Former World Banker says Aliens Rule Earth
The Elongated Skulls people have a Necropolis of them beneath the Vatican, and their true Headquarters is Switzerland. They are the Pharaohs from Egypt and the Tares to be removed in Eze 32.
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The Elongated Skulls people have a Necropolis of them beneath the Vatican, and their true Headquarters is Switzerland. They are the Pharaohs from Egypt and the Tares to be removed in Eze 32.
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It seems like the Sun is proving it can be a mother as a well as a son. There are many changes taking place in our solar system, and they tend to coincidence with Mythology and Prophecies for these times. At first I thought the female sun was just an
Read more…As of 2014, the Sun began a 1000 year Solar Minimum. We are entering another Ice Age. This is the 1000 year reign of The New Female Christ, the Woman Clothed with the Sun. "If you do it to the least you have done it to me." The woman is the bride and
Read more…The bull men of the Illuminati have chosen their big bully.
The name Donald means World Ruler. "Gaelic Dumhnall, World-Might ruler of the world. Trump card, or Trumpet. Triumph, to deceive and cheat. "Trionfi" fabricate, devise. The Joker, Trickster
In Heaven there is a woman clothed with the sun, and a 7 headed dragon trying to destroy her. She is given wings of an eagle (America) where she is safe from worldwide Christian persecution. The woman is inside the sun, literally clothed with it, and
Read more…48+ suspicious banker deaths, may be related to a psychic warfare program specifically designed to kill them.
Article for the Banker Deaths:
The Torture Murder Vivis
Read more…To be fit to rule as a Sumerian King, he must have 50 orgasms in a row with a priestess in front of the congregation. This is to act out the story of the demi-god Demuzi and his consort, Inanna, the queen of heaven, who promotes all kings through an
Read more…Are you getting everything you want in life? No, then it's your own fault! What a convenient thing to say for those who have everything and don't want to share anything.
Let's be clear about what's going on here. You watch something like "The Secret"
Read more…TIM Rifat isn't slow to take credit for the recent bankers that are dying en masse. He even offers a service where he will curse and kill them for you online. Killing with psychic means, he claims, is totally legal because the court doesn't believe i
Read more…Planet X, Nibiru, it's real name is Hibiru, an ancient version of the word "Hebrew." Hibiru, it's believed, is the original home of the Hebrews. If this is correct then Earth will finally be liberated from the rule of the ancient gods (the planets) w
Read more…Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia
Sage: Is this really an “accident” or could he be a whistleblower? Either way, truth about offshore funds and hoarding is comin
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Michael Foreman, 48, fell from a fifth-floor balcony in the members’ bar area of the gallery on the South Bank last Tuesday evening.
The banker, who lived in Grays, Essex, with his wife Janet, was reported missing the day before he died.
Horrified witn
Chapter XII