Revised comment;#2 & #3
Divine Love Intention Ascension As ONE Meditation
Lord Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
channeled through Rev Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
Begin your GROUND CREW MISSION today by writing to
Divine Love Intention Ascensio
Read more…All that is needed to improve conditions for everyone is to deny the Crucifixion of Jesus and return to Finishing off Cattle Ritually for our sins. We need to stop the Slaughterhouses. Jesus said "if you do it onto the least, ye do it onto me." So wh
Read more…Shamanic people all over the world believe that all things are alive and have a spirit that reside in the middle world. So if objects are alive they should of course have an existance of their own apart from that of the human world.
The birth of an o
Read more…Sun, Earth, and Animal Kingdom Meditation -- Ashtar -- Now Each Day for the Next Seven Days
Sun, Earth, and Animal Kingdom Meditation
Lord Ashtar
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
To Begin Monday, September 8, 2014 for 7 days for at le
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
I envision a world where humans can peacefully coexist – with themselves and the rest of the sentient life on this planet. A world where man lives in harmony with the plant, animal, and insect kingdoms, and wher
By Lord Ashtar, In English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian
Lord Ashtar
To Begin Monday, April 14, 2014
channeled by Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
Start Your Missi
Read more…Pregnant from a Teardrop?! Essene Christianity, which preaches feminism, vegetarianism, political correcteness, peace (I come not to bring peace but a sword) and a savior who didn't die for our sins named Jesu-Maria or lord and lady christ that oppos
Read more…An Adelaide-based entrepreneur has hit upon a novel method of fighting global warming: he intends to exterminate Australia's vast population of feral camels by means of gunfire from helicopters and jeeps, so preventing the beasts from unleashing a de
Read more…Some of the most amazing guides that come through to help are animals and other species and yet so little time is given to the animals that inhabit this Earth; and their vital impact on our own spiritual awakening.
Animal souls were created before hum
Read more…Hi everyone,
I will give here just the keys of my latest discoveries that are useful for the transition, and not 'how' if found out or so... Just the essentials for now that are useful for everyone. Well, the most important ofcourse is feeling feel
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Revised comment;#2 & #3