Have a read, everyone, and tell us what you think! Is this what it will sound like?
Well, Jean, I think it’s just that I so long to hear the following speech that I just had to write it myself, so I could have the small comfort of
From our regular group - this time from the Galactics of Lyra. Also available in video on our youtube channel see below*. Posted here for public information for seekers of truth at this time of momentous shift. If it resonates please share with all b
Read more…The Council of Great Holiness Ante Creation informs:
Permanently wipe out the leadership system of Cabal from above; authorize autonomy to mankind and change the role of Freemasons Society.
Recently, Buddha King (Maitreya/Messiah God) has destroyed al
Read more…As of 2014, the Sun began a 1000 year Solar Minimum. We are entering another Ice Age. This is the 1000 year reign of The New Female Christ, the Woman Clothed with the Sun. "If you do it to the least you have done it to me." The woman is the bride and
Read more…The bull men of the Illuminati have chosen their big bully.
The name Donald means World Ruler. "Gaelic Dumhnall, World-Might ruler of the world. Trump card, or Trumpet. Triumph, to deceive and cheat. "Trionfi" fabricate, devise. The Joker, Trickster
I come across 2013 on Disclosure w Paul Hellyer n Steven Greer exc... and disclosure projects and now you have Snowden, and that hacker from England about ET//Ufos but does anyone have anything new with actual starting of contact or?? Are there any a
Read more…Good News everybody!
There will be a new search-engine for Internet coming soon, which is based on truth, independence and freedom.
So now you can put the other corrupt ones in the trash-pin (especially the corrupt one starting on G for instant which i
Read more…Join a Meditation against the cabal/darkness/bad guys today on the 30:th of May (see right time for your country in the info below).
See video here:
See info here: "Free the colonies"
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Current debate on vaccines in the media
You probably heard the debate on vaccines that is going on in the news-media right now. The pharmaceutical companies and media are trying to create a need for increased vaccinations, especially in Europe. The p
Read more…48+ suspicious banker deaths, may be related to a psychic warfare program specifically designed to kill them. http://psychicwarfare.com/
Article for the Banker Deaths: http://www.hangthebankers.com/48-suspicious-banking-deaths/
The Torture Murder Vivis
Read more…To be fit to rule as a Sumerian King, he must have 50 orgasms in a row with a priestess in front of the congregation. This is to act out the story of the demi-god Demuzi and his consort, Inanna, the queen of heaven, who promotes all kings through an
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
There’ll come a time when the cabal’s unable to escape justice, and they’ll be forced to answer for their crimes against humanity. A time when our collective forgiveness will be tested more than it’s ever been,
Read more…Are you getting everything you want in life? No, then it's your own fault! What a convenient thing to say for those who have everything and don't want to share anything.
Let's be clear about what's going on here. You watch something like "The Secret"
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Concluded from Part 1
According to the Great Divine Director, awareness of our interconnected nature will drive us to diminish judgment and condemnation.
“Soon, you will no longer have a need to see enemies
Read more…Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
The planetary elite have been on their last legs for some time now, and when they’re exposed and brought to divine justice, humanity will be tasked with forgiving the very people who’ve oppressed us for centuri
Read more…TIM Rifat isn't slow to take credit for the recent bankers that are dying en masse. He even offers a service where he will curse and kill them for you online. Killing with psychic means, he claims, is totally legal because the court doesn't believe i
Read more…The NSA spying on american citizens is some SERIOUS SHIT. So why would you make a joke about it? HERE IS THE OFFICIAL TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRCTvYprKMg&list=PLQMiRykNdb9gMMVtXlx_9n28NcwauZ4Be&index=0
Read more…
Have a read, everyone, and tell us what you think! Is this what it will sound like?
Well, Jean, I think it’s just that I so long to hear the following speech that I just had to write it myself, so I could have the small comfort of
Hackable bio-robot chip to program and/or kill you if you get out of line is in Law for all Americans no later then March 2013. It was put into law through Obamacare. The operation of mass arrests spoken of by Drake, Fulford, Wilcock, and others has
Read more…Hiya!
Ok, so I understand wanting to know the dark side in order to overcome it. That I get. But when people start using the dark/satanic cabal to explain every little thing.
1) Singers (really?)
2) Hurricanes (again, really?)
Guys, come on. Maybe a sing
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Chapter XII