Revised ; #4
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Alexander became a God and died at 33.
The Christians literally revamped the old Pagan temples. Many Popes and Christians were named after Bacchus and Dionysus. Christianity began as a Pauli
Read more…"Is it possible to go above low earth orbit? We have been lied to."
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The Holy Spirit is the Teacher, so why hasn't humanity learned anything? Those who intentionally lie control the world for greed. This is the restoration of things.
HOVA is Horus or the Hori
Read more…America is a corporation. A person is a corporation. Therefore America is a person, and his name is Marduk. Nibiru is one of Marduks 50 Names. There are 50 States based on the 50 names, which are found in t
Read more…The time has come to reveal how America is Egypt. Hopi Blue Star Prophecy and the Second Exodus. Sacred Sedona and 2 great Positive and Negative crystal energy vortex locations in the world. Secrets of YHWH and Jesus, Agenda 21, the Abomination of De
Read more…Woman who slept with over 10,000 men is finally ready for marriage. This is a rare opportunity. It's not everyday you get to sleep with an entire civilization, marry it, and become it's god, er fool.
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To be fit to rule as a Sumerian King, he must have 50 orgasms in a row with a priestess in front of the congregation. This is to act out the story of the demi-god Demuzi and his consort, Inanna, the queen of heaven, who promotes all kings through an
Read more…Do all things happen for a reason? Is every event preplanned by spirits or demons? Can you honestly look at all the suffering in the world and say "this is correct, this is how it should be?" Should everything negative just be regarded as "a learning
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Money was invented in Babylon for temple prostitutes. Follow the history of money in this amazing presentation. Gets into child sacrifice, eating human flesh, and bathing in blood (I just love how he says that so casually) knights templar, freemasons
Read more…On the last Mass Arrests Drake talks about Russian, Chinese troops and says he is white dragon. Chinese secret society challenges Illuminati article, also mentions the Chinese and Russian connection and how their secret society is much bigger then th
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Revised ; #4
The above pic is an…