Chapter XII
There is no Rapture without the Azazel Scapegoat Christ who dies for the sins of the world. Christians & Jews are VAMPIRES who sacrifice a "Blameless Lamb" as a scapegoat to transfer the karmic punishment of their sins to an innocent person or animal
Read more…The Universe is unraveled with a single number. CERN discovers 26 dimensions. The end of time may be upon us due to the casting down of God, who is Satan, the son of perdition. There will be "New Heavens and a New Earth," as the Bible declares. "I ma
Read more…The Secret is Out. ConCave Earth is the Bottomless Pit and Lord Steven Christ is Abbadon the Destroyer, king of the Fallen Angels. If you take his fake seal of the Living God, then you forfeit the real Seal
Read more…Not a Harlot, she was an Egyptian Queen.
The Color Scarlet
From its infancy the Christian Church has taught that Joshua son of Nun in the Old Testament was a “type” or “figur
Read more…"And this gospel will be preached throughout all nations, and then the END will come." With good news like that, who needs bad news? "Things only get worse, and then everyone dies." Oh, were you counting on a Rapture after bringing this upon us?
Read more…All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Read more…Martin, and others, is borrowed from Kabbalah, all the Masoni
"Is it possible to go above low earth orbit? We have been lied to."
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I am the real Moonchild, who restores the Gods. Today I defeated 666 and made my greatest video ever.
666 is defeated by 9
0 = no feminine
8 = divine feminine
1+0 = 1
1+8 = 9
4 DMV Enmity, was pu
Read more…The time has come to reveal how America is Egypt. Hopi Blue Star Prophecy and the Second Exodus. Sacred Sedona and 2 great Positive and Negative crystal energy vortex locations in the world. Secrets of YHWH and Jesus, Agenda 21, the Abomination of De
Read more…Yeshua, or YehSes (Jesus) of whom it states in the Revelation will have A NEW NAME when he returns. Yeshua, being a man himself, is not some sort of divine being for you to channel. You are just like the fools who pray to Mary. Both Jesus and Mary re
Read more…Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael were invoked or channeled by Jews and Occultists alike. To the Jews Uriel appears in 2nd Esdras, where he teaches many things to Ezra, and says "This world is made for many, but the world to come is made for few."
Read more…The Unveiling.
Has some of the hardest Gannon fights made with Hyrule Magic ever seen on a SNES. Hard yet actually doable and fun to watch.
Read more…Adam was Satan, Eve was Lilith, the Garden of Eden was Hollow Earth. Adam is also ATUM, the first Egyptian Diety, and Atom. The castrated serpent was Uranus Ouranos Ouroboros. Jesus, the begotten son becomes symbolic with Zeus, Jesus is the rock, Zeu
Read more…Make time capsules for everything. Bury them deep, toss them in the ocean, pray they aren't dug up. Think this is a joke? Look at all the fascinating ancient technology in the past, Egyptian high technology, Lemurian high technoloy, nuclear wars in a
Read more…It has remained sealed until the end. It has been revealed to me. His return and his new name. Satan has gone to great lengths to slow down progress in the word of God as much as possible. The new wine was cut off, by the Locusts of Revelation 9 who
Read more…Jesus was not born from a virgin, ALL his Genealogy came from Joseph. There may have been TWO Jesus with the spirits of Buddha and Zarathustra.
Read more…This is an amazing discovery about the Sacred Geometry involved in the secrets of the Revelation cube shaped 1500 mile new Jerusalem in the Bible. Check it out:
Revelation 21
1 And I saw a new heaven and a new eart
Read more…The connection between Santa Claus, Satan, Sanat Kumara, and the Second Coming of Jesus. Is Santa the true spiritual ruler of this world? Is he Zeus, Yahweh, Lucifer? The God with the white beard, who judges the whole world from above? Red and White
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Chapter XII