Revised comment;#2 & #3
Amen Re is Michael, and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Jonah delivers the Leviathan to be food in the wilderness. This is our true story. How I became Cain and one of two 365 degree Lightbearers of the Living God, born on May 26, the receiving of Ame
Read more…The principle of distinguishing frontier is due to regions and tones of energy and the density of the Universe under the permission of Celestial Hierarchy in order to create frontiers in the small universe or this Earth. Divide the world into differe
Read more…Each soul is an entity which exist separately, extremely separated – until finally that Divine force field Arcs, planets are extremely separated, even they seem similarly copy, they still have particular characteristics! This is the law of evolution,
The Divine power of 108 in Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Gospel of Thomas, Living Christianity.
Read more…We are conditioned to think that hair styling is important and how it makes a cool fashion statement. But in olden times it was a different story. An interesting find revealed that long hair in men was actually related to consciousness or t
Read more…A fascinating look at the genealogy of Jesus and mysteries surrounding the nativity, mainly from the perspective of ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY.
"The name Zarathustra, later also known as Zoroaster (or Nazarathos), means the great lustrous or shining star.
Read more…Jesus was not born from a virgin, ALL his Genealogy came from Joseph. There may have been TWO Jesus with the spirits of Buddha and Zarathustra.
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Read more…Happy Wesak Day for 5 May 2012.I AM University has a special offering on for Wesak Day.Check out: Love and Light, always.~Markus
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Prayer to the Mother of a Thousand Faces.
Kwan Yin, beloved mother of the Humanity ...
We thank you for being with us ...
For inspiring harmony and balance ...
For feeding our soul with kindness and mercy ...
For showing us the way that leads to you.
You a
Contrary to the opinion of some......The truth is a Supreme Being, with a name and a form.This is not just another opinion, but is a definitive provable fact accepted by the great sages andsaints since time immemorial.Information is available in all
Read more…If you’re asking the above question, you’re not going to get the answer because when you’re asking the question from outside, you’re rejecting the answer from inside, especially for this kind of questions – true and realistic answer can never came fr
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Revised comment;#2 & #3