Chapter XII
After the discovery, in Egypt, of the City of Gods, Isabel, an archeologist, sets off in search of another quest, this time of inner nature, traveling through different places on the planet. In this pilgrimage, a secret will be re
Read more…The Flood was when Lemuria Sank. Mother Shipton Prophecies are the REAL DEAL. Lemuria will rise from the Ocean, as it does in Secret of Mana Snes. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and Link to the Past, I did my own Rom Hack of the last battle with Gannon t
Read more…Im trying to rebuild my youtube channel, going to be uploading a lot of videos in the next 30 days. This is about Esoteric symbolism in Mario Bros.
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1000 Years of Fabricated History during the Roman church age. Happy New Years, but it isn't 2016. The church reigned with Christ for 1000 years, who is their sacrifice, and the beast the whole world wondered after as the Christ, sun god, Serpent or D
Read more…By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, July 16, 2015 -
I’d like to devote our next few Ra reports to the study of Earth’s history – the history we haven’t been taught in school – so we can know what’s really been going on for t
Read more… SECRET ORDERS go this far back to Atlantis. On this beautiful island formed foreign breeds a beautiful civilization. Everyone had their own role in the whole, and worked with many other worlds and dimensions. In the temples they had connectio
The time has come to reveal how America is Egypt. Hopi Blue Star Prophecy and the Second Exodus. Sacred Sedona and 2 great Positive and Negative crystal energy vortex locations in the world. Secrets of YHWH and Jesus, Agenda 21, the Abomination of De
Read more…Break the ring of bondage....
Hello readers I would like for you all to open your hearts and take a little journey with me regarding the perception of Gaia Consciousness and our planet, if you will. Of course this is only a perception, but would v
Read more…I pretty much lurk on this site to understand how there are some aliens which help and some that harm. I noticed that Jesus Christ is discussed a lot here.
Note that although this in the Soulmates' forum, I don't believe in a "soul mate."
Read more…Star Wars happened in the past. Thoth / Enoch and the ancient Jedai priests, Pyramids, Aliens, etc.
Read more…English is a pictographic language based on Egyptian religious symbols. GOD = 7+15+4=26 letters. English is therefore the word of God, but which God? The one who was slain with the sword yet lived.
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Hey everybody,
I have had Atlantis on the mind lately--quite literally. As that crazy X-class flare shot off the other night, I felt something really release in my left brain in the region beyond my eyebrow and eye down to my nose. It felt like a
Read more…Guest Article: Personal and Planetary Ascension - A Whole Different Ball Game, by Anakya
Copyright © Ben-Arion. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given t
Hello Everyone! I have not been posted anything on this website in months, To be blunt as to the reason why? Everything is in chaos between communications, Everyone is getting "Tweaked" information from various sources. And I would like to Introduce
Read more…DNA through blackholes, reptillians, ancient stargates on Earth and Mars that align with Pleiades, Lemuria 800,000 BC, Time Travel, Pyramids, Enochian language, 5D Hypercube, and much more. Still the best 2012 video, and where are the sequels?
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An absolute MUST SEE about 2012!!! MAJOR announcement concerning coming events in December 2012!!!
This is taken from the Pythagoras Conference held this year in January of 2012.
The Pythagoras Conference is an international "Think Tank" created by
The first person to really detect these objects in the rings of Saturn was Dr. Norman Bergrun and he had noticed that their behavior was highly anomalous. So what he did, he started paying more and more attention and he found that they were behaving
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A Brand New Series i am working on for 2012, about a great many deal of subjects.. ranging from the hollow earth and fall of atlantis, To ancient knowledge & Grey illuminati bloodline agenda.. Also Incorporating modern world events, knowledge of sacr
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Chapter XII