend of Dragoon - Hidden Story of the Bible
108 is much the mirror of both the new age and the apocalypse.
Do we get an enlightened teacher or a god of
Read more…Great news for everyone of us..dear Lightworkers! Enjoy the reading!
By our example many of the Undecided or dark beings will see the actual application of the Love Force's Grace and so they too may ascend...they too may enter that timeless Rea
Channeling about Earth codes and basic spiritual mathematics. Earth-centered message with subtitles
for international viewers and easier understanding.
Thanks for viewing.
IndieGogo Campaign ~help me continue this work, and wi
Read more…I am looking for GFL pictures or videos for making music video. I need pictures with angels, positive alien races or spaceships (something that can wake up people, heal our hearts, give hope and spread love and light...) Something like that.
But I ca
Read more…It is important to remember that you CHOSE to incarnate into this body. Ascension within this lifetime, and truly the goal in every lifetime has always been to fully retain SOUL and SPIRIT within the vehicle/body completely, thus programming the comp
Read more…Watcher never WaiverWatcher never WeakWhat bonds hold us in coherency?Morphing matter to the lightAwareness, freeing sight.Articulation finds you bound,look beyond and feel the sound.Words not spoken to fill the spaceYet to extend grace.Change upon h
Read more…“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” ~Winnie-the-Pooh
Hello my friends, I posted that quote on Facebook a while ago.. Pretty interesting how much less corrupte
Wayshowers I~
The Game has started and now we begin to communicate in the Third Dimension of time and space. Consciousness has broken through as was expected. The future is to be released into manifestation. You are a player and join in the first gro
Ascension truly does not have to be difficult. You absolutely can learn through joy. The trick is to stay in grace and humility. When those emotional conflicts arise within you, it is true that we must then judge ourselves in order to learn, but this
Read more…Wow! I am seeing/feeling the Holy Trinity EVERYWHERE I look now guys! I truly believe this is a sign -Several signs repeatedly in fact that the Twin Flames are coming together in a big way right now! -And in doing so, bringing the true sense of the H
Read more…There are two classes of living beings...The classes are caused by polarization
and attitude.
One attitude is love and the other hatred and enviousness.
Hatred is accompanied by anger
Love is accompanied by bliss.
In the sattva yuga the first age---- the
Read more…Channeled by Goldenlight
Your body and life are adjusting to the higher frequencies now which are increasing with exponential speed for you and your planet and all thos
Read more…I wonder if there will be much of this in the new golden age:
The Eucharist or Lords supper is not what quite what you would think. As Paul says in 1 cor 20, if anyone is hungry let him eat at
Read more…If you want I can tell you what stuff to read, about technology and stuff like that so you can understand how amazingly cconscious and addvance the ACC really are... u shouldn't fear to get people in trouble... human consciousness , as above so below
Read more…Hi all,Just writing to see who of you know a lot or any info about the Paa-Tal. I really want to know about this ancestor race of ours. This is a discussion so any info may put the bigger picture in perspective. Where they the ancestors of the Lyrans
Read more…There is a Flaming Sword that turns in all directions that prevents our return to Paradise. According to Sumerian Tablets the Tree of Life and Knowledge are one Tree. The Genome and Database. The Double Helix. Hi-tech society has come and gone time a
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Basic astrology analysis will be used. A tree for zero derees Aries is presented, but this tree is not strong due to the 12 pm time (and the Mc and As would be…